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My pen Collection


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QUOTE (goodyear @ Mar 9 2007, 05:27 AM)
That Genkai is a monster.

Which Etrurias (Etruriae?) are those?

All in all, very nice. I look forward to the detail shots.

Yes, the Genkai is one huge pen, thats for sure!!! I do have to say this, even though the Genkai is a warhammer, it is a very comfortable pen to use. The section is not too huge and it fits quite nice in the pocket of the hand. I find it one of the most comfortable pens in my collection, then again, I like super OS sized pens. BTW I have small hands!!




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oh, she is doing well, thank you all for asking!!! What I thought was an ear infection turned out to be an ear ache, a few doses of motrin and some ear drops, she has rebound and is playing Barbie and Ken dolls with her sister!!!



BTW Gail, I am in the process of writing you a snail. I hope to have it sent on Monday!!!

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that is one of the most amazing collection I have ever seen wink.gif congrats

Pens are like watches , once you start a collection, you can hardly go back. And pens like all fine luxury items do improve with time


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All I can do is stare at your photos with my mouth agape.

Those are some pens you have. I love the few I have

because of how they feel in my hand, and have never

really focused on their beauty (the difference probably

between being kinesthetic vs. visual). But your display

of pens smacked me right up beside the head visually -

they are stunning.


Do you collect them for their beauty, utility, value, or

some other reason? or some combination of reasons?


Makes me realize I want to refine my thoughts about

why I want to buy more pens when the ones I have now

work pretty well for me.





"I am a galley slave to pen and ink." ~Honore de Balzac


Happy Pan Pacific Pen Club Member!
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random question, and im not trying to thread jack, what pen is in the second picture, (upper right quadrant) far left? the one with orange barrel and black lid?



Edited by brewsky
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That is truly a fabulous collection, the brands, the colours...the size!!! Hat off to you for putting something so wonderful together......I hope you get to use all them thoroughly!!




"Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life,

the whole aim and end of human existence" Aristotle

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