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Kickstarter For Nexus Fountain Pen


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If you're watching this Kickstarter, you'll know that with 29 days still to go it's now passed 500% of its target (£52,689 compared with a £10,000 goal), with 1,250 backers (me included!).


Re the compatibility with the Parker converter, they've now dropped that from their description, in response to queries from me and several others - acknowledging that their claim in this regard was causing some confusion. You can now buy a cartridge converter for the pen for an additional £3, what looks like a Schmidt converter maybe?, but in my books that's a reasonable price for a European-sourced converter. Not yet sure if I'll order one - I've got a fair few spare cheap Chinese doodads floating around - but it's nice, especially for newbies, to have the option.


Now in the works as 'stretch goals' are a leather sleeve/holder for the pen... and a brass body version. Will be interested to see what the latter is likely to cost - though not sure I'm likely to go for it!

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I how how much would the brass body be?


What I really want them to do is to find a nib maker to make them Odd metals nibs. Like bronze or Aluminum or brass or Etc nibs.


the slight issue for this pen is as much I search the bay for a similar pen to this I can't find it. But most people here are pushing the idea of it being fake.

Edited by Icywolfe


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I don't think anyone has suggested THIS pen is a knock-off - that was the Visionnaire pen, which certainly did look like an already-available Chinese model. This really does look like an original design.

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I strongly doubt this is a fake.


I am kind of surprised by how far the designers misunderstood proprietary carts & the basics of how a pen fills, but it they're buying in international standard feeds and recommending buyers use international standard carts/converters, the resulting product should be perfectly fine.


One thing I do hope for is that the cartridge nipple design is well thought out. If they've got a sturdy physical stop for the cartridge - perhaps machined right out of the section itself - great. If they're using a friction fit sleeve glued into the section, meh.

Latest pen related post @ flounders-mindthots.blogspot.com : vintage Pilot Elite Pocket Pen review

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I don't think anyone has suggested THIS pen is a knock-off - that was the Visionnaire pen, which certainly did look like an already-available Chinese model. This really does look like an original design.

Well here see/feel the vibe that all the incongruities of the makers means this is a fake product.


I strongly doubt this is a fake.


I am kind of surprised by how far the designers misunderstood proprietary carts & the basics of how a pen fills, but it they're buying in international standard feeds and recommending buyers use international standard carts/converters, the resulting product should be perfectly fine.


One thing I do hope for is that the cartridge nipple design is well thought out. If they've got a sturdy physical stop for the cartridge - perhaps machined right out of the section itself - great. If they're using a friction fit sleeve glued into the section, meh.

Well some converters looks like they should fit for other companies' stuff. Like my extremely boring day with I put a Platinum cart on a Cross pen. It won't seat properly, but it does seem like it will work.




But the one thing that I keep running back to is. CNCing a block of aluminum is expensive and there is no way price charged could part for the nibs and everything else.

Edited by Icywolfe


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  • 4 weeks later...

The Nexus fountain pen Kickstarter closed today. It had a goal of £10,000 and brought in a total of £104,568 -- a significant level of success no matter how you slice it.


Hopefully this will convince more designers to try fountain pen projects on Kickstarter. Even if this one wasn't to a specific collector's individual taste, if there are enough of them sooner or later we'll all get one we like. ;)


Scribe, Master of Mystic Lore, Young Curmudgeon

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I didn't think it was going to be this successful. Passed their limit like 10 times.


But this is going to be my 1st Titainum nibbed pen.


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or design one yourself. That way you get one you like.


If I had the skills and resources to do so, I would definitely consider it. ;)


Scribe, Master of Mystic Lore, Young Curmudgeon

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If I had the skills and resources to do so, I would definitely consider it. ;)

Or get hired by Pilot and work for them as a designer.


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  • 3 months later...

The latest update, dated December 8, says:


1. They've hidden the intersections between the parts (with pictures -- it does look better).


2. Talks about their sample packaging.


3. Provides the following information re: shipments and such: "The target we have set for our machining supplier is for half of the parts to be finished before the holiday period (19 [Dec] - 5 Jan our factories are mostly closed here in the UK) and the rest in early January. Around 150 pens have been produced so far but we now have an extra two machines at our disposal which will increase productivity dramatically. So we're looking to start shipping around the 15 January - 31 January which unfortunately adds a couple of weeks to the expected shipping date we mentioned previously."


Now, whether the pens will actually ship then -- I dunno. But that's the latest official info.


Scribe, Master of Mystic Lore, Young Curmudgeon

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It's Kickstarter...the best course of action is pay your money and then forget all about it. That way, instead of torturing yourself over missed ship dates, you get a nice surprise when it lands on your doorstep! ;)

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Thanks. I knew it got delayed but didn't see the part you quoted above. That's what I get for a quick skim. I'm not torturing myself over delivery. I half way don't expect it to ever show up. I've had terrible luck with KS. :P

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It's Kickstarter...the best course of action is pay your money and then forget all about it. That way, instead of torturing yourself over missed ship dates, you get a nice surprise when it lands on your doorstep! ;)

Sounds like you bought a Pebble too.

Sorry, not bought. "Funded".

- Jason

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I wondered how long would it take to just line up a few people and tell the 1st guy to screw in the nib then:


2nd guy: push in the converter

3rd guy: dip the pen in ink

4th guy: write a few lines

5th guy: put pen in USC and pull out cleaned pens in USC

6th guy: screw on the rest of the pen and put it in a pile.


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  • 1 month later...

I ordered one (not a backer) and it should have shipped and be here around the end of next week or so.

Has anyone here already received it?

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