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New Lamy Accent Model


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The Accent is one of my favorite pens and for a while it appeared that it was on the way out, as certain models disappeared and few retailers sell it. So I was encouraged to see what looks like a new model on the Lamy corporate web site. It has an aluminum finish and a new wood grip:




It is also available with the previous rubber grip. A little web searching did not turn up anyone selling these in the US yet. I'll be first in line when someone does. If anyone gets one, let us know what you think about it.

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I couldn't wait for this to arrive in the US, so I ordered it from Europe. It's a slight but nice variation from the palladium version. The aluminum body is a cooler color than the warmer-looking palladium and just a touch shinier. The pen comes with a choice of the older rubber grip or a new grey wood one which is very nice. Also, the Lamy logo on the cap appears laser etched rather than printed on. Here's a pic comparing the two:



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  • 2 weeks later...

Those look so nice! The Accent was discontinued here in the US earlier this year, but I wonder if they'd be open to bringing in these new models. I'll see what I can dig up! ;)

I am really sorry to hear these are discontinued in the US. After the 2000 they are much my favorite Lamy pen. (To tell the truth, there are days I like the Accent better!)


So what's going on with Lamy's US distributor? No more parts sales, not selling the full line, geez.

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I do love the Accent and have three Brilliants (gold nib, black lacquer body) - I'm thinking this new wooden section would look good on one of those. I wonder if Lamy will let you buy them separately? That was always an option with Lamy USA in the days before they discontinued the Accent.

Too many pens, too little time!


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The wooden section will be made available separately, don't know yet when.


I got my new Accent from Frank at Fontoplumo and it was a pleasure dealing with him.


amk, I'm glad to hear I'm not the only Accent fan here! Here's a link to a web site that shows all the models and the various grips, at least before the new one.



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