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Videos Of Everyday Handwriting?


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eaccents - your penmanship is exquisite, but I'm curious to see what it looks like if you have to write something quickly - as in normal day to day writing. Can you give us a "quick pic" video of what your handwriting looks like then?


Many thanks, CindyK


"Striving to be a little better, every day..."

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eaccents - your penmanship is exquisite, but I'm curious to see what it looks like if you have to write something quickly - as in normal day to day writing. Can you give us a "quick pic" video of what your handwriting looks like then?


I'm puzzled and curious. Where has eaccents posted a sample of his/her penmanship? All the vids in eaccents' posts are of other people writing, I think. Feel free to correct me if I'm in error.

Edited by BookCat
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I'm puzzled and curious. Where has eaccents posted a sample of his/her penmanship? All the vids in eaccents' posts are of other people writing, I think. Feel free to correct me if I'm in error.


Totally true! I think I've only posted 2 still pics of writing samples somewhere here in the FPN site.


While I'm totally flattered (and will eventually post a video of my work-in-progress everyday handwriting...I'll probably have to use a cell phone to take the video--haven't quite figured out the best way to hold the phone to do that while I write....) by @cyndyk's comment, I do think she has me mixed up with someone else :) Perhaps it is because I used the Quote function to reply to Ken Fraser (who IS a MASTER CRAFTSMAN! :notworthy1: )?

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So, I finally got around to asking someone to help record a vid here at work. Slow day so far, what with it being Saturday and all :P

Pic of the final result after the vid, in case some find it difficult to read in the video. Apologies for the discolouration by the way, I'm using an HTC One, which has known sensor issues (I should get around to fixing that...). And yes, I know I'm moving my wrist too much for this to be considered "proper FP writing", but I only really resort to whole-arm movement when doing flex calligraphy; I rely on forearm movement with my elbow acting as an anchor when I'm just taking down notes. The speed at which I wrote the following sample was my regular journalling one. I do have a faster, notes-only handwriting style, but that's so sloppy as to cause me embarrassment whenever I have to re-read it, so that's not being shared anytime soon!









And yeah, the radio was on. Sorry about the distracting background ambiance, I didn't want to deprive everyone else here of their music XD



"The price of an object should not only be what you had to pay for it, but also what you've had to sacrifice in order to obtain it." - <i>The Wisdom of The Internet</i><p class='bbc_center'><center><img src="http://i59.tinypic.com/jr4g43.jpg"/></center>

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At last, thank you!


Your calligraphic practise definitely shows in your everyday hand which appeared to be written with emphasis on the down stroke. Was that a VP you were using?

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At last, thank you!


Your calligraphic practise definitely shows in your everyday hand which appeared to be written with emphasis on the down stroke. Was that a VP you were using?


Haha, really? I think my hand needs quite a bit of work, myself. Then again, since I have to look at this everyday, I suppose it's only natural that I'm more critical of it :P


Anyway, I don't own a VP sadly (got to try one at a meet though, and it was excellently balanced for me!); that was my trusty LAMY 2000, my second fountain pen, and the one that's always with me wherever I go :)






"The price of an object should not only be what you had to pay for it, but also what you've had to sacrifice in order to obtain it." - <i>The Wisdom of The Internet</i><p class='bbc_center'><center><img src="http://i59.tinypic.com/jr4g43.jpg"/></center>

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So, I finally got around to asking someone to help record a vid here at work. Slow day so far, what with it being Saturday and all :P


Pic of the final result after the vid, in case some find it difficult to read in the video. Apologies for the discolouration by the way, I'm using an HTC One, which has known sensor issues (I should get around to fixing that...). And yes, I know I'm moving my wrist too much for this to be considered "proper FP writing", but I only really resort to whole-arm movement when doing flex calligraphy; I rely on forearm movement with my elbow acting as an anchor when I'm just taking down notes. The speed at which I wrote the following sample was my regular journalling one. I do have a faster, notes-only handwriting style, but that's so sloppy as to cause me embarrassment whenever I have to re-read it, so that's not being shared anytime soon!









And yeah, the radio was on. Sorry about the distracting background ambiance, I didn't want to deprive everyone else here of their music XD









I really like your handwriting. It has a distinctive style, and I think that is an important part of making our handwriting "ours."


Thank you VERY much for posting an example of your everyday hand :thumbup:

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I really like your handwriting. It has a distinctive style, and I think that is an important part of making our handwriting "ours."


Thank you VERY much for posting an example of your everyday hand :thumbup:


Thanks, eaccents! I'm particularly grateful that you changed out "messy" with "distinctive" :P


And no prob, I happened to need to do something to alleviate my boredom yesterday, so I decided that I may as well show off the meager fruits of my daily practise.






"The price of an object should not only be what you had to pay for it, but also what you've had to sacrifice in order to obtain it." - <i>The Wisdom of The Internet</i><p class='bbc_center'><center><img src="http://i59.tinypic.com/jr4g43.jpg"/></center>

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I agree with eaccents, in particular .....making our handwriting "ours."


Your handwriting is both distinctive and attractive. Many thanks for sharing so generously Kevin.


I absolutely love your signature/example at the bottom of the above post.


Pavoni :thumbup:

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Thanks, pavoni! You guys are making me less conscious of my penmanship, so that's something good I guess :P


As earlier stated, I just did it to kill some time while at work.That someone'd actually think my penmanship good came across as a surprise, honestly. I've always thought of it as more utilitarian than attractive (albeit illegible). Still, I suppose the two characteristics aren't mutually exclusive, haha.


And thanks! I executed that signature while I was practising with an oblique holder. I'm pretty sure that the paper was Tomoe River and that the ink was Sailor Souten (it's the only blue ink I use with dip pens), but the nib was either a Hunt 101 Imperial or a Brause 76 Rose. Used to be that I could only execute a proper uppercase "K" in that style out of sheer luck, but I'm getting the hang of it now :)





"The price of an object should not only be what you had to pay for it, but also what you've had to sacrifice in order to obtain it." - <i>The Wisdom of The Internet</i><p class='bbc_center'><center><img src="http://i59.tinypic.com/jr4g43.jpg"/></center>

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I have started a youtube channel and hope to do my first full blown pen review this weekend. The videos are mostly me just playing around with camera setup and lighting. The video quality and lighting gets a little better in each video.




My latest video.





I absolutely love the video, including the music! I have always enjoyed bird and other flourishes, but unfortunately am not artistic enough to do them myself. I subscribed to your YouTube channel and hope you will keep posting new videos.


I hope you are following this thread and will answer a couple of questions. First, could you describe the pens and nibs you are using in the video a bit, especially the second pen used for the first bird?


Thanks and keep up the great videos!!



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That pen was made for me by a friend out of Olive wood from Jerusalem. He turns batches of them occasionally when he has free time. He has a facebook page here. https://www.facebook.com/DetroitPenWorks. It is your standard kit pen and comes with a standard kit pen "iridium point germany" nib. Horrible nibs (from a fountain pen user's standpoint). I removed the nib and replaced it with a vintage Warranted 14k semi flex #4 nib. It writes wonderfully now and makes great bird flourishes. The ink was Visconti Turquoise.


The first pen was a Montblanc 149 with a BB nib I ground a little bit for more line variation and the ink was Montblanc Burgundy. The last pen was a Sheaffer Legacy Fantasy in orange, the ink was Diamine Pumpkin.

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  • 5 months later...

That pen was made for me by a friend out of Olive wood from Jerusalem. He turns batches of them occasionally when he has free time. He has a facebook page here. https://www.facebook.com/DetroitPenWorks. It is your standard kit pen and comes with a standard kit pen "iridium point germany" nib. Horrible nibs (from a fountain pen user's standpoint). I removed the nib and replaced it with a vintage Warranted 14k semi flex #4 nib. It writes wonderfully now and makes great bird flourishes. The ink was Visconti Turquoise.


The first pen was a Montblanc 149 with a BB nib I ground a little bit for more line variation and the ink was Montblanc Burgundy. The last pen was a Sheaffer Legacy Fantasy in orange, the ink was Diamine Pumpkin.


Video is outstanding. Thank you!!!

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