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Differences Between Edson Blue-Gold And Silver-Black


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Hello there,


I am considering buying a Waterman Edson, but find it hard to decide between the Blue-Gold and the Silver-Black version. Since I have no opportunity here to check them out, I would like to ask those esteemed members of this forum who own both pens to describe the difference in appearance and feel between the two versions of the pens.


Thanks for your help!



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I have two Edsons, the "silver black" (officially called the Diamond Black) and an all silver LE.


But I have held the blue gold in the shop. Basically there is no difference except the colour. The section is in resin in both pens, so that won't feel different.


The Silver LE ofcourse does feel different, more heavy, but as the barrels in the blue and in the diamond are resin there's no difference too. Perhaps the coating on the cap will feel a bit different tactile, but that won't matter when writing.


It is just a matter of which colour you like best and the price...




Edited by RMN



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As already stated its which you prefer cosmetically. Still use my blue & gold daily. Had both the diamond black and the silver LE which I sold on here and I still rate the Edson as one of my all time favourite pens. Think I will always own some form of Edson.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The Edson is an amazing pen, in either version. I really believe you'll want both, as I do; but I can say that with the silver black, the barrel almost "glows" as the resin is very thin. This makes for a unique and elegant look. Because of its size, you might consider the the silver/black as it may seems a little more understated than the more colorful gold/blue.

Best regards,
Steve Surfaro
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The Edson is an amazing pen, in either version. I really believe you'll want both, as I do; but I can say that with the silver black, the barrel almost "glows" as the resin is very thin. This makes for a unique and elegant look. Because of its size, you might consider the the silver/black as it may seems a little more understated than the more colorful gold/blue.

Good point


My personal reason for not choosing the blue-gold is that it is a "loud" pen. The Diamond-black looks indeed more understated.






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