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M800 Vs M800 Tortoise Vs M1000


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It's not that bad a differential.... even a quick search finds that pengallery.com has the tortoiseshell at $554 vs $421 for the regular colours.



I just checked and you're right, Eccles, my comment proved to be an exaggeration. The lowest prices I could find were recent sales on martiniauctions, one of the pen stores where I've purchased Pelikan pens show sales prices of $305 for a new green striated M800 and $445 to $465 for the brown striated tortoise version. So the mark up is well under 100% ... more like 50%.

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Thanks for all the info. I suspect like everyone else, in time I might end up picking both up. At the moment I have too many (no such thing I know) daily carry types pens and therefore the m1000 would get preference. I also need to sell a few pens. But will definitely be in the look out for m800 at good prices as well. The tortoise is alluring :)

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I just checked and you're right, Eccles, my comment proved to be an exaggeration. The lowest prices I could find were recent sales on martiniauctions, one of the pen stores where I've purchased Pelikan pens show sales prices of $305 for a new green striated M800 and $445 to $465 for the brown striated tortoise version. So the mark up is well under 100% ... more like 50%.

Darn! I paid $500 for my M800 tortoise!! (in FPN classifieds.) At the time, many sellers wanted a good bit more.

Such is life! I still love the pen and the colour.


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I have two old style m800s one in f and in m and also two pre 2005 m 1000 one in f and one in m and never had a single issue with them, can't say about the tortoise m 800 which I haven't tried

Pens are like watches , once you start a collection, you can hardly go back. And pens like all fine luxury items do improve with time


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Both are good. The full size M1000 nib is a pleasure to write with. A tad smaller M800's nib is also good. The Tortoise brown M800 looks very classy as well.

My collection: 149 EF/F/B/OBB, Collodi B/Twain F/Mann F, 146 M, Silver Barley F, M1000/M800 B'o'B/M800 Tortoise/Sahara/415 BT/215/205 Blue Demo, Optima Demo Red M/88 EF & Italic/Europa, Emotica, 2K/Safaris/Al-Stars/Vista, Edson DB/Carene BS, Pilot 845/823/742/743/Silvern/M90/Makies, Sailor Profit Realo M/KOP Makies/Profit Makies/Profit 21 Naginata MF&M/KOP/KOP Mosaiques/Sterling Silvers,Platinum #3776 Celluloids/Izumos/Wood pens/Sterling Silvers,YoL Grand Victorian, and more (I lost counting)

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