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Vintage Pen Parts - How To Find?


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Hi Everyone - on the advice of a fellow FPN'er, I have moved my question to the "repairs" section - can anyone help?


Hi All,


Hope everyone is doing well!


New to FPN and pen collecting - what a great hobby!


I need some help and was hoping y'all could assist.


I have started getting into repairing my vintage pens (been picking up cheapies here and there) and am having trouble finding parts.


Currently I am looking for replacement parts such as:


-- Conklin Crescent Mark 50 cap

-- Waterman #2 feed/section from a 14k solid gold Edward Todd ringtop

-- Parker Lady Duofold "big red" ringtop cap

-- Waterman 52 BCHR barrel and cap

-- Waterman Thorobred red and green veined cap

-- Parker Vacumatic major cap, jeweled, golden


I have searched and searched the internet and the "bay" but it seems likes these parts are kept by folks who are collectors/sellers.


Anyone have any idea of how I can find the missing parts to my pens?


Any feedback is greatly appreciated - it has been a frustrating month or so of constantly searching without any luck .





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I see you are in CA so you could try the SF Pen Show in August as one very likely source. (Several parts dealers have registered.) There are a number of people that sell parts and a number of other people that have large parts stocks but don't necessarily sell them without the pen(s) in hand to test fit first. Others still will sell parts only when doing a repair.


-- Conklin Crescent Mark 50 cap

I'd need a picture on this one.


-- Waterman #2 feed/section from a 14k solid gold Edward Todd ringtop

Relatively easy to find but feeds/sections can vary a lot in size.


-- Parker Lady Duofold "big red" ringtop cap

Easy one. Would want to test fit the cap on the pen first.


-- Waterman 52 BCHR barrel and cap

Best buying a junk pen from eBay that has a bad nib. This will also give you a feed/section for a 2 sized waterman.


-- Waterman Thorobred red and green veined cap

Cant place this at the moment.


-- Parker Vacumatic major cap, jeweled, golden

Easy cap to find. Again you would want to test fit it on the pen.


One other option, if you are in the SF Bay area, bring the pens to a pen club meeting or a Pen Gathering (aka Pen Posse at Peter's Cafe) and someone there should be able to help out.

Note that some parts can get expensive.



Edited by FarmBoy

San Francisco International Pen Show - The next “Funnest Pen Show” is on schedule for August 23-24-25, 2024.  Watch the show website for registration details. 

My PM box is usually full. Just email me: my last name at the google mail address.

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Hi All,


Thanks for the replies and advice.


Sounds like I am going to have to just stick with it, scour the net and wait for the pen show to come back to SoCal.


Wish I could make it up to NorCal for the SF show and/or join the Santa Cruz club but with me being in SoCal it is too tough a drive...



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L.A.pen Show is in Manhattan Beach Presidents Day Weekend 2015. Long wait but worth it.

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