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Exploring Opinions: How Much Does Nib Creep Matter To You?


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Not really any specific point. Have just noticed a vast array of opinions on nib creep. Some people really get bothered by it, others don't really care. It's said it doesn't effect the performance of the pen. Just more of a visual thing. Do you downgrade a pen slightly or an ink if it tends to have nib creep? I know there are quite a few people who do. Just thought it would be interesting to throw it up and see what everybody's thoughts were. Personally I don't really mind it unless it's something outrageous.




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Personally I don't really mind it unless it's something outrageous.




Same here.

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I sometimes feel a pang of paranoia, worrying the ink will stain the coating. Then I realize I'm just being silly. I like a little nib creep, it makes the process of writing with the pen feel a little more organic, if that makes sense.

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I seldom notice it. Sometimes I see some ink on the nib in places it should not be. Then I forget about it the next second.


On an inlayed nib it can get nasty, because it may stain your fingers.


I once had something I would call nib-pour. The ink just came dripping out of the nib. That was strange. I never used that ink any more (Diamine Teal) but it may have been a badly seated converter. Still don't know and never had it since.





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Absolutely hate it. It's like an engine that leaks a little oil...


Both are an indication of something not working as designed.

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C'mon, gang! We have known how to fix the nib creep problem for years.

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It didn't bother me until yesterday when my new pen had nib creep that turned into nib leak that got my fingers all inky. I'm not quite sure how that happened since I don't hold the pen at the nib. Hopefully it'll creep less with a different ink. Otherwise, there's been some level of creep with all but two of my pens, and I don't see any problem with it.


Paddler, if there's something I don't know, please share. I'm new to FPs, and all I found about nib creep was that some inks do it in some pens and we should just live with it (roughly paraphrased). If there's something I can do to stop the extreme creep on my new pen, I'd like to know. Thanks.

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This may be odd, but I prefer there to be less nib creep on my more expensive pens. It my opinion it can ruin the classy motif of the nib.

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It is a pet peeve. :sick:


To suppress the nightmare onslaught of creeping ink, I tried festooning the writing table with wreathes of garlic, but no dice; and thought bagpipe music might do the trick, but Member Ghost Plane nixed that idea. My next attempt at suppression might be to sprinkle a bit of 'special' water into creepy inks. (Post № 37 https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/index.php/topic/255965-noodlers-54-massachusetts/?p=2832030 )


I have a lingering suspicion that nib creep also indicates that the ink is creeping into places under hood of hooded nibs that makes clean-up a bit onerous.




Edited by Sandy1

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Love it too. It's as beautiful as the thin film of oil on a piston rod. Best of all with inks that sheen, so you get an iridescent shimmer on the end of the nib. :cloud9:


I only wish I could enjoy it more, but I don't focus my eyes on the nib when I'm writing.

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Haven't experienced it much, except with Diamine Ancient Copper, and it was more crud than creep! :o I don't like it and wipe it off with a tissue.

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I don't mind the nib-creep if I like the color. Diamine Violet nib-creep is nice. I would like to see some nib-creep in Montblanc Irish Green and Sheaffer Red and maybe Aurora Blue. Black-ink nib-creep, on the other hand, is always bad. It looks sooty and filthy to me, I can't stand it on gold or gold-plated nibs, and so I avert my eyes with Noodler's Black.

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Love it.


Makes me feel the ink has been hard at work doing it's thing.

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I don't mind the nib-creep if I like the color. Diamine Violet nib-creep is nice. I would like to see some nib-creep in Montblanc Irish Green and Sheaffer Red and maybe Aurora Blue. Black-ink nib-creep, on the other hand, is always bad. It looks sooty and filthy to me, I can't stand it on gold or gold-plated nibs, and so I avert my eyes with Noodler's Black.

+1 black nib creep is ich. Don't mind a little bit for other colours
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