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Paper Trail........


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i was looking for something, when I came upon this article...


I found it to be an interesting read... with points of view from someone knowledgeable...


hope everyone enjoys it as well



article--- paper trail



good day




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  • plc123


  • scrivelry


Thanks for posting this!


I found that very interesting, and a good overview of the differences between some things I've read about here. The contact list at the end is useful and there are a few things mentioned I'd like to try.


It says that some paper manufacturers have special inks to go with their papers but I didn't see them mention which manufacturers or which inks. Some of the comments - like ink degrading after a year, or inkwells becoming popular along with fountain pens - seemed to me perhaps not quite accurate. Small home goods in general became more available during the 19th century because of industrialization of their manufacture, and I don't think there were a whole lot of what we call fountain pens available in 1830.


I agree that ten or fifteen years ago tech was the new kid on the block that everyone wanted, and now that we all know how to empty our spam filters we yearn for more personal communication - and if people with significant disposable income want to buy fountain pens, paper and ink as status objects more power to them as it keeps these things being manufactured for the rest of us.


It is also nice to know that if I ever have way, way more money than I can imagine Crane's will make me a paper with my own watermark. I should start thinking about what I'd like as a design...


Shame they didn't mention wax seals...

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@ scrivelry


as far as wax seal goes... there is an excellent compilation of different wax seals designs and wax seal manufacturers on fpn.


of these dexterseals have the most intricate , expensive and made to order seals. I would be thinking of designing one of these seals for myself when I have money to burn. :P


@plc123 ...glad you liked it. : )

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The article shows the use of pen and paper as elitist, in the sense that "if you want quality, you will have to pay big bucks".


But, at FPN we know that ink doesn't need to be replaced every year and that 18k might not be way more enjoyable that 14k, on a nib, that is.

Funny, my steel nibs don't scratch paper! :lol:


I find some of the "client stories" ridiculous and the "exclusive brands" name dropping, even more so. :lticaptd:


I agree that the great advantage of paper, inkwell and desk accessories is how much personalisation can be offered with them and how much, they, along with fountain pens, are adding warmth to communication or any kind of writing.


I find Triumph stationery and Herbin ink to be a great match!


I think Herbin sells seals and sealing wax with motifs, it is a great way to personalize stationery at a reasonable price.


Perhaps our own LedZepplinGirl is going to become a player in the field of personalized stationery.


We also have a great number of pen makers on this board, as well as many journals, pen cases and other accessories makers.


Personal experience and time on this forum have shown that the use of fountain pens and all things associated with them can be enjoyed by a child, a teen or an adult at a reasonable price and with much gusto. :wub:

Edited by Anne-Sophie

Is it fair for an intelligent and family oriented mammal to be separated from his/her family and spend his/her life starved in a concrete jail?

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