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Pressure In Ink Bottle?


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I just opened a brand new bottle of ink (Private Reserve Avacado). While doing so it sounded like opening a soda bottle; you could hear the pressure escaping. I've never encountered this in the half dozen or so ink bottles I've used before. I've come to ask the fountain pen gurus:

  1. Is the ink ok? It writes and smells fine, but could there be something wrong with it (like with too much pressure in a can of soup)?
  2. Is this normal? Is it just by chance I've never seen this before? Or is this unique to Private Reserve inks (this is my first PR bottle)?

Thank you for sharing your wisdom.

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If it is a new bottle, and you do not see any SITB or anything growing on the surface, it is probably just pressure difference between where you are and where the bottle was filled.If you are at a higher elevation than where the ink was packed, that would do it. Temperature differences can account for it as well. I have had this happen before with a few bottles and nothing bad ever followed.

Some people say they march to a different drummer. Me? I hear bagpipes.

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If it is a new bottle, and you do not see any SITB or anything growing on the surface, it is probably just pressure difference between where you are and where the bottle was filled.If you are at a higher elevation than where the ink was packed, that would do it. Temperature differences can account for it as well. I have had this happen before with a few bottles and nothing bad ever followed.


Agreed. I've had this happen with several bottles too and the ink was fine.

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The ink is fine. If you want a giggle, look up the threads about opening Akkerman bottles. One FPNer (not me) who won't post pictures (again, not me), opened his bottle after it had been shipped from the Netherlands (below sea level), via air to a nice high mountain area.


Forget the whoosh sound, the ink escaped.


Alas, no pics.



Ooops wrong youtube video, but I love it.


Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

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Thank you all for your advice. It's good to know this is a normal occurrence and that the ink is fine.

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I had begun to think that there was organic life in your ink bottle that was feeding on the ink and producing gas, which caused the poof sound, but amberleadavis' explanation is much more plausible, given that the bottle was sealed (wasn't it?). The ink wanted to escape real bad because of a pressure difference.


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I had begun to think that there was organic life in your ink bottle that was feeding on the ink and producing gas, which caused the poof sound, but amberleadavis' explanation is much more plausible, given that the bottle was sealed (wasn't it?). The ink wanted to escape real bad because of a pressure difference.


But your way sounds like a horror movie in the making.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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I had begun to think that there was organic life in your ink bottle that was feeding on the ink and producing gas, which caused the poof sound, but amberleadavis' explanation is much more plausible, given that the bottle was sealed (wasn't it?). The ink wanted to escape real bad because of a pressure difference.


That was my initial worry too. I've never head of a new, sealed bottle coming with mold, but I wanted to double check before inadvertently sending contaminated letters :-)


But yea, the explanation offered by amberleadavis and AndrewC seems far more likely, especially since there was no SITB. I live at sea level, so a difference in altitude couldn't be the source of the pressure. However, we had a cold winter, so a temperature difference between bottling and opening could be the culprit.




But your way sounds like a horror movie in the making.


The (Ink) Blob!

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