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The Tombow Zoom 505 has been working well for me. Solid construction, pocket friendly, and reasonably attractive. Runs about $30.

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The Tombow Zoom 505 has been working well for me. Solid construction, pocket friendly, and reasonably attractive. Runs about $30.


The Tombow Zoom 505 mechanical pencil has intrigued me for some time. That's because it is capped and has a matching rollerball to go with it. The thing that has been putting me off is the price - around thirty bucks just for the pen OR pencil. That's around sixty USD for the pair. Hmmm....

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Faber Castell Grip Plus 0.7mm with B grade Uni Nano Dia leads. Its a bit ugly to look at but I've bought scores of different mechanical pencils over the years and this one is just a joy to use. The long plastic eraser in the top is also really great. Its not a precious device but for a pencil that doesn't matter to me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I bought a Loclen Spica mechanical pencil last month and I love it. Lead is 0,7 mm it's twist mechanism, it doesn't have the little rubber eraser but I really like this pen and I am thinking of pairing it the ball point version. Very new and nice design and flawless finishing.

Here is the link to some pictures:





Good choice. I have both of them and I love them.

I completely agree.

Unique design and flowless manufacturing. really a pen out of the ordinary.

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I highly recommend the Rotring 600, or in your case, the 800 because it can retract. I also really like the Pentel Graphgear 500 and other Graphgear pencils.


I use my Rotrings as much, if not more than, my daily carry fountain pens because of my job.

Edited by CaptainBA

I'll keep on struggling, 'cause that's the measure of a man.

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Rotring 600 or Pilot S20 pencil. I like the latter because it's exceptionally well-balanced and feels just right in the hand from the get-go. The Rotring 600 required some adjustment on my part, but now feels comfortable to use as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...


He-he. Actually isn't it "rOtring"?

Oops haha, here it is:



(did target steal their logo from rotring?!? :P)


I own the rapid PRO 0.7mm, it's a great pencil, the sleeve isn't as long as my GraphGear 1000. It is made in stainless steel, so it might be a bit heavy. It's a slim pencil, pocket safe, very well built (dropped it couple of times :bawl: ). The knurled grip is excellent, it's not as weird as the GraphGear to me.


Two great pencils that I use everyday (more than my fountains, since I do a lot of calculations and draftings in my engineering school), have them for about year and I would buy again. (I used these PaperMate pencils with the rubber grips prior to that, I HATE rubber grips, same reason why my mouse doesn't have one!)


Argh I'm necroposting.

Edited by zepp

Careful when buying a bird.. you'll end up with a flock before you know it.

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The Faber-Castell Grip 0.7 is one of the best pencils I've ever had, and it's quite affordable.


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The Faber-Castell Grip 0.7 is one of the best pencils I've ever had, and it's quite affordable.



Does it really only come in 0.7mm?


That's the one lead size that I can't tolerate.



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In the end, there will be only one:




It's a Parker 51 Flighter, makes the other alternatives look homely at best by comparison. May be tough to find one by itself, more often comes with a companion fountain pen, probably in the order of $300 or so for a set on Fleabay. Time to lurk and snipe!!! ;)

Nihonto Chicken

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Does it really only come in 0.7mm?


That's the one lead size that I can't tolerate.




Uh, I don't know...

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I have a Rotring 600, but like the Alvin Draft-matics just as well, and they are cheap enough I don't have to worry about losing them. I just picked up some three piece sets (one each .5, .7 and .9) for $25 per set with free shipping on Amazon.


My elegant dress pencil is a vintage Pelikan 450.

Save the Wahls!

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Over the past 30+ years I have had two or three mechanical pencils. In high school in the early to mid 70's I had just some cheap one (which I still have, but it has some issues) that I picked up in the school bookstore. In the 1980's I started using mechanical pencils that came in ballpoint/pencil sets from Parker. I have had a couple of those - and still do. I have a 45 Flighter set, a Classic or Insignia (forget which) flighter style set as well. They have served me well. I think the first set was purchased in 1985. And I still use it.


"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind" - Rudyard Kipling
"None of us can have as many virtues as the fountain-pen, or half its cussedness; but we can try." - Mark Twain

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Since you want something pocket friendly, I can't recommend the Pilot S3 or any of the S series, and I wouldn't recommend the Uni Kuru Toga. I'd suggest looking at the Pilot Custom pencils. I rather like the Pilot Custom Heritage 91. It looks like it may be a good thing for you. For Lamy, I like the Scribble 3.15 mm, but it only holds two leads and is a leadholder, so that's out. I'm not a big fan of the Lamy 2000 pencil.



Stolen: Aurora Optima Demonstrator Red ends Medium nib. Serial number 1216 and Aurora 98 Cartridge/Converter Black bark finish (Archivi Storici) with gold cap. Reward if found. Please contact me if you have seen these pens.

Please send vial orders and other messages to fpninkvials funny-round-mark-thing gmail strange-mark-thing com. My shop is open once again if you need help with your pen.

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