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Pilot Justus 95 Review. Photos+Written Review


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Some other things. The design for me gets a Solid A+. The Nib is an A- with some down marks for railroading under pressure. The cost is a C. It's an expensive pen. It is however a VERY solid pen. The nib is a joy to write with. It can be had for around 312 in the states and if you want to roll the dice on an japan ebay import, 270 to 290 shipped. You will not regret the purchase. Overall a Solid A- Edited by Penryn87
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I bought one of these over Christmas. I really love the pen. In fact, it nearly displaced my previous favorite, a Pilot Custom 823. It is just possible that if it had a built in filling mechanism, it would have displaced the other pen.


I like how it looks, I like the flex, I don't have railroading problems, and I love the way it feels. It's just a wonderful pen.


As the OP notes, it is too expensive. But I love it.

Proud resident of the least visited state in the nation!

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I bought one of these over Christmas. I really love the pen. In fact, it nearly displaced my previous favorite, a Pilot Custom 823. It is just possible that if it had a built in filling mechanism, it would have displaced the other pen.


I like how it looks, I like the flex, I don't have railroading problems, and I love the way it feels. It's just a wonderful pen.


As the OP notes, it is too expensive. But I love it.



I've been holding back but now it's getting more and more difficult to restrain my rational self.


In a world where there are no eyes the sun would not be light, and in a world where there were no soft skins rocks would not be hard, nor in a world where there were no muscles would they be heavy. Existence is relationship and you're smack in the middle of it.

- Alan Watts

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I got my Justus 95 at the LA Pen Show in March (?). At first, I just used it with a purple Pilot ink cartridge, and it worked fine. Then I tried some other kind of ink injected into the empty cartridge (Aurora Blue maybe), and I had a little dry writing issue. I started using Iroshizuku Yu-Yake, and it's been great with that. Actually, overall I'd say that Yu-Yake and Yama Budo have been fantastic inks in almost any pen that I have issues with. They're pretty much my go-to inks if I find that a pen is acting quirky or problematic.


Anyway, if I'd had the choice, I think I would have liked the barley patterned version of the Justus 95, but the ribbed version I have is nice enough. It is one of my larger pens.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Are the original scans from a Medium nib? I just recently got a Fine, but I'm finding it just a bit too fine... curious if anyone has tried the Fine-Medium option. It seems those ones are only available form Japan.

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