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Inky T O D - Ink Colors At Work?


Colors in the Office  

134 members have voted

  1. 1. Check every color you use, and tell us about it.

    • Black
    • Blue
    • Red
    • Yellow
    • Purple
    • Green
    • Orange
    • Blue-Black
    • Turquoise
    • Retinal Searing Colors (BSB etal) They aren't like any other ink.
    • Burgundy (or Wine colors)
    • All the other great colors
    • Brown

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So what inks do you use that "pass" for black?

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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So what inks do you use that "pass" for black?

Visconti black and Pelikan brilliant black.

... Never underestimate the power of human stupidity ...


Keep track of the progress in my quest for a less terrible handwriting here: http://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/index.php/topic/262105-handwriting-from-hell-a-quest-for-personal-improvement/?do=findComment&comment=2917072

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I work as a design engineer, and have to mark up drawing all the time, so by company convention, I carry around a minimum of: One dark color that can pass as black, one blue-ish or purple-ish color, and one red color. If I happen to have more pens inked up (I dislike having more than 3 pens inked at a time), then I'll use whatever for my own notes.



So what inks do you use that "pass" for black?



Visconti black and Pelikan brilliant black.



Okay Coop, I can see your black mood from here. :P I meant what does Yardbab use?

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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Okay Coop, I can see your black mood from here. I meant what does Yardbab use?


Lately: Noodler's Zhivago and Diamine Eclipse. I've been meaning to pick up a bottle of Private Reserve Chocolat, after trying a sample a while back. I've also got some SBRE Brown on the way, but that might be a little too Brown (Won't stop me from trying, though).

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I use dark purples when I want black. Brown is an excellent choice.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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I keep going back to Diamine Macassar (brown-black) for anything formal at all needing a signature.


In the Irish Channel of

New Orleans, LA

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I generally stick to dark colours for work. For the most part I use dark blues/blue-blacks, which sometimes manage to match our uniform colour, and greys/browns/black when I feel the need for a change.

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Most of the times I use purple, especially Diamine Imperial Purple. Since I'm the only one using fountain pen in the entire company, no matter what color I use, still remaining the black swan. I work as a software developer, so you can imagine... :)

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I've marked black, blue, red, purple, green, blue-black, turquoise, and burgundy.

I've used all my blacks at work: Borealis, MB-Simplo with SuperCleaner SC21, Parker Permanent Black Quink with Solv-X, Platinum cartridge black, and even Bad Black Mocassin. I work with medical records, and always have black in at least two pens, as compliance requires that all writing in the record be in black ink.

But then there are all sorts of things I write upon which don't go into the medical record, and I'll use anything I have for those.

Colors used include Noodler's Blue, a bottle labeled Waterman Florida Blue that is either lying or evaporated (it's quite a bit darker and more lightfast than I'd expect of a washable blue ink), Widow Maker, Waterman Purple, my four purple samples (Noodler's Violet and Purple Martin, Diamine Damson, and De Atramentis Aubergine, which I intend to buy), Diamine Sherwood, Chesterfield Archival Vault (aka Diamine Registrar's), Sheaffer Skrip Turquoise, and Noodler's Red-Black, which has been the default workhorse ink in my Pelikan M200 for years. The red and turquoise are mostly used for markup. The red in particular doesn't stand out very well on outguides.

I don't really have a brown. Red-black strikes me as a burgundy these days. But I want Iro Yama-Guri.

I've only recently returned to a fountain pen after many years away. Hah.


So - I'm currently experimenting.


Noodler's Black at the moment. In a 50's Montblanc 144 XF Oblique. But I'm finding it is taking too long to dry, so this will be changing soon. Noodler's is the blackest I've seen so far, but is taking too long to dry. I will try loading up Aurora Black. It's very close to being as black as Noodler's Black, but not quite. Will see if it drys quick enough for me. This is on cheap notebook paper BTW.


Russ, my cubemate has a 4.5 oz bottle of Noodler's Heart of Darkness, which dries a lot quicker than Black. In fact, his sample of Black would smudge 20s after writing, even on copy paper and post-its. Dilution helps this sort of behavior, or it has for me with Red-Black, which is what it says on the bottle -- a mix of Noodler's Red and Noodler's Black. But in general, we find that Heart of Darkness dries quick enough to pose no smudging problems.

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Noodler's Heart of Darkness

Diamine Majestic Blue

Faber-Castell Hazelnut Brown

Blend of Pilot Iroshizuku Kon-peki and Asa-gao


I use all of them at home and work, depending on what I'm writing.

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I always have my Preppy filled with Noodlers Black on me and it writes perfect on even the cheapest of papers. I also started writing with Noodlers Dumas Tulipe Noir. I also occasionally throw one of my various reds in the pass down log (notes for next shift). I used Montblanc Royal Blue a few times but it feathers noticeably, which doesnt bother my coworkers but it annoys my OCD.


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I'm a self-employed artist, working from home, so 'work' inks have a different meaning for me. I do like highly saturated inks and if they have some shading & permanency it's a plus. My go-to inks are Noodler's (I know, not to everyone's taste,) but have found quite a few with all the above qualities: Noodler's Navy (a dark teal-turquoise), Red/Black (a dark burgundy red-brown), Walnut (cool dark chocolate), Kiowa Pecan (warmer yellow-red brown) and Lexington Grey. Nearly every Noodler's black comes with waterproof qualities, but being black, without shading. Blacks I use: HOD, X-Feather and BPB.

Lexington Gray is a lovely shady, pencil lead-colored gray. Bold enough to make a statement, but a very nice shader and permanent to boot! It's great in my Pelikan M405 Stresemann.

I have used all of the above for check signing and form filling.

Edited by eyesa
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