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Noodlers Bad Belted Kingfisher (Scanned Review W/ Test)


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A scanned review of Noodlers Bad Belted Kingfisher, including a torture test with hot water and bleach. I was able to get some color to spread, but the original line remained on the page until the paper started coming apart with the bleach. The scanner doesn't capture all of it, but even the Q-Tip with water managed to chew up the surface of the paper to get the smear I did. Pretty neat stuff. The review did scan "color correct" and in looking at this on a color calibrated monitor (I do a bit of photo work, and calibration is critical) I can say that the color here is true to what is on the paper. Please feel free to comment or ask any questions.


13957469212_3961123520_b.jpgNoodlers Bad Belted Kingfisher

Edited by _Stormin_
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Thanks for posting this. I've always been intrigued by Noodlers Bad Blue Heron and Bad Blue Kingfisher.


How well does this flush out of the pen?

WTT: My Lamy 2000 Fine nib for your Lamy 2000 Broad nib.

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I use a bulb syringe to flush the nib, and 2 oz of water will do it. The nib then just needs a bit of a rinse and the converter a few run throughs with warm water. Works just fine.

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Looks somewhat like Diamine Indigo....

In a world where there are no eyes the sun would not be light, and in a world where there were no soft skins rocks would not be hard, nor in a world where there were no muscles would they be heavy. Existence is relationship and you're smack in the middle of it.

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Hmmm. Mine doesn't look quite this blue. Has that indefinable tealish feel to it that many of Noodler's blues seem to have.

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Hmmm. Mine doesn't look quite this blue. Has that indefinable tealish feel to it that many of Noodler's blues seem to have.


Very odd. I have no teal at all when I write with it. I may try on some different papers to see if that brings it out.

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I'm a big fan of BBK now, but it wasn't on my radar until I got a letter from an FPN'er written in this ink. I was entralled, but didn't recognize it. When I found out it was Noodlers Bad Belted Kingfisher, it was my next ink purchase.


I get great shading from it when paired with my medium nibbed Parker "45" Flighter or my Rotring Freeway, also medium.

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