Inky T O D - Which Ink Properties Are Most Important To You?
Most crucial ink properties
120 members have voted
1. What ink properties are the most important to you in choosing an ink?
Color - I want a specific color or shade.
Sheen - I love sheen (not Charlie).
Shading - I love to see it shade.
No Bleed Through - I can't stand it when it has dots on the other side.
No Show Through - I won't buy it if I can read it on the flip side.
No Feathering - If I want feathers, I'll buy a bird.
Easy to Clean - I hate when it clogs my pen, or won't flush out.
Non Staining to the Pen - I hate to see that once clear area no longer clear.
Wet Writer - I want the ink to flow out fast.
Dry Writer - I want the ink to make the pen decide how fast that ink comes out.
Does not quickly dry out in the nib - My pen better start upon demand and never dry out while I'm writing. In fact, I like to leave it unused and uncapped for minutes at a time.
Fast Dry - Hey, I write fast or I'm a lefty and this ink needs to dry quickly.
Reasonable Dry Time - I don't need it to dry fast, but seriously, it had better dry within 10 seconds.
Smudge Resistant - Once it's dry, I don't want to see any smudges.
Water Proof - Or proof against important things like Coffee, Tea, Soda and Whiskey.
Fade Proof - Yeah, I may not be putting it in a caboose window, but I want it to last at least a decade.
Washable or Erasable with an ink eradicator - It's not just for kids, I need to wash away the proof.
No nib creep - because I think it's sort of creepy. Ink doesn't belong on the nib pretending to be artwork.
No nib crud - because crud is worse than creep ... I don't want my ink to crystalize on the nib, it scares me.
Shows up under UV lights or other fraud resistant trait ... I keep black lights around for such inky occurrences.
Not chalky - Hey opaque is all fine with me, but chalky makes me queasy.
Super Saturated Color - if I want it lighter, I'll dilute it.
Low Saturated Color - I want to have my writing and doodles to look like water colors or pastels.
Well, see, I NEED that bottle.
Price - I'm on a budget baby!
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