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Parker 25 Spare Parts?

Jdm dc2

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I've just bought a couple of P25's to add to the one I already had, making it a set of three ( FP's). Battersea Pen Home have sadly run out of nibs, but do supply the nib collar. I've ordered the nib collar and pen clip in green, but in order to replace the clip, I think I need to pop out the end cap. How is it this done - simply push down on the end cap? Is there a technique involved?


If anyone knows of where I can get a green end cap, that would be appreciated. Cheers.

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The cap just pushes out ... I use a wooden rod to do it ... BUT ... I advise you to wash the cap out, and soak it in warm water with a drop of washing up liquid in it for a short time before you try just to clean out any old dried up ink that make be sticking it all together.

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I've just bought a couple of P25's to add to the one I already had, making it a set of three ( FP's). Battersea Pen Home have sadly run out of nibs, but do supply the nib collar. I've ordered the nib collar and pen clip in green, but in order to replace the clip, I think I need to pop out the end cap. How is it this done - simply push down on the end cap? Is there a technique involved?


If anyone knows of where I can get a green end cap, that would be appreciated. Cheers.


Hi Nottmbantam,


As Captivelight mentioned, give it a good soak first. I strip these pens in a matter of seconds with the right tools. Just take your time. When you hit the inner cap use some thing like wood or plastic with a flat end and a diameter smaller than the hole or you will mark it. Stand it on a hard flat surface and give it a sharp, hard, quick knock. If you go in half hearted and keep tapping it your more likely to damage / mark the inner cap. Green inner caps are hard to come by on their own. Do you need a new inner cap? Can't you use the one you currently have again?


If you get really stuck I'll do it for you for free!


More info on P25's at my website;



Kind regards,



Ex Parker Pen Toolmaker, Newhaven, England.


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Hi Daryl ,


Thanks for the advice. I've ordered a green clip and green nib collar so ideally would also want a green inner cap. I'd have to pop out the inner cap to replace the clip so whilst I'm at it, would be great to get a green inner cap.


Not found one so far, and haven't yet received the clip so haven't attempted it. Very kind of you to offer, but I'm in Saudi Arabia - would be tricky getting th peen to you!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well - ordered the green clip and green nib collar from Battersea Pen Home, and it arrived yesterday here in Saudi. Opened up the pacakge and was most pleasantly surprised to find a green inner cap along with the clip and nib collar. Fitted it last night , took a few mins to do, basically used a pencil with an eraser on the end to push out the old inner cap. New one looks great. Have the full set now - blue, black ( for my red ink ) and green. Can't find the all elusive Orange though...

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