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Edelstein Inks Fading On Moleskine?


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A few weeks ago I tried some of my inks and pens on Moleskine paper and have left the paper on a table. It has not been exposed to sunlight.

Two Pelikan Edelstein inks has faded. Ruby has almost disappeared and Turmaline has faded a bit. Has anyone else experiensed this? Is it the ink or the paper? Or perhaps the combination? Some of the other inks seem to have changed slightly in colour.

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Strange. Maybe its the left over alkalinity/acidity on the paper? From what I can tell most papers are a bit acidic from the manufacturing processes.I haven't noticed topaz (my only edelstein ink) fading.

Edited by superglueshoe
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I love Edelstein inks and use Jade and Tanzanite almost daily and have not had any problem with them.

I think Moleskine is acid free and no ink should fade in only four weeks.

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You'd be suprised at how quickly quink fades haha. But yes I agree your inks shouldn't be doing that.

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You'd be suprised at how quickly quink fades haha. But yes I agree your inks shouldn't be doing that.

Quink? I have been using that for 35 years and never experiensed any problems with fading.

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Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

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Quink? I have been using that for 35 years and never experiensed any problems with fading.

oh? Maybe I'm buying from a bad batch then.
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Amber: Fortunately I have not written much with these inks yet. I will do some more tests on different kinds of paper and see what happens in another four weeks. If I get this result on more paper I will definitely write to Pelikan.

I would really like lightfastnessrating on ink bottles.

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Here is a photo that shows the faded inks. The lines with the pen names have been filled with ink a second time. But that has started fading too. The paler lines were written four weeks ago.post-108304-0-46432100-1397465604_thumb.jpg

Edited by Tanzanite
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OH my, I've never had it happen that fast except in direct sunlight. Time to contact them.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

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I look forward to seeing the results of your tests.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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This is my first report. I wrote on Moleskine and Leuchtturm with some of my inks. The ones to the left have been in notebooks and the ones to the right on a table not in direct sunlight. P E Ruby has already faded quite a bit on both papers bur worse on Moleskine. Turmaline has also faded and so have Violette Pensee and Tender Purple on M most.

After ONE week! I will stop buying ink...


On Moleskine

The second line is Turmaline. Sorry.




On Leuchtturm



Edited by Tanzanite
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I think you should contact Pelikan, that can't be correct. Something is off with that bottle. I'll go find some of my old writings and see what I can find.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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Yes I probably should contact Pelikan. It might be from a bad batch. Other inks fade too but this is extreme.

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  • 3 months later...

I've been using Pelikan Edelstein Sapphire in a Leuchtturm notebook since the beginning of the year, and I've noticed some pretty serious fading:




Both pages were written with the same ink, same pen, same paper, on the dates shown. The photo was taken on the latter date. The sample on the left looked like the one on the right when it was first written.


It's really too bad, because I like the colour of the ink when it first goes down on the Leuchtturm paper (I find it too purple on most other papers).

Edited by stefanv

Stefan Vorkoetter

Visit my collection of fountain pen articles at StefanV.com.


A pen from my collection:


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Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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i would try some japanese inks, they tend to make them locally to the best of their knowledge instead of outsourcing globally to the lowest bidder.

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i would try some japanese inks, they tend to make them locally to the best of their knowledge instead of outsourcing globally to the lowest bidder.


The sailors are faders too. Except for your Apricot... too cool.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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