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Maybe The Luckiest Wahl Eversharp Find


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Maybe the luckiest WAH-EVERSHARP find for me happened in reverse! The pens found me! After a goodly number of years one begins to establish a decent reputation for being a conservator of the brand one is devoted to. Sometimes I am glad to say people who feel equally committed to the brand get to a point where they want to begin to let go of some of their treasures, but not in the usual pecuniary way often demonstrated on eBay or at auction. Rather they prefer to "place" their prized objects into such places where they will be preserved for their own sake and for perpetuity. Such an event came my way last month. While on a family Wedding event" in Chicago, I made arrangements to swing over to Ohio on the way home. The cause of the trip was to get together with long-time Wahl Eversharp collector Lynn Brant to go over a good number of interesting pens he was interested in "placing". We spent a good bit of time together and reviewed all the possibilities. The result was that I went home with some great items for my own collection and other items that will be handled for Lynn on consignment. The latter will show up on the website. The Treasures, however will reside in house at Pensbury Manor until it is my turn to "place"them into the next pair of devoted hands some years down the road. I will post some pictures of these item as time permits, but rather than build to the Piece de Resistance in a tacky theatrical way, here is a good example of what I flew to Ohio for:





Thought you all might like to see it. The Pencil many may have seen in real life. The Pen some have seen in person maybe once or twice and on line every now and then. But but the knife and the box? Well that was something special. All 3 together in the factory original display box! Well now I will have to add the Lynn Brant wing onto the Wahl-Eversharp Museum! I was truly humbled by the opportunity and being entrusted to custodian these int the future.


All the pretty little Flamingoes in a row (Although Lynn calls them "Bloods" short for Oxblood I think):








Syd "the Wahlnut" Saperstein

Pensbury Manor

Vintage Wahl Eversharp Writing Instruments

Pensbury Manor




New WAHL-EVERSHARP fountain and Roller-Ball pens

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Guest Ray Cornett

You have no idea how much I am swooning over all those right now. Red is my favorite color........add the gold to it and.....-drool-

Edited by Ray Cornett
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Well, Syd, that is about as good as it gets. Matching the pen with the person is such a wonderful end result, they've found the perfect home!

"When Men differ in Opinion, both Sides ought equally to have the Advantage of being heard by the Publick; and that when Truth and Error have fair Play, the former is always an overmatch for the latter."

~ Benjamin Franklin

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Thanks to Syd for posting this! I "grew up" in pens calling this color "Blood Red." When a catalog surfaced calling it flamingo, my reaction was that I've never seen a flamingo anywhere near that color, so I still call it blood :). The three piece set is indeed a grail. I know of no other and have never even heard of another. The knives and boxes are out there, but not in this color. The choice of Syd to be the new steward of this collection was not about luck at all. He is the pre-eminent Wahl collector active, and they should be his. I hope he'll get around to posting some of the other stuff, too!

Save the Wahls!

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  On 3/25/2014 at 7:56 AM, JonSzanto said:

Well, Syd, that is about as good as it gets. Matching the pen with the person is such a wonderful end result, they've found the perfect home!


That there. ^^^ What he said.


Bruce in Ocala, Fl

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  On 4/2/2014 at 3:08 AM, jonveley said:

Nice find! Syd, I'll try to forgive that you invaded my home state to get that one!

A number of those blood red Flamingo pens are still available - just ask! (by the way it was nothing like "a find")

Save the Wahls!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Quote: (by the way it was nothing like "a find").


More like the story about the overly amorous rooster (Lynn?) laying on its back feigning helplessness and the hungry eagle (Syd?) circling above eyeing the possible tasty meal below. You could hear the rooster saying under his breath "A little closer, a little closer and your mine!..." :-)

Syd "the Wahlnut" Saperstein

Pensbury Manor

Vintage Wahl Eversharp Writing Instruments

Pensbury Manor




New WAHL-EVERSHARP fountain and Roller-Ball pens

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  On 4/19/2014 at 5:32 PM, Wahlnut said:

Quote: (by the way it was nothing like "a find").


More like the story about the overly amorous rooster (Lynn?) laying on its back feigning helplessness and the hungry eagle (Syd?) circling above eyeing the possible tasty meal below. You could hear the rooster saying under his breath "A little closer, a little closer and your mine!..." :-)

More like when I have one treat and decide which dog to toss it to. Whoever I pick grabs it like a trout on a junebug and gulps it down immediately. The others didn't even know there was a treat in play. :)

Edited by LBpens

Save the Wahls!

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The "Law of Attraction" at work!


Successful again.


Nice photo Syd.

“Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today, because if you do it today and like it, you can do again tomorrow!”

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All my greatest pens came from longtime pen acquaintances over the years, rather than in the wild or online. Likewise, when I disposed of my collection, just about everything went to other collectors i had know for many years. Most of my Dorics went to just one collector, including an exceptional oversize Cathay and several black and pearls.


Seem to recall years ago an oversize flamingo Deco band displayed in the lobby at the Ohio Show. Can't remember if just display or was for auction, maybe 15 years ago.

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