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Storage Methods For Pen Drawers?


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My collection of pens has out grown the current storage box, I converted an old W&N paint box by lining with felt and using upholsterers foam to create individual spaces for each pen, the box holds 12 but as my collection is now nearer 30 overcrowding is a major issue.

Last night I found a storage solution on an auction site, after a few emails with the company owner Rod I'm getting a 'craft chest' custom made (http://www.creations-by-rod.co.uk/smallcraftchest.html) my chest will have 4 single drawers and a 5th double drawer.

Rod makes a pen chest that has grooves in the drawer base to hold pens but I wanted the option to put pens in front to back and side to side(for larger pens) and to create a softer surface for the pens to rest on so thought I'd make my own inserts for the drawers, the question I have is does anyone know of a good way to create a pen tray? The way I made one for my current box works but takes ages to put together, the felt is easy to glue down but the foam is a little fiddly. I'm wondering is maybe I could glue dowels under the felt to create something?


Any advice or methods anyone has used would be great, I have a week or so until my new pen home arrives so I can pick up any bits I may need :)

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Hi Andymcc


Dowels do work quite well in my opinion I have made a few here is one of my favourites


IMG_4805_1 by my0771, on Flickr


I found sticking the dowel to card and then well maybe it would be easier if you read the threads






If I can be of any help just ask



For more details on my current projects please visit my blog.




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Thanks Samthor :) I've seen them trays before, they look great but shipping to the UK is around $25-30 which makes them a little expensive.



Michael them trays look perfect, sticking the dowel to card is a great idea, it would mean I can change the drawer layout in the future. Thanks for the links too, they make me want to head to the shed and dig out the woodwork tools :D

I'll go out this week and pick up some dowel and in a couple of weeks when I have the chest I'll update this post with plenty of pictures :thumbup:

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Michael can I ask what glue you use for gluing the suede? I used Copydex to glue the felt and foam inserts into my last box but I'm thinking there may be another/better type?

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I use pva for most things although I have recently bought some specialist leather glue and it smells just like copydex.


I thought I would share with you how I make trays


As I was making more than one tray I laid out my dimensions on a piece of plywood I found it easier to put the glue onto the card then put the dowel in place


IMG_4793_1 by my0771, on Flickr


I then formed a damp piece of card over the dowels


IMG_4798_1 by my0771, on Flickr


I then glued the suede to the formed card folding the edges over the sides of the card leaving the ends long to be trimmed later


IMG_4794_1 by my0771, on Flickr


The pieces were then assembled and glued into the wooden tray


The trick with suede is to wait until the glue is almost dry then put the suede in place I use larger dowel to apply pressure.

I think I have covered all of the stages but if I have missed anything please let me know.



For more details on my current projects please visit my blog.




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IKEA sell flexible CD trays.

They wont accept wide pens such as MB149 etc but regular sizes fit comfortably.

Made from a soft plastic/rubbery material. Colour is light grey and the trays are pretty cheap.

Ive got a lot of my pens in boxes fitted with this stuff and they look good.



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Thank you Michael, the photos make it really clear, I'll make sure to pick up a bit of dowel close to my pens thickness to weigh the felt down as it dries :thumbup:


Thanks beejay I'll have a look on IKEAs site :)

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  • 1 year later...

Sorry to bump an old thread but I have a question on the same topic.


Does anyone have any leads for these pen tray liners in the UK? The sellers already mentioned charge extortionate amounts for international postage.

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  • 2 years later...

Sorry to bump an old thread but I have a question on the same topic.


Does anyone have any leads for these pen tray liners in the UK? The sellers already mentioned charge extortionate amounts for international postage.

If you're still looking for a UK supply of pen tray liners I may be able to help as I have some spare.

"In my early days there were few schools to help us in the pursuit of learning.

If we wanted to climb, we had first to make our own ladders".

Benjamin Brierley (1825-1896),

English weaver and self taught writer/publisher in Lancashire dialect.

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I'm not very sophisticated :notworthy1: ... I just took a manila folder, cut it to shape, scored it evenly every inch, folded it and boom. Instant drawer tray.



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... I just took a manila folder, cut it to shape, scored it evenly every inch, folded it and boom. Instant drawer tray...

Hi K.,


Brilliant. I love it. :thumbup:


Be well... and if you can't be well... be like me. :D



- Anthony

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I used nice, still paper. Fold it accordian style (fold left, then fold right, then left, ...) Easily cut to size, cheap, works great, can even write on it if you want to label your slots. Also very easily replaceable and it won't tarnish silver pens or rot anything, if you use good, acid-free paper.



here's a pic of a small drawer of assorted Sheaffers.




And for a longer drawer, I just overlapped the paper. That would also work for a deep drawer as long as you fold it the same distance. In that case I may print up sheets with very faint lines to keep the spacing even.





I used the ability to label rows when I only had a few Esterbrook renew point nibs. I've grown out of this drawer now.



“When the historians of education do equal and exact justice to all who have contributed toward educational progress, they will devote several pages to those revolutionists who invented steel pens and blackboards.” V.T. Thayer, 1928


Check out my Steel Pen Blog. As well as The Esterbrook Project.

"No one is exempt from talking nonsense; the mistake is to do it solemnly."


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...and it won't tarnish silver pens or rot anything, if you use good, acid-free paper.

Hi Andrew,


Yes. Great point... thank you. I like your labeled nib trays, too. :)


Be well and enjoy life. :)



- Anthony

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