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Best Pen Case?


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I have a Rosetta Leather 3-pen case, fits them well, easy to access, protects them well and only cost me about £15 including shipping from the US :D


I have a few of these also and like them. Unfortunately for several months now the Rosetta website indicates they are not available.

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Third in the motion for the HighTower. Just got this last week and love it. Now, if only Nock Co. Can add a velcro strap on the side to keep the bifold closed, then it would be simply dreamy.

I use one of my wife's little black hair bands to keep it closed, "Midori" style :)

I got 99 plumoj but a BIC ain't one. HIT ME!!!

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For three pens, I like the Franklin-Christoph that was mentioned earlier.

Another vote for the Franklin-Christoph leather case. Always in my bag.

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A nice stiff two or three cigar case works too. One for wider cigars works best.

With luck you can find crocodile ones on Ebay.

In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.      Banker's bonuses caused all the inch problems, Metric cures.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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I use these .... $2.32 & free shipping :-)



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I use these .... $2.32 & free shipping :-)




Nice - do you have a link for those?

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I have tried many pen cases, maybe tens of them before I found my best case. Tough leather and box type cases look smart, however they are no good for carrying in the pocket. Moreover the pens rattle inside, which I personally don't like. I would recommend a very soft grained leather case, which surrounds the pens and stays slim. It is also very easy to slide them into a pocket. The attached images show mine, they can accommodate larger pens such as a MB 146 and MB 161 Le Grand. If you are interested in buying one, please PM me, I can send you the web link without any affiliation with the seller.



Edited by yamaha_no_46
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If you are going to drop it in your bag/backpack with everything else, I would recommend something hard. I went to Ebay and bought some velvet pen sleeves and a clam shell eyeglasses case. The sleeves are dirt cheap and protect the pens from each other in the case, and the eyeglasses case is solid enough to protect them well in the bag. Total cost was under $15 including shipping. If you're crafty, you could even make your own sleeves with scrap cloth, combine with an eyeglasses case you already have...good protection at no cost.

The case I use is large enough to also hold extra cartridges or a 15 ml bottle of ink.

I will admit, my solution doesn't have quite the same sense of luxury of a leather pen case. You get what you pay for.


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If you are going to drop it in your bag/backpack with everything else, I would recommend something hard. I went to Ebay and bought some velvet pen sleeves and a clam shell eyeglasses case. The sleeves are dirt cheap and protect the pens from each other in the case, and the eyeglasses case is solid enough to protect them well in the bag. Total cost was under $15 including shipping. If you're crafty, you could even make your own sleeves with scrap cloth, combine with an eyeglasses case you already have...good protection at no cost.

The case I use is large enough to also hold extra cartridges or a 15 ml bottle of ink.

I will admit, my solution doesn't have quite the same sense of luxury of a leather pen case. You get what you pay for.


This is really funny, because it's been what I have been doing for the meanwhile! I never really considered it as a permanent solution though

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I have a number of different cases, including an Aston five pen wrap that I often carry. Currently, though, I am in love with the Sula Jane and Earl double pen sleeve: http://www.sulajaneandearl.com/Leather_Two_Pen_Sleeve_p/20132ps.htm (on clearance for $15), and a single pen sleeve: http://www.sulajaneandearl.com/category_s/1840.htm ($24). I also have another single case from another company whose name I can't recall. These all work perfectly when I need to take one or two out of a bag and carry them somewhere else.

Sharon in Indiana

Edited by sharonspens

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." Earnest Hemingway

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I purchased a 3 pen case from Franklin-Christoph a few weeks ago and have been very impressed with it. The quality of the leather and the workmanship make the $35. cost of the 3 pen case a really great value. This is the link http://www.franklin-christoph.com/1-2-3-pen-cases.html


As a disclaimer, I have no association with this company - just a very satisfied custo

thank you for this link. i like the 20 pen case

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I would go for the Aston ones on Goulet Pens:



They are very well made and rigid enough to protect your pens. The leather gives you an excellent feel of soft touch and it is not difficult to recognized by your friends that these are high quality product when they see it.

Edited by gordonf35


Collection: Waterman 52 Ideal Red Ripple (Super Flex), MB Starwalker (Medium nib), Lamy Safari (1.1 stub nib), Waterman Hemisphere (Extra Fine), Parker 51 (Cursive Italic nib), Pilot Vanishing Point (Stub nib), Sheaffer PFM V Green (Rare Factory Stub), Noodler Ahab (Flex nib)

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I use Saki Pen Roll, i think i have three of those. I like the fact that it holds nicely 1 to 6 pens depending on my daily needs.


Does not give much protection but is very elegant. If i would need more protection i would be using pen roll made of thick wool.

Non notisi signi.

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thank you for this link. i like the 20 pen case

GUNGA GALUNGA - I have the 20 pen case and have been very pleased with it. Although I wish that I had purchased the 40 pen instead. Should have taken an exact count before ordering. It is almost full.

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A hard, plastic eyeglass case, and a small sheet of bubble wrap.

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Verweile doch, du bist so schön !

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The case I really like is the one which came with my Sonnet. A 3 pen Canvas(?) with velvet interior but I can't seem to find anymore for a reasonable price. Think I'll try and make one...

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Another vote for Franklin-Christoph. Their cases are high quality. I've got three cases from them.

Franklin-Christoph, Italix, and Pilot pens are the best!
Iroshizuku, Diamine, and Waterman inks are my favorites!

Apica, Rhodia, and Clairefontaine make great paper!

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I used to use a wrap I made myself then used a leather darts case to hold 1-2 pens, now I use one of these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Large-EGO-E-CIG-LANYARD-CASE-HOLDER-4-colours-Soft-Lined-ALL-types-of-EGO-T-/111127338620?pt=UK_Collectables_Tobacciana_Smoking_LE&var=&hash=item19dfb49e7c it can carry 2-4 pens and gives them great protection. I plan to modify mine to secure the pens even more but even left as standard they give enough protection, they're cheap too :)

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I have 3-4 two and three pen leather cases similar to what yamaha_no_46 showed. Very easy to take a one or two pens or several. I got 'em on eBay years ago for $10-15 apiece.


I have 12-pen and larger zippered cases, too, but I reserve tose for pen meetings or such when I am taking a LOT of pens.


And then there are the wooden cases at home. And a closet that looks like astoreroom at the Fountain Pen Hospital :)

The more I know about computers, the more I like my pens.


Colorado Pen Show

5-7 October 2018

Denver, Colorado

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