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Best Looking Pen You've Ever Seen?


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I've always loved FP, at school, at University... and I now love playing with some of my pens at home, like my father in law MB nª 32, my 1974 Parker 45, my whim Pelikan M205 and several more because I've got a handful of interesting pens


BUT I must recognize that my relationship with MB 14x is special: I love that design since I was an University student in my very first twenties...


Meisterstück nº 145 is my size and my filler system and that is (for me) "The Pen"

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I'm really in love with the sheaffer inlaid nibs.


Couple that gold trimming with a dark blue and it's absolutely gorgeous. To this day, this is the one pen that gets people asking about it. Well, that and the safari Vista, but that's kind of obvious.




Do, or do not. There is no try - Master Yoda


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1st Gen Parker Vacumatic Silver Pearl


I love love love the art deco arrow clip and the striped celluloid is amazing. I don't have one (yet!), but it's on my list.



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Pretty much all of the Wahl-Eversharp Dorics are stunning.


The Aurora Ipsilon in this specific colour is also quite brilliant.

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My Conway Stewart WIndsor, which I was finally able to acquire last year after nearly getting one when issued in early 2007, and having the order slip away...


Also, my Limited Edition Aurora Primavera. Marbled green with yellow gold trim and 18k italic medium nib.

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I own a rather striking Edison Collier (Persimmon Swirl), a Pilot Justus, and a Pilot Custom 823, but I honestly think the most attractive pen in my collection is a humble Noodler's Konrad. It's striking yet understated, the right balance for my taste.




Of all the pens I've ever seen? I really like some of the Nakaya lacquers, especially one I've seen that is black with an understated red coming through it, but I have no idea where I'd find a picture of it.

Proud resident of the least visited state in the nation!

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Wow! Didn't expect this many replies, so firstly, thanks!


Secondly, some really spectacular pens here, really envious of so many of you!


Keep posting guys!

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I'm not a "pen snob" and I don't think price/performance is a guarantee. BUT this post is best looking to me.

This, to me, is it.




"Nothing is impossible, even the word says 'I'm Possible!'" Audrey Hepburn

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Two come to mind...Aurora Optima Resin in black and gold and the Pelikan Souveran M800 Tortoise Shell. I will always go conservative over flash though my politics tend toward liberal.

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Of those I own:






Better photos of the model above:



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Of those I do not own YET:


Nakaya Sumiko Gold Decapod




Montblanc Heritage Collection 1912




Any Romillo




Of materials:






Any arco




LeBoeuf's tiger eye



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Too many beautiful pens to list. Some that come to mind.















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  On 3/11/2014 at 12:10 AM, kidde said:

I'm not a "pen snob" and I don't think price/performance is a guarantee. BUT this post is best looking to me.

This, to me, is it.


Eye of the beholder, I guess . . . to mine, this pen looks like it needs a dermatologist.

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  On 3/11/2014 at 12:10 AM, kidde said:

I'm not a "pen snob" and I don't think price/performance is a guarantee. BUT this post is best looking to me.

This, to me, is it.


Eye of the beholder, I guess . . . to mine, this pen looks like it needs a dermatologist. (I mean the Montblanc demonstrator with the creeping gold 'skin.')

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The Parker Duofold Centennial marbled from about 1988. I have the blue and the burgundy; would love to have the green to complete the trilogy.


Sorry, no pictures, but here's a link where you can see them: http://www.parkerpens.net/centennial.html

Moshe ben David


"Behold, He who watches over Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps!"

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