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Field Notes Leather Case?


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I write with Field Notes pads all the time, and they get very worn as I keep them in my pocket from time to time. I know of the ones that fields notes makes, and other than being what I consider overpriced, I don't care for their styling. I looked on etsy didn't really find anything I liked either, so now I'm looking at passport covers as a possible alternative, but they all seem to say passport on the front of them. Can anyone recommend me a black leather case, very understated, for under $100, preferably under $60?

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Davis Leatherworks makes a leather cover, specifically for the Field Notes. I don't have one, so I can't tell you anything about them, except they appear to be well made, from the pictures. You can find them on Facebook, Twitter, etc.


IF I'm remembering correctly, their price is in the $20-$25 price range. Their physical location is somewhere in the Virginia/W.Virginia area, but they don't have a B&M store.


Hope this helps,



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I have a Davis Leatherworks cover, and recommend it highly. The only downside is the o-ring supplied to hold the notebook, but that's easy to replace.



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I have several leather notebook covers from http://www.renaissance-art.com/default.aspx. By the way moleskine covers will wit your field notes.

The difference between the almost right word & the right word is really a large matter--it's the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.

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Hey thanks guys, I think I'm going to a Davis Leatherworks cover, the bison grain one to be specific, I really like the way it looks.

Wit is educated insolence.

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I've been eyeing the items over on Zenok Leather. (No affiliation - just a maybe customer.)



pentulant [adjective]: immodest or wanton in search of all things related to pens<BR> [proper noun]: Christine Witt Visit Pentulant<br>

President, Brush Dance - we make high-quality, mindful Calendars, Planners, Journals, and other fun stuff you'll love

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I've bought a notebook cover from this person before (explorer II) and his quality is top notch. I can only conclude that his field note cover is the same. It sure looks nice.



Edited by cellmatrix
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I placed an order for a Zenok Leather cover an hour ago. Zeno was most helpful answering a couple questions I had before I placed the order. No affiliation :)

"...and as I passed by the fire I did not know whether it was hell or the furious love of God." - G.K. Chesterton

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+++1 for Davis Leatherworks. Simple like Midori but works. I can get 2-3 FieldNotes in a cover using the tricks again, like Midori. Other covers mentioned and ones from FieldNotes allow for sticking in other notes or a folded dollar.

There is also a Flickr group with tons of love photos some with fountain pens and they will show some nice covers, handmade or purchased. One I recall or mis-remember, just covers the spine.

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My name is Jim and I'm an Addict. I have 7-8 Davis Leatherworks , 1 Fenner, 3 Inkleaf, 3 Aspie Creaft (etsy) , 3 Zenok, 5 BroLeather( Etsy ) covers, 4 Doane Paper 3 Well Shaved Gentlemen , 2 Midori Passport, 1 Midori Travelers Notebooks, and 2 Midori Star Ferry Covers. All work great for my various notebook uses and projects. I keep buying more Davis and Zenok because of the quality and colour/leather options. I heartedly recommend all with usual disclaimers, just a statisfied client of multiple artisans. Jim

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I have a Davis Leatherworks cover, and recommend it highly. The only downside is the o-ring supplied to hold the notebook, but that's easy to replace.


Where do you purchase replacement o-rings and what sizes to get?

Davis now selling a kit but likely faster to get from a local store.


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My name is Jim and I'm an Addict. I have 7-8 Davis Leatherworks , 1 Fenner, 3 Inkleaf, 3 Aspie Creaft (etsy) , 3 Zenok, 5 BroLeather( Etsy ) covers, 4 Doane Paper 3 Well Shaved Gentlemen , 2 Midori Passport, 1 Midori Travelers Notebooks, and 2 Midori Star Ferry Covers. All work great for my various notebook uses and projects. I keep buying more Davis and Zenok because of the quality and colour/leather options. I heartedly recommend all with usual disclaimers, just a statisfied client of multiple artisans. Jim


And now I have notebook cover envy!

pentulant [adjective]: immodest or wanton in search of all things related to pens<BR> [proper noun]: Christine Witt Visit Pentulant<br>

President, Brush Dance - we make high-quality, mindful Calendars, Planners, Journals, and other fun stuff you'll love

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My name is Jim and I'm an Addict. I have 7-8 Davis Leatherworks , 1 Fenner, 3 Inkleaf, 3 Aspie Creaft (etsy) , 3 Zenok, 5 BroLeather( Etsy ) covers, 4 Doane Paper 3 Well Shaved Gentlemen , 2 Midori Passport, 1 Midori Travelers Notebooks, and 2 Midori Star Ferry Covers. All work great for my various notebook uses and projects. I keep buying more Davis and Zenok because of the quality and colour/leather options. I heartedly recommend all with usual disclaimers, just a statisfied client of multiple artisans. Jim

:puddle: :notworthy1: :puddle: :notworthy1: :puddle: :notworthy1: :puddle: :notworthy1:

"...and as I passed by the fire I did not know whether it was hell or the furious love of God." - G.K. Chesterton

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Where do you purchase replacement o-rings and what sizes to get?

Davis now selling a kit but likely faster to get from a local store.


O-ring, thy name is variety. Most good hardware stores will have a selection, so you can take your cover in to browse. I ended up with parachute cord and a semi-decorative knot, which works quite nicely.

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Hey thanks guys, I think I'm going to a Davis Leatherworks cover, the bison grain one to be specific, I really like the way it looks.

That's what I have - great character to the leather. Hope you love it!

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As much as I love leather stuff, my favorite pocket notebook cover being one of the small ones (model 1006 I think) from Scully Leather in Napa, CA, I don't want NO leather cover on my Exacompta pocket field notebook. I don't want it any thicker than it is because it now rides perfectly in my cargo pants pocket just above my left knee.


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