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New Dutchie Here.


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So Lets just tell the story that inevitably let me here....


When I was a young boy school introduced me to a fountain pen, and even though I'm a dyslectic fu... person I started writing.

Doodles became stories and stories became poems till I drew attention to myself for handing in my assignments in rhyme.


Most of my early stuff got lost in a school fire, of which I was innocent ofc...

And well the joy to write with a fountain pen slipped away from me and after that went the joy of writing itself.


One day cleaning my room I found my school pen and things started rolling as I stopped using rollerballs.


So now I got some more pens and started writing more and more, and now I have boxes of journals full with short stories and poems and a few books that will probably never get their end on paper.


But since this small collection of pens all have their own character and I want to get the most out of all of them I found my way here.

This is me, looking forward to speak to you ppl

Here I lay my soul in ink.
Here i lay my soul in ink.
Fearing what others think.
Will they like it, as I do?
Will they hate it, how I used to?

Here I lay my soul in ink.
Hoping what others think.
Will it show them who I am?
What I can not, what I can.

Here I lay my soul in ink.
Surprised of what others think.
It is nothing like I thought.
It is what karma brought.

Here I lay my soul in ink.
Loving what others think.
It reflects what I am,
A poet, a child and a man.
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Hallo en hartelijk welkom bij FPN.



Good to have you here on the forum


Interesting poem, ideally you would have written it by hand and then posted a picture of it, but the poem by itself is quite good. :thumbup:


What type of pens have you got so far (so far as surely more will follow.... once you are a member here...)


Enjoy the forum






Freedom exists by virtue of self limitation.





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Well I write all my poems and stories with fountain pen, and well I actually have a picture of this poem somewhere...

Posted it on a competition on a watch forum I'm on and won a custom pen which is in the making right now at sawdust and ink in australia.

Ok I expect you guys want a picture of my collection, that will fallow which will help because most of the time I only know the brand and no types.


So for now a small list:


Got a sheaffer which is a great pen but still looking for the right ink cause it is a fast flower.

Got a basic Parker

Couple of Lamy's

Got a great dipping pen which really needs a picture....

and a couple of pens Of which I don't know the brand of.

And some broken down retro pens of which I really hope I did not threw out since I might be able to fix them with info from here.


Will make some pictures later today, D.ick how is our country represented here?

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Well I write all my poems and stories with fountain pen, and well I actually have a picture of this poem somewhere...

Posted it on a competition on a watch forum I'm on and won a custom pen which is in the making right now at sawdust and ink in australia.


Ok I expect you guys want a picture of my collection, that will fallow which will help because most of the time I only know the brand and no types.


So for now a small list:


Got a sheaffer which is a great pen but still looking for the right ink cause it is a fast flower.

Got a basic Parker

Couple of Lamy's

Got a great dipping pen which really needs a picture....

and a couple of pens Of which I don't know the brand of.

And some broken down retro pens of which I really hope I did not threw out since I might be able to fix them with info from here.


Will make some pictures later today, D.ick how is our country represented here?

Several fairly active members. And our Admin (Wimg) is Dutch


A couple of years ago we tried meeting with a group of enthusiasts but after two meetings (one in Utrecht and one in Den Haag), it seems to have faded to the background.





Freedom exists by virtue of self limitation.





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Welcome, PetshaFey !

Dyslexia is manifested in many forms. You seem to have managed yours with successful brilliance and joy.

FPN is a very diverse community. There are more like you, than you realize.


The Creator, who gave you the dyslexia, also gave you a poet's heart and soul, and a passion for life.

Share it generously.


Write with joy.

Auf freiem Grund mit freiem Volke stehn.
Zum Augenblicke dürft ich sagen:
Verweile doch, du bist so schön !

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I'm also from the Netherlands and new here as well. So far the friendly folks at FPN have been great to me, giving me all kinds of advice on my quest to improve my handwriting.


I'm looking forward to reading more of your poetry!

... Never underestimate the power of human stupidity ...


Keep track of the progress in my quest for a less terrible handwriting here: http://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/index.php/topic/262105-handwriting-from-hell-a-quest-for-personal-improvement/?do=findComment&comment=2917072

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Hello and Welcome to FPN!! Glad to have you as a member!!


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                         My Favorite Pen Restorer                                             My Favorite Pen Store

                                                                                                                                Vanness Pens - Selling Online!


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Hello Dutchie


Hartelijk welkom :-)


I am a Dutchie too, from Breda who lives in Austria now but I visit Holland frequently.


I really liked your Poem maybe your nickname should be Joost van den Vondel (a Dutch poet from the middel ages... for all non Dutch).


I hope to be seeing more of them in the future. Probably handwritten with one of your fountain pens...


By the way my handwriting was horrible in school . I even got remedial teeaching for that... It's now far from being Calligraphy but it's a lot better now. And er the calligraphy bit... I will be working on that in the future...


I hope you enjoy both your fountain pens and this website as much as i enjoyed your poem...


Kindest regards,


Peter Vlutters

Das leben ist wie ein Perpetuum Mobile mit ein Mangel..... Immer im Bewegung jedoch nicht unendlich. (life is like a troubled Perpetuum Mobile ever moving but not for ever)

Tricked throughout the centuries...

For centuries people had been tricked by kings & "religion-alism"

In the 20th century people got tricked by communism

Today people get tricked by (neo)capitalism :)

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