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Sailor 1911 L, Realo, M Nib, Vs Sailor 1911, L, Realo M Nib!


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The ballpoint pen is what a CD is to music. A miserable upgrade.


The two pens today I will talk about are nothing else than the same pens, bought new on ebay brought from Japan.


Same seller, same buyer. Me.


I didn't want it to be this way, it just happened but since it did, I had to tell a few people about it and why not you.


I wanted a smooth nib. I don't care for scratchy nibs, I want smooth. I don't want to drive an American car like a town car but I do want my pens to be smooth. Call it an idiosyncrasy of mine if you wish.


I bought from a commendable ebay seller, with 100% feedback the pen mentioned. In Maroon and with a M nib.


I wanted the pen for everyday hard work. Not really that many pages, but enough to excuse myself for spending over 270 bucks on a pen.


I received the pen and found it be faulty. It was so scratchy I didn't want to use it. I cleaned it, flushed it, changed ink, and even used various grades of paper to see what in the world was going on since the nib seemed fine, even when I checked it with a 40x loop I got for a friend, My loop was 10x.


My ebay seller sent me another one within four days!!!! And I ended up with two pens, same color same make and from the same lot as I was told.




Two pens can sometimes never be the same, no matter how simple they are, but I will be damned if I can find another pen in the world that can make me laugh!


When the second pen arrived faster than I could complain to my seller I tore the box apart and with my breath on hold, and trust me that only happens when I look at horses running in the wild, I stood up to start flushing the pen with water and started to write while praying this time the pen was going to work, or was Sailor nibs just another hype!


Let me start by saying that the filling mechanism is as simple as anything I have used. It honestly couldn't get simpler.

The end of the pen is turned and the piston goes up and down and fills the pen with your desired ink. Even I could do it!


The other thing is that you have to turn the cap a few times to get it off, I honestly prefer a single turn, like what Jinhao 159's have, than going around three times to get to your writing position. Waste of time I tell you.


The finish was perfect on both models, both were immaculate and literally very light and when I say exact weight, I measured it with a diamond measuring tool which is VERY accurate.


So back to the holding my breath part and the second pen which came to revive my hope of Sailor being a good nib company maker.


I didn't have paper, I felt as stupid as my son which walks out of the house with no shoes on once in a while. So I literally ran into the office and wrote on any paper I could find.


It then dawned on me that I was laughing. Not intrigued, not happy, but laughing like a little child would. I couldn't get it at the time but what it was not evident to me then was that I simply couldn't believe what I was feeling.


The pen is so light and capable of writing with very little pressure. It dawned upon me that after every test I did it proved that this is a WRITING INSTRUMENT and not a another fountain pen! This is what FP means to me. The ability to write for hours and have very little fatigue.


It sailed over ever paper I brought on to the testing board. I couldn't stop writing. It was the total opposite of what I had lived with the exact same pen only four days before. I had two pens in my hand, both the same as you will see in the pictures and one was heaven and one was hell.


As soon as I get the flikr account set up I will put up a few pics to show the pens side by side with the two different boxes they came with.


The only thing I can say at this point in time is that this very shallow review will continue as soon as the pictures are in place.


Until then, I am still laughing.


God bless Gold!





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I probably shouldn't have uploaded the pictures onto the server, but until I put them on flikr I figured a day wouldn't make a difference....like the song goes...

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Always good to have a seller who stands behind his goods. My own sailor pen, a pro gear, is very smooth, lightweight, and effortless to use – just as you point out.

"how do I know what I think until I write it down?"

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  • 2 years later...

I know exactly what you mean........do you think we FP users are a bit OCD sometimes....I know I can be...!

Don't set yourself on fire to keep others warm..................

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