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Kaweco Sport Or Hero 200?


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Hi everybody, I'm new here so I am not very sure whether I've placed this topic correctly.
I hope I have, if not, please accept my apologies.

Here goes the question:
Would you choose a Kaweco Sport or a Hero 200? Provided (obviously) you have at least tried both.
Both pens are pretty cheap (I know Jinhaos and Some Noodler's are cheaper).
I've heard good things about both and I want to try some gold (or gold plate).

Thanks a lot in advance for your attention.

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The Hero is a cheap, Chinese made pen. Of very poor quality. You would be better off buying the Kaweco pen.

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I have used a Kaweco Sport and have owned dozens of Hero pens. If you are talking about the 200, I believe you are referring to the 14k gold nib pen. Though I have not personally used that pen, I don't see why it would be a troublesome writer.


You hear people comment on the lack of quality of Chinese pens, but that generally refers to their sub-$10 pen that they produce for the local market. The 200 (as well as the 100 series) seems to be their "luxury" gift lineup.


Nonetheless, I would not take the unnecessary chance and just go with the Sport. You can get interchangeable nib units, as well as a variety of different finishes from a transparent demonstrator, to classical black/blue/maroon, aluminum(AL Sport), coloured plastic (Ice Sport), and even carbon fiber options.


Don't let the 14k nib fool you into thinking that the Hero will write nicer!

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You can find reviews for both pens here on FPN (use the search button)


The Kaweco Sport is a well-known pen and people are fairly happy with it. I actually don't remember reading any complaints (I've been a member of FPN for about a year and a half)


The Hero 200A seems to be a premium model in the Hero line. It actually has a 14k gold nib. Of course that does not guarantee that it writes well, but still I wouldn't rash to say that it's of poor quality.


I don't actually own any of these pens. I would say reviews are your best bet. (if you can't personally test them that is)

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That's a very diverse pair. I've not tried the 200, but based on experience with other Heros I've played with (both "cheap" and "not so cheap") what you'd likely end up with is a reasonably well-writing pen with a rather heavy body that is of medium size drifting towards big. The Kaweco, which I do have an example of, is a reasonably well-writing pen with a rather light body that is definitely compact-- it stretches to medium-ish when posted. If offered one or the other, if I didn't already have that Sport, it's the Sport that I'd take because I prefer a lighter pen.

Edited by Ernst Bitterman

Ravensmarch Pens & Books
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Gold plating doesn't change a steel nib significantly. Not all gold nibs are flexy either, the small Hero nib will be stiff.


Do you want a nib wider than a fine? If so you'll need the Kaweco since the Heros only have fines.

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My vote would be for the Kaweco



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Thanks a lot for your answers. I think i'm looking for an F nib, I have already got several mediums. But apart from that I'm not looking for precise features of any of these pens, just trying to decide which is best chice for the price.

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Kaweco sounds most like what will make you happy. It has the most options, nib wise and body wise, and frankly is just a great pen for the money. I have a small stable of Kaweco sports, and haven't been disappointed with any of them.

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Kaweco, absolutely. It is a great pen to just throw in your pocket. You always have it with you. It writes very well for the price. It is unique looking. The Hero is a copy, but if that's the style you want, it's probably a good alternaive. If you don't like the F nib on your Kaweco, you can replace it from a whole range of sizes. Be aware that the Kaweco will not remain pristine. It's made of a relatively soft plastic and if you are putting it in your pocket it's going to get micro scratches. From my perspective that's a good thing. You are not going to stress out over any wear on the pen.

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Hero 200 obviously; 14k gold nib, super smooth and all metal body? the upper range of hero penns are super smooth and great writers. I have not tried the kaweco but it just has generic bock nib. Pretty reliable, but not nearly as good as the hero imo. But these are very different pens.

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I have a Hero 200 and multiple Kawecos. I prefer the Kawecos EXCEPT in broad nibs. poor flow for the broads. Medium and fine Kaweco nibs are quite wonderful.

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