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Hello From New Hampshire!


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Greetings FPN members!

I'm relatively new to the fountain pen community but having just gotten started, I thought it would be great to join a place like here to learn more.


I'm from the wonderful state of NH and currently a sophomore attending college in central Ohio.


I just got introduced to fountain pens when a friend got me a Lamy Safari M nib and I've been hooked to learning to use fountain pens day to day. I don't have much of a collection of pens yet since I can't really afford much (yay college student life) and am still using cartridges for now but I hope I can expand to a converter and other pens sometime soon.


I look forward to learning from you all!


Edited by kiemhop
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Hello and Welcome to FPN!! Glad to have you as a member!!



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Hi and :W2FPN:


So what are your subjects in college? Anything concerning real writing?






Freedom exists by virtue of self limitation.





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Welcome, where in NH are you from? I was born and raised in Newmarket but live in Oklahoma now. Hope you enjoy the FPN.

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I'm studying biology and public policy so I'm not really writing too much creatively but I'm definitely writing lots of notes so that what I've been using my FP for.


And I haven't actually lived in NH for too long but I live in Lebanon, right near Hanover.

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Welcome !


Ahh yes, the impoverished student life...remember it well. But, still very good budget priced FP's around on sites. The LAMY safari is a good starter. I like the triangular grip too.


Happy fountain penning.

thanks & best wishes, Captain Nib

...keep nibbing on...

Don't look down on someone, unless helping them up :D

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Welcome !


You have to bear down with a ballpoint pen, so the ball will track on paper. That mandates that you write with a

tighter grip. Liquid ink is attracted to the paper. The slightest contact will deploy ink onto the paper. A fountain

pen allows a fingers-extended, relaxed grip. I found the greater "note-taking" endurance to be a huge advantage.

Carry a spare ink cartridge in a mint candy tin.


The LAMY Safari is an excellent school pen. Don't lend it. Don't get it stolen. It should last forty years.

Get a bottle of ink ASAP. Ink is cheap. Cartridges are expensive, but have greater capacity than the converter,

and are refillable. A suitable syringe is available, if you want one.


Write with joy.

Auf freiem Grund mit freiem Volke stehn.
Zum Augenblicke dürft ich sagen:
Verweile doch, du bist so schön !

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Greetings from California and a warm welcome to FPN. It's great to have you here with us.

"Intolerance betrays want of faith in one's cause." - Gandhi -

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