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Got Me A Glass Nib Lever Fill Pen...whaaat?


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Hey ladies and gents,

just got the most interesting pen that I own in the mail, its a Glass Nib Lever Fill pen. Ive seen the glass dip pens but not one like this. Its in need of a new sac but I gave it a try dipped and it has a very interesting style. Its has a thicker style of writing to it and if you tilt it on its side, it makes for some pretty neat thick lines, probably good for drawing. Can anyone tell me if they have one like this? Its missing its clip so I have no idea who made it. Ive yet to be able to take it apart as the section is so difficult to twist off, any tips? Its soaking at the moment, tip down just to remove the excess ink from the nib but would love to get it writing properly one day. Any info/tips really appreciated. Thanks!!






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I recently saw some posts from a member on here that restores this kind of pen. The wartime German pens are really cool, no two exactly alike. I am a huge fan of vintage celluloid, and hope to get one of these one day.

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I recently saw some posts from a member on here that restores this kind of pen. The wartime German pens are really cool, no two exactly alike. I am a huge fan of vintage celluloid, and hope to get one of these one day.

Oh really? Do you remember what the title was or who was the member, by chance? I would love to have this one restored. Thanks

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The name is csfontenot. The website is www.scholarandgardener.com

Nice! Thanks! I have some questions to ask, hopefully they can enlighten me on this pen. Thanks again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've got 4 glass nib fountain pens. Unfortunately they all need varying degrees of work, due to the stupid glue the manufacturer put on the section to prevent restorers from taking them apart (planned obsolescence in action).


I also found some replacement nibs that I was able to shape to my preference with micromesh.

My Vintages:

Sheaffer Triumph, Saratoga, Targa Slim and Targa Standard; Waterman 3V and 52 1/2V; Mabie Todd Swan Self Filler x 2; Eagle Unbreakable in sterling silver; Eversharp Bantam; Parker Duofold Lucky Curve BCHR and Duofold in red hard rubber; Spors Co. glass nib pens x 4; Conklin 2NL and 20P.

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I have a dip pen with that style of nib; mine is what appears to be polished brass, though. If I remember correctly I got many years ago in a calligraphy / illustrator set with a few different inks and whatnot. I tried my hand at writing with it, but I found that- at least with me- the slightest deviation of your angle will produe a huge difference in line thickness. That, and (with mine) an exponentially greater chance of ALL the ink flooding off of it at once.


I've never seen a fountain pen style with that nib, though- interesting!

Edited by Gentlemind63
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Looks alot like a Spors - most Spors were made in Japan - and distributed in the US by the Spors Company. Much has been written about them here over the years - you can do a search under "Spors". This doesn't mean your is Spors as without the clip or a legible imprint it could have been just a plane Japanese or German made pen.


For five articles on similar pens to yours, some with and withourt clips, follow the link below to some articles I have written on their advertising, quirks, and the restoration of a few.




Enjoy your pen, and thank you for the photos!





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Haro is another maker of glass-nibbed lever-filling fountain pens. I just got outbid on a Spors (probably just as well, as the tip was fractured off... he was calling it a "broad" nib!). I've got a couple of glass nibs on the way; going to mount them in dip-nib holders.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Any update on how it writes?!?

I actually havent had a chance to really get it going. I was never able to take the section off (it might be glued on and I didnt want to force it). I did dip it and it writes really nice, surprisingly. I got a vintage universal clip for it and it fits nicely. Its still on my list to get restored but I didnt want to mess with it too much and end up bending, breaking or melting it. Thanks

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It's unusual to see a lever fill, most Spors pens have a crescent filling system not unlike Conklin

They came as a boon, and a blessing to men,
The Pickwick, the Owl and the Waverley pen

Sincerely yours,


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I just saw this thread now... In your first post you mention it has no clip. It is not necessarily missing some of those pens just do not have one.

If it does not go off most probably is glued as you think. I see you are in California, you can go to the LA Pen show in a couple of weeks, several people

there will be able to help you with your pen (just suggesting).

I have several glass nib pens: Soennecken, Montblanc, Matador, Hero... and a Japanese one in bamboo with the Crescent filling system but not related with Conklin. Lever filler as well as Piston filler or PBF

There are many with no name, specially some red ripple French safeties.

All mine write, and some are particularly nice and smooth...

Good luck with your pen, regards


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I just saw this thread now... In your first post you mention it has no clip. It is not necessarily missing some of those pens just do not have one.

If it does not go off most probably is glued as you think. I see you are in California, you can go to the LA Pen show in a couple of weeks, several people

there will be able to help you with your pen (just suggesting).

I have several glass nib pens: Soennecken, Montblanc, Matador, Hero... and a Japanese one in bamboo with the Crescent filling system but not related with Conklin. Lever filler as well as Piston filler or PBF

There are many with no name, specially some red ripple French safeties.

All mine write, and some are particularly nice and smooth...

Good luck with your pen, regards


Hi Ariel,

thank you for the info on the LA Pen show, I didnt realize it was coming up. Ive never attended and sounds like a perfect place to get some one on one help. As far as the clip, I thought it did because it has a little slit on the cap where I think the original clip would sit, but could be possible it didnt have a clip too. Either way, the clip I got for it fits perfectly and looks pretty good on it. I too find that the lever was interesting, but then again, a glass nib is equally as fascinating. I didnt realize the different variations of these pens and how interesting they write. Hopefully one day I can add it to my pens I use on a regular basis. Thank you again, I will definitely have to look more into the LA Pen show, Im not too far from LA, maybe 45 min away. Thanks!

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Once I had posted i noticed what seemed a slit on the cap, you are right it is possible it had a clip. Once you get used to glass nib you want to use it more and more...

LA Pen Show, Manhattan Beach Marriot February 13th to 16th... I will be there, hope you go and find what you need.

All the best Ariel

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