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Opinions On Pen Stand If You Please?


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Hi everyone.

I have been working my father for some time to develop a pen stand that would hold even the largest pens safely, and would look nice sitting on a desk. My father is 83 years old and in great health and loves wood working, so the challenge was met with great enthusiasm. I am pretty happy with these two so far, and my Pa is hoping to keep turning these out if other FPNers are interested, so I thought I would turn to all you fine folks for some feedback and thoughts.


The stands are built from solid oak and have a somewhat vintage looking stain. Although there are many colours of wool felt available, I choose green as I was kind of shooting for that old billiard table feel. A few people have suggested that black might look very nice as well.


The pen holders will hold even the most massive pens out there. The largest I have is a Stipula Davinci, and it fits with even some clearance left over.


Comments, suggestions, feedback?

Thanks all.









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I think it's beautiful, and would look gorgeous with a black or burgundy felt.


I would definitely use a smaller one at my desk to hold the pens I have in rotation-I'm not sure I would keep all my pens out on this outside my house.

Edited by cwhite5

My pens: Two Parker 45s, a Parker Jotter, a Pilot Custom 74 smoke demonstrator, a Lamy Studio, a Parker Sonnet Ciselé, and a Duofold International Citrine

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Neat Idea, like it a bunch!



        My Favorite Pen Restorer                                            


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I would consider smaller ones for my desk at work (perhaps 3 - 5 pens). Have you considered a price point? What about different woods (with differing pricing for more expensive options)?


Oh, and very cool!!!!!!


-- Avatar Courtesy of Brian Goulet of Goulet Pens (thank you for allowing people to use the logo Brian!) --

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I love handmade items such as this. I agree with the above poster that a 3 or 5 pen model would be smaller and perfect for the inked pens currently in rotation. I try not to keep 8 pens inked at the same time.


And yes - very cool. Let us know if you are going ahead with selling and what the price is.


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I would prefer a different wood. The stained red oak seems "heavy" to me. Perhaps thinner interior pieces (3/8 or 1/2) to lighten it up?


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Absolutely beautiful! As posted above, if you modify to a 3-5 pen unit I would be interested! And agree about the burgundy color - would have that old-school classy look to it.


Only comment I have is that perhaps making the uprights a little thinner would give it a less "heavy" feel. I don't own any real thick pens, so I think my small collection would feel dwarfed in that stand as it is. But it's a nice looking stand!

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I really like this, never really seen something quite like it, and you can tell the craftsmanship. I would definitely look at some other kind of wood and felt colour, for some reason something like pine and light blue felt comes to mind (maybe I'm thinking of my Safai Vistas and Muji aluminium pens), but the most important part is already there. Congratulations to your dad!


My only thoughts on improving it is to design something that could be easily taken apart and transported together, which would also help with shipping. It would make for a nice gift for those with several pens, as it would sure beat having them in a cup!

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."


B. Russell

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They are very nice, Dan. I really appreciate hand made things. I like dark stained oak, so for me I think they are perfect the way they are. I think if you made 3, 5, and 8 pen racks they will sell like hot cakes. I would be interested in a couple.

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Nice work and very well made

As you asked for opinions I would turn the inner pieces so that the end grain of the wood does not show and only have the felt where the pens touch the wood.

Other than that I think you have a winner.


For more details on my current projects please visit my blog.




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Your Dad did a great job.


I'm an oak kind of guy, so they lookgreat to me.


I would prefer one without felt, or with matching colors.



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Wow. Thanks everyone!

Sounds like different felt colour options are the way to go.

We have also considered some other wood options. American Walnut was one of them. Would roughly be the same cost as oak as well.


We also thought of going to a thinner wood, but I thought that something a little more "sturdy" might be a good idea. A 3 to 5 pen model is also a great suggestion. Thank you all so much for the thoughts.


In terms of price, he was wondering if $75 (Canadian) would be reasonable. Thoughts on the price?

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I'd echo some of the other comments here - felt only where the pens actually rest, three and five pen options and maybe make it in a few different timbers as well.


Very nice

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Your Dad did a great job.


I'm an oak kind of guy, so they lookgreat to me.


I would prefer one without felt, or with matching colors.



Hi Gary. By "...or with matching colors" do you mean a felt color that matches the wood color?

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Nice work and very well made

As you asked for opinions I would turn the inner pieces so that the end grain of the wood does not show and only have the felt where the pens touch the wood.

Other than that I think you have a winner.


Thanks Michael. Rotating those inner pieces is a great suggestion, and likely easily done.

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I have no real idea how to price anything, but that said, they are unique, they are very attractive, they are hand made in NA - 75 does not seem unreasonable to me.


I do think that people will expect smaller models to cost a bit lest, even if the amount of work and materials involved is only slightly different.


I think, btw, that they bear a nice resemblance to reindeer antlers, and if you're asking what kinds of wood people like, I would probably vote for Walnut or cherry.



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I have no real idea how to price anything, but that said, they are unique, they are very attractive, they are hand made in NA - 75 does not seem unreasonable to me.


I do think that people will expect smaller models to cost a bit lest, even if the amount of work and materials involved is only slightly different.


I think, btw, that they bear a nice resemblance to reindeer antlers, and if you're asking what kinds of wood people like, I would probably vote for Walnut or cherry.



I agree; smaller ones would likely need to be less. They would likely cost less to ship as well. Cherry would be nice as well. He is looking into building one as a sample in birch, which is nearly white.

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Could anyone help me with this; What is the best way to list an item for sale, if it isn't a "one-off"? Is there a way to make an item "sticky"? Is that what the fpn "mall" is for? Sorry; not much experience with this.

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I understand that the original design went for the pool table look.


I was referring to a design without the contrast between the wood and the felt.


In fact, I would consider ordering one without felt at all if the wood was sanded/polished sufficiently.



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