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How Do You Carry Your Fountain Pen?


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... I'm a student so I don't have many occasions to where suit jackets or blazers ...


Perhaps that'a a thought that you can question. Why not using a jacket or a blazer? It can go with a sport shirt or a polo shirt, or even a T-shirt. Using a FP and dressing up a little bit will immediately set you apart from the crowd. And that will be an advantage with your professors (believe me, I'm one) and with eventual employers.


Dr P

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Not that 'fountain penners' are prone to any kind of obssessiveness you understand ....


The carry pouch usually remains on my desk, ...


A carry pouch !! OMG, that's exactly what my doctor said I needed! :)


Very nice stuff, Eclectica, congratulations.


Dr P

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I use a leather pen roll, which stays on my desk. My pens are always within eyesight.

The education of a man is never complete until he dies. Gen. Robert E. Lee

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Perhaps that'a a thought that you can question. Why not using a jacket or a blazer? It can go with a sport shirt or a polo shirt, or even a T-shirt. Using a FP and dressing up a little bit will immediately set you apart from the crowd. And that will be an advantage with your professors (believe me, I'm one) and with eventual employers.


Dr P

I've thought about it, however the major reason I haven't begun wearing one is that I'm currently living in Houston where it is ridiculously hot for most of the year. It's hard enough to wear jeans in the summer and spring without ending up drenched in sweat by the end of the day, and the only time when you can really bust out a jacket is the winter. Perhaps I'm simply not accustomed to it. It is definitely something I'm considering though!

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A lot depends on which pens you carry around and your tolerance of risk. You can see a lot of threads here where people vent about how their pen was damaged or destroyed when it fell out of their pocket, or a co-worker grabbed it or something like that. If the cost of the pen combined with your tolerance for risk makes you concerned about that, then carry a pen case. Personally, I carry my pens in a 3 slot leather case in a canvas bag along with my iPad and a few other things, but one of the three pens is relatively expensive. If I were carrying around an inexpensive pen with a really solid construction, like a Lamy Safari, I wouldn't bother. I'd just carry it around in my shirt pocket, possibly even a (front) jeans pocket, or I'd just clip it to whatever book or notebook I happened to be carrying around.
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I probably found the least expensive hard pen case you can find around - an eyeglass case, the kind with a metal frame, usually covered in some color of fake leather, that snaps open and closed like a clam shell.


I had some around the house, but I have also purchased some at a thrift store where they are usually sold in bags of two or three for 1.49 or 2.00. Out of the three, usually one looks unused, one is disgusting and one has possibilities, maybe.


I can fit three pens in - I made a sort of sleeve from a bit of old sweater to slide them into to keep them from hurting each other, but you can just wrap them in a paper towel. You can also throw in an extra cartridge or two if you want.


One of these might fit in your pants pocket - depends what style of pants. Someone you know may just have one lying around, free for the asking. At any rate, they are easy enough and cheap enough to get that you can put your pens in one while looking for something you like better. If not in your pants, then tossed in a bag they should still be fine this way.



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For me, it's my suit coat jacket inside pocket. I carry a cheap ballpoint or rollerball in the breast pocket. The reason is that no matter how old and "mature" people get, they'll still grab something shiny from your pocket if they see it. So my nice pens are not put on display and thus free from such temptation.


The few times I carry a pen and am in more casual clothes, I might clip them to the collar of my shirt or my shirt pocket. But usually if I'm dressed that casually, I don't have a lot of use for a pen. At least, not enough to justify dropping an expensive fountain pen. I'll carry something cheaper and more disposable if I really need a pen in those circumstances.

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You could move to England: we have about three weeks a year of summer, the rest of the time we wear shirts (with pockets), with sweaters, fleeces (often with pockets), and jackets (with pockets). And more when we go outside - problem solved.

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Got 2 pen pouches,one for 2 and one for 3 pens so 5 pens with me...the pouches are in my right Inside Pocket with my wallet.
When i'm writing and for not having to take it in and out of the pouch everytime i clip my pen in my pen shirt or direclty on the shirt if there isn't a pouch.

A people can be great withouth a great pen but a people who love great pens is surely a great people too...

Pens owned actually: MB 146 EF;Pelikan M200 SE Clear Demonstrator 2012 B;Parker 17 EF;Parker 51 EF;Waterman Expert II M,Waterman Hemisphere M;Waterman Carene F and Stub;Pilot Justus 95 F.


Nearly owned: MB 149 B(Circa 2002);Conway Stewart Belliver LE bracket Brown IB.

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You could move to England: we have about three weeks a year of summer, the rest of the time we wear shirts (with pockets), with sweaters, fleeces (often with pockets), and jackets (with pockets). And more when we go outside - problem solved.



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I don't generally wear shirts with pockets so I carry my pens in my front pants pocket. In a leather slip case if there are other things in the pocket and sometimes just dropped into the pocket for easier access when there's nothing else in there. Extra pens I may carry in my bag go into a 2 or 4 finger leather case. I've yet to break a pen and I've carried pens in my front pants pocket for many years.


I would recommend against clipping the clip to the pants pocket though because there's always a chance it can snag against things and make you lose your pen. I'd much rather just drop the pen loose into the pocket.


My carry today:



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I've carried fountain pens in my front pants pocket for over two years and have never had a pen snap. I honestly don't understand how a pen could possibly snap in your pocket.

"While you are proclaiming peace with your lips, be careful to have it even more fully in your heart."

- St. Francis of Assisi

"Don't play what's there. Play what's not there."

-Miles Davis

I will gladly take your unwanted Noodler's pens. Don't throw them away.


Assume no affiliation.

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first it can be badly snaped,it can go out when you sit and your leg push the pen out from the Inside of the Pocket. And most of all: it's dammageable for the pen's clip.

Edited by Montblanc owner and lover

A people can be great withouth a great pen but a people who love great pens is surely a great people too...

Pens owned actually: MB 146 EF;Pelikan M200 SE Clear Demonstrator 2012 B;Parker 17 EF;Parker 51 EF;Waterman Expert II M,Waterman Hemisphere M;Waterman Carene F and Stub;Pilot Justus 95 F.


Nearly owned: MB 149 B(Circa 2002);Conway Stewart Belliver LE bracket Brown IB.

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Usually, shirt pocket. I guess I do not own many 'proper' shirts :-)


Other options: include pen pouch in bag, clipped to shirt (the vertical part where the buttons are), small pen pouch in pants' pockets, although I don't like that last option very much when sitting down.

journaling / tinkering with pens / sailing / photography / software development

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You could move to England: we have about three weeks a year of summer, the rest of the time we wear shirts (with pockets), with sweaters, fleeces (often with pockets), and jackets (with pockets). And more when we go outside - problem solved.

Haha, trust me i've considered it

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