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Learning Italic


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Man, I really have to get to it. I really haven't touched italic much since last Christmas. Just too busy. I finally left my second job so I'll hopefully find time for more practice.

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Man, I really have to get to it. I really haven't touched italic much since last Christmas. Just too busy. I finally left my second job so I'll hopefully find time for more practice.


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my exercise of the 19th.




I decided to move from Reynolds (it's all there, but so very condensed. More something to remind me of things once I've learned them maybe) to Fred Eager (looks more like a 'I'll take you by the hand, lesson by lesson'-approach). So, starting from scratch with lesson one:





(yes, I've made copies of my book in order not to ruin it). So let's try to keep the pace of 1 lesson per day.



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Well, here's some practice from yesterday. Didn't get a chance to sit down today to practice but I had made this ruled notebook to put in my DIY midori so I can carry practice rulings around with me.


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And the nibs also fit the Esterbrook J series pens.



Ooh, I'll keep that in mind. You and Ken are right, of course, it is a very fine pen! I remember fiddling with one summer when I was in college and I had often wondered since what happened to it (I only remembered it was a lever-filled pen from my grandmother) and whether I had made the dreadful mistake of using my india ink with it (I soaked all the nibs and thankfully, I didn't -- lots of old ink dried up in them, though, but they are all clean now).



Hi Vermillion, I already wondered whether you were practicing some very complicated something. A week of rest didn't do much harm to your skill it seems.

You're doing great, too! With all your practising, you'll be writing circles around me in no time.


I did a little practising the other day. I like to write in a sharpened italic sometimes because I feel like it helps me with my letterforms. The savages weren't shaking the table this time, but I did get a few interruptions -- not a big deal, but I feel like it takes me a few letters to get back into the zone. I need to work on consistent slant (I was going for no slant, this time, but kept forgetting) and an over-all consistency. I really felt like I had been struggling with my w's, e's, and s's, but I feel a bit more comfortable with them now. Hopefully I will feel a bit more comfortable with my c's soon, too. I don't usually do this y, but the exemplar I was using did it that way and I thought I'd try it for fun. I know I should write every other line to avoid crashing into my descenders, but I am trying to conserve paper. ;D I really need to just write around them and not under them.


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With all your practising, you'll be writing circles around me in no time.




Sounds like fun :)



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The exercises from yesterday and today. Can't say I'm entirely displeased with the slant-check at the end of lesson 4


edit: I seem to have lost the ability to post flickr-uploaded pics :wacko:

Edited by KaB



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The good news: I succeeded. The bad news: no idea what went wrong first to tenth time and right this time...





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The good news: I succeeded. The bad news: no idea what went wrong first to tenth time and right this time...




That's a big improvement in letter forms, not just slant, KaB! :thumbup:


Re. your inexplicable problem uploading photos: I usually just credit such difficulties to the perversity of inanimate objects.



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Re. your inexplicable problem uploading photos: I usually just credit such difficulties to the perversity of inanimate objects.



Now there's a life filosofy I could live by ;)



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little learning but lots of practice yesterday (voucher) and today (labels for my wife)...









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little learning but lots of practice yesterday (voucher) and today (labels for my wife)...







Whoo! I had one of those moments while I properly translated Rozenblaadjes as rose petals, but for a just moment, I wondered what sort of cuisine used razor blades. I know I had some fairly viscious Indian food last weekend, but nothing nearly as violent as canard surprise ala Gillette.

Edited by Mickey

The liberty of the press is indeed essential to the nature of a free state; but this consists in laying no previous restraints upon publications, and not in freedom from censure for criminal matter when published. Every freeman has an undoubted right to lay what sentiments he pleases before the public; to forbid this, is to destroy the freedom of the press; but if he publishes what is improper, mischievous or illegal, he must take the consequence of his own temerity. (4 Bl. Com. 151, 152.) Blackstone's Commentaries

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Oh, those labels are so cute! Great job! Your handwriting is getting so good!!

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Whoo! I had one of those moments while I properly translated Rozenblaadjes as rose petals, but for a just moment, I wondered what sort of cuisine used razor blades. I know I had some fairly viscious Indian food last weekend, but nothing nearly as violent as canard surprise ala Gillette.




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Oh, those labels are so cute! Great job! Your handwriting is getting so good!!




My wife is very pleased with her labeled containers. I see so many points for improvement ...



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