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Visconti Rembrandt Or Pelikan M400


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I would really suggest a cheaper Japanese or Chinese pen for BSB.

You can get B, M, F and EF for the cost of one Pelikan steel nib.


Because of the ease of nib change and the many nibs; a Pelikan is is capable of using many inks on many papers. The staining of BSB more than likely will stain the window or stirations.


An extra Pelikan nib costs @$25.00 or less. You could start at narrow and work your way up, and now though the steel oblique has been stopped but there should still be some in various on-line shops.

Gold oblique is still being made.

I'd take the modern steel one over a modern gold one in there is more chance of line variation.


I do not recommed a modern gold oblique nib...not at all.

I like the pre-'66 ones a hell of a lot.

In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.      Banker's bonuses caused all the inch problems, Metric cures.

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Another, perhaps minor consideration, is metal versus resin grip section. I prefer resin, though the sections on my Rembrandts aren't particularly slippery. Cleaning a C/C filler is arguably easier as well. Having said that, Pelikan would be my choice, from Richard Binder, in my case, as well.





Will von Dauster

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Thanks all for the feedback. I'll be getting my first Pelikan from Richard Binder's store



I'll return after the holidays with my thoughts on the pen... And probably a few months later with my Visconti review... as pakmanpony said... if I'm like you guys, I'll eventually end up with both :-)

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I picked up a brand new Pelikan M400 in the black/blue striated color last month for about $195 shipped from Overstock.com (it was marked down on sale for around $217, and then I found an online coupon for an additional 10% off). Wrote awesome right out if the box. Shop around and you may be able to easily beat your $300 mark on the Pelikan (which easily gets my vote in this head to head).




Glad that I'm browsing tonight -- I did not know Overstock had fountain pens! I've bought good watches from them, so this isn't a surprise; just didn't think of this! Thanks for posting it.

Moshe ben David


"Behold, He who watches over Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps!"

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I have both. For me, no question. Pelikan wins across the board. The Rembrandt is too smooth for me. It has a slippery, less controllable feel. The nib is so stiff that it makes your writing look more like it was written with a rollerball. The Pelikan has more "road feel". It lays down ink with considerably more character.


My opinion only. YMMV

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