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Noodler's Konrad With Knox Nibs?


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Gotta say, I love my Noodler's Konrad. Has anyone here has replaced the standard Nooodler's Flex nib with another nib (Like a Goulet nib or a Knox nib) and would be willing to share pictures of it? I have a Goulet <F> in my Konrad right now, and though it writes well, the nib is set do far into the section that it just looks ugly to me. I was wondering if a Knox or even Nemosine nib from xfountainpens.com would look better (as in less far set into the section)

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I'm at work and can't do pictures, but I have a Konrad with a Bock steel nib installed. Yes, mine too is set way into the section, but not so far as to look lost in there. It does work well this way, though.

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I have a Goulet 1.1 in my Konrad. Yes, it is set a little back, but I actually prefer the look of a bit less nib than the full look of the Noodler's flex nib. I don't have any other suggestions cuz I really like the look and feel of the Goulet 1.1 in this pen!

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Yeah, mine looks exactly like KrazyIvan's, except is an EF nib. I'd prefer the nib to stick out a bit more, but that's the optimal position, with heat-seating the feed and nib. This is in my ebonite Kondrad, which now, finally, after months of frustration, works well. There's something wonderful about the feel of ebonite, which is the only reason why I've tried so hard to keep and like this pen :)


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I have been considering a Goulet nib for some time for mine. Just haven't gotten around to it.


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