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Twsbi Diamond 580 Black Rosegold Fountain Pen


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I think it is a steel nib with rose gold plating.


Mine is sitting at my friend's house (shipping destination) and it won't be another 10 days before I can get it, as he is on holiday in Hawaii!!!!!!



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I think it is a steel nib with rose gold plating.


Mine is sitting at my friend's house (shipping destination) and it won't be another 10 days before I can get it, as he is on holiday in Hawaii!!!!!!



People leave Australia this time of year for Hawaii?

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People leave Australia this time of year for Hawaii?

Yeah my friend is one year above me and finished his university entrance exams half a year ago and uni doesnt start until march. It is winter in Hawaii though..

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My girlfriend bought me one of these from goulet for our 3 year anniversary. When i got it...ink just refused to flow, completely, i could get a letter every now and then but that was it. I sent the nib to phillip and he said he had absolutely not problems with it, he did a tine alignment because it didnt feel as smooth to him but thats it.


Got the nib back today, same problem absolutely no ink flow using waterman brown. This is the 3rd time ive had these issues with TWSBI pens, I Honestly dont think im ever going to purchase the brand again

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My girlfriend bought me one of these from goulet for our 3 year anniversary. When i got it...ink just refused to flow, completely, i could get a letter every now and then but that was it. I sent the nib to phillip and he said he had absolutely not problems with it, he did a tine alignment because it didnt feel as smooth to him but thats it.


Got the nib back today, same problem absolutely no ink flow using waterman brown. This is the 3rd time ive had these issues with TWSBI pens, I Honestly dont think im ever going to purchase the brand again


Whoa, that's strange. Try changing the type/color ink a few times to see if the flow problem is persists. Did you refill the pen after you got it back? I hope so as there may be pressure differences after transit. Remove the nib unit, flush it vigorously with water and a little dish soap in solution, soak it in the same, then rinse it thoroughly clean - ink and try again.


If the problem persists, you may have Nib Demons in your lair, time for an Exorcism VladDraculae :o

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Whoa, that's strange. Try changing the type/color ink a few times to see if the flow problem is persists. Did you refill the pen after you got it back? I hope so as there may be pressure differences after transit. Remove the nib unit, flush it vigorously with water and a little dish soap in solution, soak it in the same, then rinse it thoroughly clean - ink and try again.


If the problem persists, you may have Nib Demons in your lair, time for an Exorcism VladDraculae :o


I flushed it multiple times before i sent it to him, and after it got back. I used Pelikan Turqois and waterman brown neither of which have given me any issues. The problem must be in the pen body itself and not the nib

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  • 1 month later...



I totally agree. My daughter asked me about my favorite necklace last night. It's 18k rose gold and yes, I've had it longer than I've had her. Recently, she's been going through my wardrobe and anything older than her must go. I told her that didn't apply to jewelry no matter how cute she is!

Way to go Amber!


I love rose gold. I have several watches with rose gold plating. This would go with any one of those wonderfully.


"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind" - Rudyard Kipling
"None of us can have as many virtues as the fountain-pen, or half its cussedness; but we can try." - Mark Twain

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My girlfriend bought me one of these from goulet for our 3 year anniversary. When i got it...ink just refused to flow, completely, i could get a letter every now and then but that was it. I sent the nib to phillip and he said he had absolutely not problems with it, he did a tine alignment because it didnt feel as smooth to him but thats it.


Got the nib back today, same problem absolutely no ink flow using waterman brown. This is the 3rd time ive had these issues with TWSBI pens, I Honestly dont think im ever going to purchase the brand again

Very strange indeed, how come your friend never had any problems but you did and what sort of problems are you having.

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Whoa, that's strange. Try changing the type/color ink a few times to see if the flow problem is persists. Did you refill the pen after you got it back? I hope so as there may be pressure differences after transit. Remove the nib unit, flush it vigorously with water and a little dish soap in solution, soak it in the same, then rinse it thoroughly clean - ink and try again.


If the problem persists, you may have Nib Demons in your lair, time for an Exorcism VladDraculae :o


I agree. Also, look to see if it is acting out because of surface tension.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

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Hey everybody. I got a Rose Gold TWSBI in EF from Goulet pens yesterday. Besides one corner of the TWSBI box being crushed (the plastic pen case and pen inside were fine), and the fact that it had some hard starting issues with Noodler's Apache Sunset, I'm happy with it. It required me to do a little grinding/polishing on a translucent hard Arkansas stone to get rid of a little baby bottom on the nib, and then I had to flush out the Apache Sunset cuz it wasn't giving me a dark enough line. I filled it with some Edelstein Turmaline ink, which looks very nice in the clear barrel, and all is completely well for now.


Oh, and the EF nib is really EF if that matters to anyone. Looking at my Rose Gold next to my Pelikan M600 Ruby Red and my Pilot Justus 95, I gotta say there isn't $250+ difference between how those pens look and write. Thanks, TWSBI!


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have this in EF and I love it. However, do not expect it to be as extrafine as a Sailor EF, you will be disappointed. It's closer to a Sailor F. However, it's a very well writing, smooth EF and I love it nonetheless.




My FPs and Inks

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  • 2 months later...

Hi everybody!


My TWSBI Rosegold is getting spots ont the gold rose trim...

Looks like it will be tarnished or rusted in a moment...


Is someone having the same problem? :(

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Hi everybody!


My TWSBI Rosegold is getting spots ont the gold rose trim...

Looks like it will be tarnished or rusted in a moment...


Is someone having the same problem? :(


My 580 RG is six months since arrival almost to-date, consistently inked day to day with no spots or corrosion so-far (knock on wood). But I have heard of this happening once or twice, on the CT 580, especially on the nib.


How old is your pen? (Regardless of the pen's age, it still isn't that old.) I would contact TWSBI and tell them about the problem. TWSBI Customer Service is pretty good, I'll bet they will stand by the product.


Anyone else seen this problem?

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I cannot remember how long I've had mine, but I purchased around the first week they were available from Goulet... some months at least. I use it frequently, though not daily, and have just verified that all the metal accents are still pristine.


Sorry you're seeing spots. :(




One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem,

see a fine picture, and, if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words.


~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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My Rose Gold TWSBI got some stains on the clip as well, but I removed them with soft clothes such as eye-glasses clothes or 3M clothes. The stains are not a big problem for me. Just try to wipe harder.

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Not a fan of rose gold, but I did get the clear variation of this pen with a fine nib, and so far using it daily for the last couple of months it works fantastic with R&K Scabiosa flowing from it.

- Ted

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone,


Thanks for the replies...


The spots on the clip of my RoseGold 580 are definitely turning greenish... Verdigris ?

It can't be wiped.


I live in a very humid country, but it's not an excuse, right?

I will try to contact them.



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After my message to TWSBI to tell them about the problem on the clip of my Rose Gold,

I got an answer. I think I can share it with all of you:


"Yeah it is known that if its too humid sometimes it could cause it do that. The easiest way to avoid that from happening is keeping the pen in preferably somewhere that isn't going to condensate when its not in use. Try to keep it dry when you can so for example after you use it just wipe it and it shouldn't be too much of a problem."
The problem is that it's already happening and it's getting obviously worse...
I can say I am a bit disappointed here...
-By the way they take it at TWSBI (a bit lightly in my opinion)
-and by the product they have sold me... after a few months, the "580 Rose Gold" happens to be a "580 Rose Stained-Green"...
Edited by jcpbkk
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So that's all they are doing about it? Maybe it's just a misunderstanding. This is a relatively new pen - they should either fix it or replace it. I live in a very hot humid place in S.E. Asia and my RG 580 nib isn't rusting out or turning green. I use all sorts of ink in the pen.


Answer TWSB plain and simple. Tell them where and when you bought the pen. Then ask what they intend to do about it. I assume you already contacted the retailer, who probably referred you directly to TWSBI?

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Thank you Drone, but I tell them already all this:

I bought the pen directly from them 6 months ago...

The strange thing is that they seem aware of the problem...


It's true: here, in Bangkok, humidity is high...

But It shouldn't affect the pen the way it does...


I told them: only the clip and the upper ring on the cap are affected...


What can I do, I asked.

You can wipe, they said.


I can see it will clearly not be enough.

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