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What's Your Favourite Ballpoint Pen - And Why


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Heresy I know to ask this on FPN, but I'm doing it anyway!


For day to day use, I usually have a couple of Parker Jotters in my pocket, one blue and one black ink. I have a couple of cheapish Cross ballpoints, but don't use them that often because they don't quite feel right in my hand.


I like using ballpoints for taking notes, eg if I'm interviewing someone for my journalism, because I can't normally write fast enough with a FP without my hand seizing up.


Would be interested in what you use: which pens are nice smooth writers and are good to hold?

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Not heresy at all! I'm on a similar search myself at the moment. I tried out a Lamy Dialog 1 (because the design is just amazing...) but the triangular cross-section is just doesn't suit my grip. My next stop is either a Dialog 2 (rollerball) or a Lamy 2000 ballpoint Taxus or hardwood.


Would be interesting to see the suggestions that eventuate.

Express Nib Grinding Down Under at AUSSIE PEN REPAIR

Email: aussiepenrepair@gmail.com


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My favorite ballpoint pen is the Parker Jotter, but for our general office use I stock Papermate Inkjoy stick pens.

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The newer ballpoint refills for Parker Jotters are very nice. I'm not sure if or when it was reformulated but it is much better than I remember it being in the past. This is the ballpoint I have been using the most.


I also like vintage Papermate Profiles and have accumulated a couple backups since they are no longer made.


Caran d'Ache ballpoints are also very nice.




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If your hand is cramping up more with a fountain pen than a ballpoint, you're doing something wrong.

Edited by CAG_1787
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I've always loved Parker flighter Jotters with the matching pencil set.

For me, the only model that can beat it is my Parker 25. I had one in college in the mid 80s. I can't remember what happened to it but last year I bought a replacement one. I still think the design of it makes it a classy, Space Age pen.

Edited by Vendome

Long reign the House of Belmont.

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My favorite ball point pen is the Loclen Spica, I love the weight and the way it writes and fits in my hand , it also has a different and very cool look.

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Mexican Bic Crystal in Fine. The ink is very smooth, almost no skipping. The yellow color makes them stand out. I bought a box of each last time I went down there.






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Montblanc 164 in red. It has a nice size and I like the broad refills. Bought it in 1983 for $44 from Fahrney's. I like the color also.

"Don't hurry, don't worry. It's better to be late at the Golden Gate than to arrive in Hell on time."
--Sign in a bar and grill, Ormond Beach, Florida, 1960.



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I have found that for pure flow function and performance the Pilot Ageless and Timeline ballpoint have the finest, smoothest, and least drag of any ball point ever used.

Fair winds and following seas.

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I know a lot of people who like the Japanese ones, but I happen to like Schneider ballpoints a lot as well. They make refills of all kinds. They have this Plug and Play system, and a number of their ballpoint pens can take several different refills without any modification to the pen.



Stolen: Aurora Optima Demonstrator Red ends Medium nib. Serial number 1216 and Aurora 98 Cartridge/Converter Black bark finish (Archivi Storici) with gold cap. Reward if found. Please contact me if you have seen these pens.

Please send vial orders and other messages to fpninkvials funny-round-mark-thing gmail strange-mark-thing com. My shop is open once again if you need help with your pen.

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Parker jotter all metal version, because.....i don`t see any way a normal person could ever brake it. Put a refill inside, press the button, and it will write. It doesn`t get any simpler(or better) than that.

Edited by rochester21
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I use a Lamy 2000 Taxus, which I like very much (I'm a furniture restorer/refinisher so i like wood). After a couple of years the clip has started to wobble a bit back and forth, and the wood has gotten some "character" marks, but the aluminum (or perhaps it is brushed steel) parts are like new. I use a Broad refill in it mostly, in blue. It is my pen for signing receipts etc. at Drs. offices, as FP's are usually not inkjet paper friendly.


I really love the long smooth torpedo shape of this pen and the fact there is no visible joint where it separates to refill. Well-balanced too.

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Hmmm, my all time favorite would be the Parker T-Ball Jotter which was introduced to me by a friend in college many years ago. I was using a Bic Clic which cost 49 cents each, but the ink was blotchy and didn't last as long. So I was induced to spend $1.98 on the Parker and let me say that it worked great. The ink supply seemed to last forever and produced a smooth blotch free line.


I haven't used one in many years having Mont Blanc ball point, but then I hardly use ball points any more except to sign documents at work.


I did get to try a Pilot Retro 51 ball point a few months back and it was very nice to write with and look at with a great price.


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A Jade Cross ATX with the Maltese gold trim. I always wear a jade bangle (one of the ones that doesn't come off) and a gold bangle, and a very dear friend bought it for my birthday years ago because she thought it matched. I've refilled it a few times (and I don't use ballpoints much): I always carry it in case something crops up that one of my fountain pens isn't suitable for. It's the only ballpoint I carry. Using it makes me think of my friend.


It's lovely and smooth. They're very nice pens, if you're a ballpoint person.

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The Jade Cross is lovely. Somebody had a jade ATX fountain pen for sale a while back.

"Don't hurry, don't worry. It's better to be late at the Golden Gate than to arrive in Hell on time."
--Sign in a bar and grill, Ormond Beach, Florida, 1960.



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