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What is a good dark blue ink that you like to use?

To distinguish: I'm not talking about a blue-black. I want a darker blue (Diamine Denim is a very good example of the type of thing I am looking for).

Bonus if it's fairly easy to clean.

Thanks :)




Picture shamelessly taken off of Goulet Pens :D


“I say, if your knees aren’t green by the end of the day, you ought to seriously re-examine your life.”-Calvin

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Hello SW,


I am very fond of Visconti Blue, (a little difficult to flush, but quite beautiful).


Diamine Midnight Blue is also a nice color, (not quite as nice as Visconti), but a little easier to flush out and a lot cheaper.


PR American Blue is very nice - the closest match to Penman Sapphire I've found, but you have to flush your pen after each fill - it is pretty saturated. Some people recommend dilution, but I do not, because when you dilute an ink, you also dilute the chemicals in it that protect against mold/SITB; provide lubrication and flow enhancement. So, unless you want to augment those chemical additives yourself, (you can), I would not recommend dilution. I'm sure others will disagree. :D


All the best,


Sean :)

Edited by corniche



"Every one therefore that shall confess Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father Who is in Heaven." - MT. 10:32

"Any society that will give up liberty to gain security deserves neither and will lose both." - Ben Franklin

Thank you Our Lady of Prompt Succor & St. Jude.



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Hello SW,


I am very fond of Visconti Blue, (a little difficult to flush, but quite beautiful).


PR American Blue is very nice - the closest match to Penman Sapphire I've found, but you have to flush your pen after each fill - it is pretty saturated. Some people recommend dilution, but I do not, because when you dilute an ink, you also dilute the chemicals in it that protect against mold/SITB; provide lubrication and flow enhancement. So, unless you want to augment those chemical additives yourself, (you can), I would not recommend dilution. I'm sure others will disagree. :D


All the best,


Sean :)


Well, isn't that dandy. I just went out and bought some Visconti Blue today, and was planning on purchasing PR American Blue (though I am a bit hesitant to put it in my vintage pens; it may be a good replacement for the BSB in my Lamy) tomorrow.


Great minds think alike, eh? :D

“I say, if your knees aren’t green by the end of the day, you ought to seriously re-examine your life.”-Calvin

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Hello SW,


Yes, great minds.... something or other.... :D


PRab is less troublesome than BSB, but it isn't the same color, PRab is darker... which may suit you more based on this thread. (If you're going to put ANY other ink in the pen you've used the BSB in- make sure you flush real well).


I also edited my original post, (my mind runs a little slower these days), to include Diamine Midnight - that is a nice dark blue and easy to use.


I like the dark true blues myself. :)


All the best,


Sean :)

Edited by corniche



"Every one therefore that shall confess Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father Who is in Heaven." - MT. 10:32

"Any society that will give up liberty to gain security deserves neither and will lose both." - Ben Franklin

Thank you Our Lady of Prompt Succor & St. Jude.



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Hello SW,


Yes, great minds.... something or other.... :D


PRab is less troublesome than BSB, but it isn't the same color, PRab is darker... which may suit you more based on this thread. (If you're going to put ANY other ink in the pen you've used the BSB in- make sure you flush real well).



Yeah, that was the intention, and the real reason I originally started this thread. I'm not the biggest fan of BSB, and I was looking to swap it out with a couple of blues that are darker and don't feather or show through as much. I'll most likely return to it in the future, but I think I'll give my pen a cleaning and use a couple of other inks first.


Thanks for all of your good suggestions. Goulet and FPH will be getting some money from me in the coming weeks :D

“I say, if your knees aren’t green by the end of the day, you ought to seriously re-examine your life.”-Calvin

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I just confirmed Goulet's Liberty's Elysium has no BSB in it.

The Blue that Shall not be Named doesn't play well with any other inks, so no surprise there.

Imagination and memory are but one thing which for diverse reasons hath diverse names. -- T. Hobbes - Leviathan

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Did you look at Noodler's Midnight Blue?



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The Blue that Shall not be Named doesn't play well with any other inks, so no surprise there.

I wanted to be super sure. I don't want anything pthalo-like near anything I own, not after that one time with the watercolor tube on the carpet.

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I recommend Sargasso Sea. Very, very intense "royal" blue. Dark, highly saturated blue.

Imagination and memory are but one thing which for diverse reasons hath diverse names. -- T. Hobbes - Leviathan

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I recommend Sargasso Sea. Very, very intense "royal" blue. Dark, highly saturated blue.


I'd second Diamine Majestic Blue. It has a very nice reddish sheen to it that I think is really cool.


I've been looking at both of these. As I said, I think I'll have to drop some money on inks for school at Goulet... I'm getting a couple of different colors. It's looking to be a big haul xD

“I say, if your knees aren’t green by the end of the day, you ought to seriously re-examine your life.”-Calvin

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Just be forewarned ... Sargasso Sea is a PITA to clean out of pens. May experience some slow dry times too. However, it's a nice color.

Imagination and memory are but one thing which for diverse reasons hath diverse names. -- T. Hobbes - Leviathan

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Just be forewarned ... Sargasso Sea is a PITA to clean out of pens. May experience some slow dry times too. However, it's a nice color.


It also feathers on lesser papers. Really like the color but that is its one pronounced bad habit.

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I could see that being an issue given its saturation. We had better copy paper lately, but I see that the new supply is "Universal" *shudder*. Might as well just get some unsized bagasse stuff... Have seen some "gel" ink pens have issues on that stuff.


My personal use writing pads are usually Rhodia or Clairfontaine. Actually got Q'ternity to feather on the Rhodia paper. Sargasso Sea stays put on those.

Imagination and memory are but one thing which for diverse reasons hath diverse names. -- T. Hobbes - Leviathan

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+1 for Diamine Midnight. I would say Cult Pens Deep Dark Blue as well, but that's probably a pain to get in the US. Comparison (scans are not great, but hopefully you get the idea). Cleaning is great with either ink.

Edited by smiorgan
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Hello,dear friend,I usally use carbon black ink,becuase it writes very flunet,and I love the color of carbon black ,give people a sense of formal . :)

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Best really dark blue ink I have found is Diamine made exclusively for Cult Pens "Deep Dark Blue" The darkest I have seen but still obviously blue. Richer than Denim, like a darker Midnight.

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