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What Parker Are You Using This Day?


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Using this 'London Cab Black' Urban from 2010, along with Cross brand black ink.

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This combo is growing up on me: Duofold Senior (UK) M nib + Quink Blue-Black

Practice, patience, perseverance

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Not today, but not so long ago: playing with my friend's 45 Insignia:



One forgets how handsome the 45 can be.


Kenneth Moyle

Hamilton, Ontario

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Vacumatic with 3 dots and the number 6 in the middle I bought from Redbike. Love it, some wicked smooth. Have tried Levenger ink which was too wet, Fahrney's where I didn't like the color and upon recommendations Pelican 4001 Brilliant Brown.....love it and thanks to this forum a great adventure!

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Parker 51 aero Plum with Extra broad nib.


Parker vacumatic 1st genration burgundy slender Extra Broad semi-flex nib.


Parker VP #63 nib


Parker Duofold NS medium juicy semi-flex nib.

Khan M. Ilyas

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Cedar Blue Parker 51 Vac with a gold filled cap and an EF nib, filled with Sheaffer Skrip Blue. I'm not a huge fan of EFs, but this one is starting to grow on me, mostly because it's such a reliable pen.

I also have one of the Vectors (sort of olive green with an F nib) sporting Akkerman #10 Ijzer-Galnoten Blauw-Zwart. And of course the Red Shadow Wave Vac Junior Lockdown, F nib, with Waterman Mysterious Blue, has now been in rotation for approximately a year -- no flushing, just refilling as needed :thumbup: (hmmm -- I may have to go get a replacement bottle soon at this rate...).

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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Hi, Trying out my only true vintage pen, this 'Victory' that belonged to my grandfather.

I have to dip the pen to use it, as most of the inside components are missing, so I must find out what I need to make it complete again.

I'm sure I will be repeating myself, but must say this is such a comfortable pen to use, it's just 'right' in weight, grip and balance.

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Parker Stripped Duofold (button filler) 1942

Parker 51 Mk I Aerometric

Look at my horse, my horse is amazing!!!

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Parker Sonnet Firedance 1st generation with 18k M nib that is very very springy. Got it for $29 in the wild.


NOS Parker 17 Super Duofold.


NOS (boxed alongwith paperwork) Parker 45 Arrow black with 14k M nib.


Parker 51 aero black lustraloy cap B nib.

Khan M. Ilyas

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When I got bit by the fountain pen bug a few years ago, one of the first pens I bought was a Parker 75 Cisele, which I wanted because I already had a matching Cisele ball point and pencil. I bought a few varied nibs for it in an attempt to find the magic combination. I used it occasionally then put it away, unimpressed with it.


A few days ago I found a Fine Stub Italic 75 nib on the Battersea Pen Home website, and in anticipation of delivery got the 75 back out and inked it up. It currently has a #80 French gold needlepoint nib in it, and when I started writing on my Mnemosyne note pad I was blown away: It is amazingly smooth! I filled several pages with "The quick brown fox...", it was such a pleasure to write with.


When I first used the pen I must not have had fountain-pen-friendly paper, and maybe the ink (Diamine Syrah) made a difference as well. All I know is that this pen is not the same pen I thought it was when I had put it away a couple years ago. Can't wait for the new nib to arrive and see what that's like, but either way, the P75 is going to stay in rotation for the foreseeable future.


Anybody else have one of these experiences, getting a pen back out and finding it's completely different than you remembered?

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Two NOS P45 signet and two NOS P45 custom. All four inked today for the first time with Pelikan 4001 black, blue, green and turqouise.



It was kind of going back to school days in the 60s.

Khan M. Ilyas

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