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Would You Like 20 Free Bottles Of Ink And A Free Pen?


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Hey guys -


Tyler from Organics Studio here. Wanted to pass along a promotion we are going to be running for the next few weeks. Here is the idea -


-You buy one of our inks from one of our many retail outlets (AndersonPens.net, Bertramsinkwell.com, Isellpens.com, Goldspot.com, amazon.com, zellerwritingcompany.com, vanness1938.com, wonderpens.com, etc)

-Post on FPN, your own blog, or whereever else you may post these sort of things a full review with images of the ink and pens you are using with some feedback

-Send a link of the review to info@organicsstudio.com

-Wait until the drawing (October 1st, 2013)


That gives you over one month! And all you have to do is post a review of one of our inks. We don't want to produce bias for these reviews, so even negative reviews will count!


And if reviewing inks is new for you, there are some helpful forms on FPN for some outlines of what to do, so as long as you have some images of the ink, we don't care. You can even just doodle around for a bit and talk about the ink! There are no rules here :)


AND if you post on multiple sites, let us know! You get one entry for each site you post on! AND you can do multiple inks if you'd like! Just make sure you put them in separate posts.

The lucky winner will receive our FULL lineup of inks, as well as one of our ebonite pens. Depending on the number of entries, we may do more than one winner for smaller prizes.


Unfortunately, reviews posted before today will not count toward this drawing. Just remember to send a link to



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I was just looking at your inks and wishing there were more reviews. I ended up ordering a metric slew of ink samples from isellpens.com to try out most of the line. I'll definitely make sure to add reviews when they come in.

http://stubblefield.me Inks Available for Sample Exchange: Noodler's Black, Blue Black, Apache Sunset, Private Reserve Black Cherry, Sherwood Green, Tanzanite, Velvet Black, De Atramentis Aubergine, J. Herbin Lie de The, 1670 Rouge Hematite, Bleu Ocean, Lamy Turquoise, Rohrer & Klingner Salix, Sheaffer Skrip Blue-Black, OS Red Rubber Ball, Parker Quink Blue (India version)

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Do samples count? I bought a sample of Charles Darwin a month or so back haven't tried it yet (my current discretionary fund for this little hobby sort of got blown at DCSS :blush:), plus I had some other whopping expenses the last few weeks, including paying the school taxes yesterday :glare:. And the unexpected necessity of dropping of $1500 US to replace the gas line to our house -- to remedy a leak that *might* not have been on our property *after* all.... :gaah:

Although there are some other inks on my short list at the moment -- and some of yours look quite interesting.... :puddle:

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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Do you have any retailers outside the US? (And is this open to people outside the US?)

We only have retailers in the US and Canada at the moment. If you could kindly send along a nudge to whomever you purchase your ink from, and mention our brand, that would be fantastic. We have discussed a UK dealer with a few stores.

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Do samples count? I bought a sample of Charles Darwin a month or so back haven't tried it yet (my current discretionary fund for this little hobby sort of got blown at DCSS :blush:), plus I had some other whopping expenses the last few weeks, including paying the school taxes yesterday :glare:. And the unexpected necessity of dropping of $1500 US to replace the gas line to our house -- to remedy a leak that *might* not have been on our property *after* all.... :gaah:

Although there are some other inks on my short list at the moment -- and some of yours look quite interesting.... :puddle:

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth


Samples certainly count! It doesn't matter how you obtain the ink, as long as you show off how AWESOME it is (or un-awesome, if thats your opinion :))


Please note that Darwin is our most unique ink in its quick dry manner - none of our other inks behave like that one :)

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You should get a retailer in Europe also. :-)

Any ideas? We would love to hear them! Send along a nudge to your ink source and mention us - see if they have any thoughts :)

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I hope Cultpens.com in the UK will take Organics in their program.

They have an amazing assortment of inks and great service. Just ordered their lovely Deep Blue ink ;=))

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Samples certainly count! It doesn't matter how you obtain the ink, as long as you show off how AWESOME it is (or un-awesome, if thats your opinion :))


Please note that Darwin is our most unique ink in its quick dry manner - none of our other inks behave like that one :)


I've been looking for a picture of your new "Accident" blue ink, but can't find one. Is this on purpose or just fate? I'd love to know a bit more about it, as well as see the color. Also, any thought to putting your inks in glass bottles?


Love the Darwin ink...

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Can it be an ink we've purchased previously? And I assume Pendleton's inks count? Because I just love my Coco'Mo!

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OMG.. OMG.... So Exciting!!!! :lol:


I am asking my in-house artist to start doodling.... :D I have Edgar Allan Poe and Join or Die... :puddle:

**** BauerInks.ca ****

**** MORE.... Robert Oster Signature INKS ****


"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it's the illusion of knowledge." -Stephen Hawking,

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I've been looking for a picture of your new "Accident" blue ink, but can't find one. Is this on purpose or just fate? I'd love to know a bit more about it, as well as see the color. Also, any thought to putting your inks in glass bottles?


Love the Darwin ink...

"Accident" is not a mistake. It is our new blue pigmented ink, very similar to sailor blue, which means you do have to clean out your pens more often.


It was orginally our Lab Series number #13, and is the exact same formula, so here is a swab of what the ink looks like.



Sean - Organics Studio Sales Associate
Fountain Pen Lover

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I have both Manganate V and BLaKWa already, so I may just have to do a review of each, now.


I've also been considering getting Potassium for a while now, though, so... maybe that one, too.

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Yep! No need to buy anything new if you already have it :) And yep! Pendleton's work too!


Yay! I just ordered up samples of Boron, Join or Die, and Foggy Bottom, and I plan to do a 4-way comparison/review/thingie, if that's okay. And Organics' Browns round-up, if you will. (Not to be confused with Organic Brown, the horrendous new color name from Caran D'Ache!) I've gone brown-happy lately, and I'm looking forward to seeing how these compare with some other favorite (and un-favorite) browns that I have on hand.

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Tyler very nicely suggested I plop a link to my effort to steal those inks and a pen from Organics Studio (and by extension, everyone reading this thread) here, and so I shall.


I'll bet YOU can do better! :thumbup:

Ravensmarch Pens & Books
It's mainly pens, just now....

Oh, good heavens. He's got a blog now, too.



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Hi. I've just purchased some from Bertram's who are kindly sending them all the way to Australia. I'll be sure to review! 😊

The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon, but only to hold a man's foot long enough to enable him to put the other somewhat higher - Thomas Huxley


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