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What's The Deal With The 51's Amber Jewel?


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Well....what do you match the jewel to? Suit? Pen? Probably just personal preferance. Like you don't wear white socks with a dark suit. Well, California maybe. In the day rhinestone jewerly abounded, some of it very very good. So ruby is up there..as is a host of greens, and amethyste and amber shades, maybe even white (pearlesent) my personal choice would be a real opel, nice Australian fire stone. These would override the vacumatic striped jewels, altough artistically these are the best to date. For the gaudy a lot of early English pencils, especially the advertising ones had big, big jewels (glass) usually in blue or amber. The American 'new money rich' would have a real diamond. In Asia jade. As but a Canadian long in the tooth good old boy I'll go for Hopalong Cassidy, Superman..even the Spider..however I'm leary about Batman, unless it was the signal...not Ben Aflick.

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Hmmm. Um... if you pick out the bug, some baltic amber would be quite nice.


I wonder if something like this could be achieved DIY, with a ground out throwaway modern jewel as photographed above, some 2 part epoxy, and some easily cut/melted amber violin rosin?

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I have a dark green jewel in my sterling silver cap on a P51. I gather it's almost certainly a replacement (it's the same colour as the UK Duofolds of the same period), which is a shame as it looks so nice - as if it was meant to be there. I tend to keep green ink in that pen just to match the jewel.





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Hmmm. Um... if you pick out the bug, some baltic amber would be quite nice.


I wonder if something like this could be achieved DIY, with a ground out throwaway modern jewel as photographed above, some 2 part epoxy, and some easily cut/melted amber violin rosin?


Amber violin rosin? What would that do?


I was thinking of a emerald myself Richard... another project for the future!

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Well this afternoon I compared the jewels on the Plum 51 Aero, (definitely grey), the 51 Vac (not as pearlescent looking as on the 51, but certainly grey), and the Midnight Blue Aero. And the cap on the blue one definitely looks different from the other two. I will try to take a photo tomorrow morning of the three jewels together --It's no good doing it tonight -- the incandescent light will play havoc with the flash and the color wonte be true land let other people decide if the jewel on the blue one is grey or amber. Or a replica/replacement....

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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I had a check last night.

Except for the green jewel, all my grey jewels are on lustraloy caps & the amber jewels are on 'Custom' RG caps. I think the grey would look odd against a gold cap & the amber would look funny against a lustraloy cap.





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I had a check last night.

Except for the green jewel, all my grey jewels are on lustraloy caps & the amber jewels are on 'Custom' RG caps. I think the grey would look odd against a gold cap & the amber would look funny against a lustraloy cap.






I had never thought of it this way, but what you point out makes great sense.

"Don't hurry, don't worry. It's better to be late at the Golden Gate than to arrive in Hell on time."
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  • 1 year later...

I had a check last night.

...the amber jewels are on 'Custom' RG caps.


Would you be so kind as to check whether they are gold filled 14K, 16K, or both? Thanks in any case.


The question is because those I have seen -only 4- were 1/10 16K and I wondered if Parker mounted this amber jewel more prominently in those 16K. cap.






Addendum: Examples of GF 16k caps with amber jewel.







Edited by Lazard 20
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Lazard, I have a 14K DJ "Empire" set with amber jewels.





This forces us to expand the possibilities. Thanks for you reply.

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My cap is 1/10 14K RG, of UK origin (dunno if the latter bit makes any difference).






Well, it seems to have been due to random finding in 16 K. caps. After your double observation in other caps looks like there wasn't predominant mounted in any cap in special. Thanks for your reply. Regards.


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