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New Girl, Desperately Seeking Pink Ink


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Noodler's Baystate Cape Cod Cranberry is one of those punch you in the eyes pink. My wife has this loaded in a Kaweco Sport Ice converted to an eyedropper as her "purse" pen.

Noodler's Baystate Cape Cod Cranberry was the first bottle of ink I ever purchased. It lives in my Pilot Prera fine point and I love it there.

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Hello and Welcome to FPN!! Glad to have you as a member!!



Can't help with the Pink ink but welcome never the less!!



        My Favorite Pen Restorer                                            


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Greetings and a warm welcome to FPN. It's great to have you here with us.

"Intolerance betrays want of faith in one's cause." - Gandhi -

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I love pink ink, too! Some of my favorites:


* Kobe #30 Ouji Cherry, #12 Okamoto Pink. (These inks, made by Sailor, can be had on eBay from seller cool-japan.) There's also a limited edition one called Renoir Pink that I own but haven't tried yet as well as #41 Suma Rikyu Rose, which I don't yet own.


* Sailor Peche


* Private Reserve Arabian Rose


* Iroshizuku Kosumosu


I'm also really fond of Sheaffer Pink, but that only comes in cartridges. If you like pinks with a bit of a peachy cast, there's also Diamine Coral and Peach Haze.

Edited by swanjun
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Iroshizuku Kosumosu is amazing! Check out the Sailor Kobe pink inks from cool-japan on ebay. Some of them are quite gorgeous.


And welcome to FPN. :)


Another vote for Iroshizuku's Kosumosu if you're worried about stains or bad behavior in your pen. If you prefer highly saturated inks, I like Private Reserve's Arabian Rose.


+1 I agree. Kosumosu is what my daughter likes too.

"One always looking for flaws leaves too little time for construction" ...

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+ 1 on PR Rose Rage (which is very similar in color -- and *lot* less expensive) than Kosumosu.

+ 1 on De Atramentis Rose, which actually is a scented ink -- while the scent doesn't stay on the paper it is very lovely to write with. Nice and wet, and really what I would call *rose* color, and the ink smells like my heirloom roses -- *not* artificial rose scent (which is just gacky).

I also really like Noodler's Shah Rose, which is a pretty color as well.

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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I haven't seen anybody mention Iroshizuku Tsutsuji (Azalea) - I like it because it is a dark enough shocking pink to show up well on almost any paper, and is attention-getting enough to be a good proofreading ink.


And it is almost an identical match to all of the pink Lamy Safari pens (regardless of which of the 3 cap styles in the different years that pink has been the limited edition pen). See the review from 2010 which was shortly after I got the 2009 Lamy pink and took the reviewer's advice to put this ink in it.




It also looks nice in other pink pens that I have.


Almost forgot to say welcome and enjoy the fun!

Edited by queenofpens
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Welcome !


I have always thought of pink as a pale red that has a low safuration. I did not expect to see

so many varieties. Thanks for your inquiry.


Have you considered a "demonstrator" fountain pen. The clear transparent pen body would

let you look at the pink ink with light shining though it. A broad nib would lay down a large

volumn of ink. (Something I like when using lighter colors.)


Will you send us a sample of what you finally choose, please.

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Verweile doch, du bist so schön !

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To find your perfect shade of pink, visit the Swab shop at Gouletpens.com.




I purchased a great many inks based on this site. And they sell 2ml samples so you can try out an ink before committing to buying a bottle.

Edited by aj3537
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Welcome to the Fountain Pen Network!!!

Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.


—Oscar Wilde

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  • 2 weeks later...

ipinkgirl, Welcome to fpn.

Amberleadavis, Your ink sample charts are marvellous.



Thank you, I can't take all the credit. Many others send these to me for our great fade experiments.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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  • 3 weeks later...

I really like Organics Studio Emily Dickinson Posie Pink. It makes me smile! And goes nicely with my pink Leuchtthurm.


And I don't like pink.

I've got a sample of that coming in the mail from isellpens (okay, I've got a LOT of other samples coming too, but not *all* pink ;). The shipment is theoretically arriving tomorrow -- just checked the tracking info and the package has left the Phoenix sort facility.

Is it really as bright as the swabs imply?

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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I'm not sure how pink you like it =) But there are two that I really like that haven't already been suggested (directly, anyway).


1. The Pilot Petit 1 Pink - here's a writing sample. There's no name, it just comes with the pen and you can get extra cartridges.


2. Montegrappa Bordeaux. I just ordered this one, but I haven't tried it yet. I liked it because it looks like a dusty rose, pink but very elegant.

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My wife fell in love the with Pilot Petit 'clear blue' color, and we made a project out of ordering a bunch of ink samples from Goulet and comparing them. It's frustrating Pilot doesn't sell those inks in the bottle. Well, anyway, the reason I bring it up is because we ended up thinking one of the closest was the Platinum mix-free aqua, to the point where we wondered if they were actually using the same ink. I notice Platinum also makes a mix-free pink, Platinum Mix-Free Cyclamen Pink, has anyone tried it?

"One always looking for flaws leaves too little time for construction" ...

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