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What Silicone Grease Can I Buy In Germany


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I just got the new barrel for my TWSBI Diamond 540, but unfortunately my wife threw out the package with the silicone grease and tool. I think I can do without the tool, but I need some help knowing what to look for as far as silicone grease goes.


I looked around Conrad and the closest I could find was a larger bottle of silicone damper liquid for model car shock absorbers.


Can anyone please advise what I am looking for, what it might be called in German, and where I might be able to purchase it from.





Has: Lamy Safari M, Lamy Studio Steel F, Lamy 2000 F, Ice Blue Pilot Capless M, Lamy AL-star, TWSBI 540

Wants: Pelikan M1000 or perhaps M800, Parker Duofold Centennial, Gold M for Studio, Lamy 2000 M, Visconti Homo Sapiens, some Kawecos and Rotrings

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In the US, I can find it in the hardware store--in the plumbing section--and it's just called Silicone Grease. I've seen it at the big stores as well as the little, independent stores, and it's never been under a fancy product name...it's just a small tub (like a small, flat, pill case) labeled Silicone Grease.


While I realise this doesn't directly address your question of where to find it in germany, if you get no other responses, the plumbing section might be a good place to try.

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The silicon lube, that comes in the TWSBI box, is a clear liquid. It flows like dishwashing

detergent. It is not a pasty grease. Which type is the plumbing grease ?


I used the TWSBI lube on several Reform 1745 pistons. I have the smoothest mechanisms



Study Animal, try dropping a line to TWSBI. You might be able to get a small vial of it.

A little lasts a long time. On the other hand, the lube comes free, with a new TWSBI.

You can blame your wife for the need of another TWSBI. Would that not be heavenly ?

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If you're after silicone grease then it can be bought from diving shops that sell scuba equipment.

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I got mine from an electrical and electronics shop. Servisol if I'm not wrong.

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I've found there's quite a few different types of silicon grease. The thinnest, really almost a runny liquid than a grease, is Carlube's "Silicone Multi Purpose Plastic and Rubber Grease XSG020". I prefer the thicker kind of silicon grease that clings a bit better for fountain pens, but it does sound close to the TWSBI grease characteristics.

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I bought mine in Germany via Amazon from a German shop that sells, like mentioned above, scuba diving equipment. From what I understand, it's used to lubricate zippers.


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Thanks everyone, I went back to Conrad and got the Aeronix one. Even the guys that worked there had to check about 5 sections of similar stuff before they found it.

Has: Lamy Safari M, Lamy Studio Steel F, Lamy 2000 F, Ice Blue Pilot Capless M, Lamy AL-star, TWSBI 540

Wants: Pelikan M1000 or perhaps M800, Parker Duofold Centennial, Gold M for Studio, Lamy 2000 M, Visconti Homo Sapiens, some Kawecos and Rotrings

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