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Would You Wear Your Favourite Ink?


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Heh, my favorite ink is Noodler's Black and I wear primarily black, so it works out?

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I frequently wear my favourite inks - all over my fingers


He! I was just asking in the Waterman forum about my Laureat... The day I use it I will be wearing whichever ink is in there for sure!

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."


B. Russell

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I painted my office walls Cacao du Brésil grey. So, yes.


That must be one elegant office!

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."


B. Russell

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I have Iroshizuku Chiku-rin on one of my bedroom walls and a lighter shade of Ina-ho on the rest. So very, very calm.


I am a peaceful bamboo forest, or... Something.


I just got Chiku Rin, what a great colour, somehow it's making me want to write more... I'm not sure how I would react to an entire wall of it though...

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."


B. Russell

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My favorite color, both in ink and just about everything else, is purple. My wardrobe contains a various shades of purple, plus a lot of black, so that I can mix and match just about everything.


Now, I would be so happy if I can get a nice top in the color of Pousierre de Lune...


I have zero knowledge of women's fashion, nor do I have any relation to land's End but... http://www.landsend.com/shop/search?Ntt=loganberry&Dy=1&Nty=1


Hope that's not too creepy, I'm only interested in the colour!

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."


B. Russell

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You're tempting me to dye my clothes with fountain pen ink. :P


Hmm, I think Noodler's BSIAR would make an elegant evening dress. But I'd guess I'd have to pick a bulletproof color if I don't want it to wash out...


I could just start wearing a white t-shirt everyday, after a short while it would end up looking like one of those hippy shirts - but with my inks on it... My mom would have a heart attack when she visits though, as it would remind her of my schooling... "WHAT! AGAIN??".

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."


B. Russell

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It sounds crazy, but I realized I have mineral eye shadows that correspond to some of my favorite fountain pen ink colors. To give an example: last Saturday I wore a greenish brown that reminds me of Sailor Rikyu-cha.


I don't wear make up but that's an interesting ink - looks like Stipula Verde Muschiato!

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."


B. Russell

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Well, I did spend a day last summer wearing Diamine Registrars Blue Black all over my face... But I would *not* say that was my favorite color (or ink, for that matter) by any stretch of the imagaination. :(

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth


I also end up with war paint on my face without meaning to!

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."


B. Russell

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I seem to always be wearing my ink. Leaks in the pocket when my cap unscrews, spots from dribbles when I am making a point during a talk and centrifugal forces ink to fly in different directions but usually always in my direction as I twirl my hands around, inky fingers, inky handkerchief (yes, I still carry one but not to blow my nose (disgusting, really)...just old habit), inky jeans/khakis/whatever resulting in inky thighs when a pocket pen comes apart in my pocket. And oh, yes, on my face, where errant itches have resulted in the conveyance of ink from my inky fingers to the corners of my nose, my eyes (great mascara), my ears, my neck, my lips, my tongue, etc.

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Of course, I also like lipstick colored inks and a lipstick called "Lip Ink".

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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i'm a fan of dark gray and dark brown inks. and yeah, i wouldn't mind wearing the color of my favorite inks.


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I wore an ink color just the other day, when I got home I discovered that my Waterman 52 had de-capped in my pocket, leaving a nice spot of Diamine Misty Blue on my shirt. Glad it was a Diamine ink and not the Upper Ganges Blue in my other pen. I'm pretty sure it will wash out without difficulty.



"Life is like an analogy" -Anon-


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I realize I am looking for an ink that is the color of my favorite sweater, some purplish-burgundy dark color... No wonder I can't find it. Hard to even put a name to. I made a mix of Noodler's X-Feather and Dumas Tulipe Noir and when it dries it approaches what I want, but from the dark side. Hm, proportions... I will increase the Tulipe in the mixture next.

a fountain pen is physics in action... Proud member of the SuperPinks


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If only I have the necessary muscle tone to accentuate the shading characteristics of Iroshi Fuyu-syogun, then I'd love to have a suit in that colour. But since I am no frequent visitor of the gym, eyeglass frames in Fuyu-syogun would suffice. Come to think of it, a tie in Tsuki-yo would be nice too, or a jumper in Shin-kai.


Or maybe I should just go the whole hog and dye my hair Tsuyu-kusa.

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I wear it on my hands most of the time. :D

But I'd kill for an Apache Sunset jacket or a Diamine Asa Blue Jacket.


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