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Journaling Question: New Day = New Page?


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For all my fellow journal-keepers, where do you start a new day? I used to start a new page for each day. For the last several months, however, I've just been putting a blank line at the end of the previous day and starting a new entry on the same page (assuming I have at least three lines available).


What do y'all do?

http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/606/letterji9.png Life's too short to write with anything but a fountain pen!
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My personal thought is that paper is cheap. I start each entry on a fresh right page in my journal.

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It depends on what I'm writing. I don't journal, per se, but I do write a lot by hand. Mostly I'm doing creative writing, or drafts of blog posts. For a new day, if the topic/story is the same as where I left off yesterday I will give myself a few lines for division, then put the new date and keep going. If the topic/story changes then I defintely move to a new page.


Lately I've also been enhancing this by alternating ink colors. This has made if much easier to find something later on.

"The Great Roe is a mythological beast with the head of a lion and the body of a lion, but not the same lion."

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After 50 years of serious journal keeping, I have never even considered starting each day on a new page! I write on as many lines as I need, and when finished, I put the book down, and the next time I pick it up, be it the same day, the next day, or a week later, I write the date on the next line and continue.


Just my way do doing things. To each, his own, ---- to coin a phrase!

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I am in the skip a line date a line then off I go. This has worked for my needs as I may write a few lines or a few pages at any given time if I used a new page for each day my book would have too many blank areas.



The only reason for time is so that everything does not happen at once.

Albert Einstein

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New day - new page.


I write the day, time, day of the week and where I am (home desk, dining room table, coffee table, work desk etc) at the top of each page.


I end each day entry with the pen and ink used. Each day may be written with more than one pen, so a day may have multiple entries.

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New day, new page.


This is for psychological reasons. For some reason I feel like I'm dragging dregs of yesterday into the next day unless I start on a fresh page.

Tes rires retroussés comme à son bord la rose,

Effacent mon dépit de ta métamorphose;

Tu t'éveilles, alors le rêve est oublié.

-Jean Cocteau, from Plaint-Chant, 1923

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New day, new page. I also only write on one side of the paper.

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President, Brush Dance - we make high-quality, mindful Calendars, Planners, Journals, and other fun stuff you'll love

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It depends on what I'm writing. I don't journal, per se, but I do write a lot by hand. Mostly I'm doing creative writing, or drafts of blog posts. For a new day, if the topic/story is the same as where I left off yesterday I will give myself a few lines for division, then put the new date and keep going. If the topic/story changes then I defintely move to a new page.


Lately I've also been enhancing this by alternating ink colors. This has made if much easier to find something later on.

Interesting - I didn't even touch on ink colors. I do alternate inks between days. It's a little visual cue to help me separate the two, I guess. That and I just like playing with different inks!


Normally I don't alternate inks within a day, but the other day I journaled something about a toxic individual who used to be a very big part of my life, and my father within the same entry. That required a change of ink to draw that line.

http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/606/letterji9.png Life's too short to write with anything but a fountain pen!
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I think you are doing just fine with the line between entries whether you change color or not. But for myself I only do it if there is at least a little paper left, typically at least a half a page or maybe one quarter. Three lines of space isn't even enough space to write the new day/date. Now if you were to make a timed entry on the same day, that would be different. The important thing to remember is it's your book/journal. Do what you like. Although it is good to keep in mind who "might" eventually read what you have written. Keep going and have fun with it.

Fair winds and following seas.

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I just leave a line on the same page but I have been known to actually NOT do that. How remiss of me. Oddly enough, the book I most often keep to the 'gap' procedure is in the pocket Moleskine I use for venting my spleen in. A literary expression - the paper isn't that good with fluids as we all know.

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On a new day, the first letter of the date is two lines high and decorated with a different color. Then, the first letter of the first paragraph or title (Whichever applies) is two lines high and decorated. If there is room for all that on the same page, that is where it goes. Otherwise, I start a new page.

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I just skip a line and keep going. This way, I don't have to worry about setting the page as a unit of writing or leaving too many blank spaces throughout my journal.

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I use Leuchtturm journals, which have a date line at the top of every page, so that means a new page for a new date. The exception is for extended expositions on a topic, i.e. not a daily log, but more of an essay. Those may go for multiple days and pages.

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It depends on what I'm writing. I don't journal, per se, but I do write a lot by hand. Mostly I'm doing creative writing, or drafts of blog posts. For a new day, if the topic/story is the same as where I left off yesterday I will give myself a few lines for division, then put the new date and keep going. If the topic/story changes then I defintely move to a new page.


Lately I've also been enhancing this by alternating ink colors. This has made if much easier to find something later on.


I'm with dcroe05. I consider my journal to be about one topic--my life. So I leave a blank line between entries and continue on. For school notes, new topic = new page.


I used to use a different ink color depending on what kind of mood I was in. That got old quickly, haha.

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New day, new page.


This is for psychological reasons. For some reason I feel like I'm dragging dregs of yesterday into the next day unless I start on a fresh page.



New day, new page. I also only write on one side of the paper.


Same on both counts, especially "For some reason I feel like I'm dragging dregs of yesterday into the next day unless I start on a fresh page."

The difference between the almost right word & the right word is really a large matter--it's the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.

- Mark Twain in a Letter to George Bainton, 10/15/1888

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In the personal journal, I'm in the just leave a little space and then date and begin on the same page. If I'm working in a creative journal, I might start on a new page if it's a significantly new approach or exercise.

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For me, it's also "new day, new page". Well, since it's a "morning pages" journal, each entry is three full pages (sometimes the last page runs a little long, into the bottom margin). So I guess it's more like "new day, new block of pages".... :rolleyes:

I also change ink color every day, although I didn't when I only had one pen. Sometimes it's "What color am I in the mood for today?" but admittedly sometimes it's "Is there enough ink in this pen to last me three pages?" (which may or may not be the case) and occasionally it's "Can I get this fill used up so I can go clean the pen out?" (which might be because I hate the ink, or because I have too many samples I want to still try, or I'm just in the mood for a change). Yesterday it was to finish a fill of Noodler's Green, today it was to (partly) finish a fill of some diluted brown ink that I *think* is Diamine Saddle Brown, and tomorrow just might be Pharmacist's Turkish Night because I like it and was missing it so it needed to go into a pen again.

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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I always finish the page! It would bug me to no end if I left any space available, and I've become quite skilled at stretching out (or thinning down) my last few thoughts so it just fits.

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