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Delta Dolcevita Oversize Vs Dolcevita Oro Oversize


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Hi. I've been wanting a Dolcevita for a long time now and they've always been out of my reach price wise, but that's changed recently. Now that I'm looking at them again, I notice ther's a new model, the Oro.


From what I can tell, the Oro lacks the black parts of the original's body, and uses a darker orange finish. Is that the only difference? I've gotta say I'm still attracted to the original. That black and orange combo is just so striking and crisp. The Oro reminds me of a tangerine. A beautiful, beautiful tangerine.


Do both models come with the same accessories?



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They are the exact same pen, just the Oro is an all orange version. I actually just listed an Oro in the classifieds that I bought a while ago, in the Oversize version.


If you like EF nibs, this has the giant 18k nib, which they don't make anymore (all pens come in 14k). They make them with sterling accents or vermeil accents (mine is vermeil).


Let me know if you are interested (sorry for the thrown in sales, but I just listed the pen a few days ago)



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I do believe the above isn't entirely true. The Oro comes with a piston filler, and there is no OS that's black/orange which is piston filled. If I'm right, there's only a black/orange OS with a cc/eyedropper filling system.


Edit: Please also note that the piston filled black/orange ones won't have the same nib size as the bigger Oro or the OS cc/eyedropper.

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  On 6/18/2013 at 2:53 PM, torstar said:

The Oro will be named "the bowling ball" by co-workers.


And you can't blame 'em hehe:




I personally don't like the Oro, it looks ok, but I just like the way the orange and black work together on 'the original'. I hope my post was wrong, because I would really really really love an OS piston filler. I've been thinking about getting a DV for a long time, and am about to pull the trigger on a medium because I just want a piston filler. It's really a shame that there has to be a trade off here...

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Always gets a laugh out of me to hear about the bowling ball.


Another prop at the office to address my unslaked thirst for attention...


speerbob had a good sale on a c/c a few years back which i couldna resist


great pen, always filling it as the nib gives the largest flow in the collection

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  On 6/18/2013 at 2:46 PM, Chopper88 said:

I do believe the above isn't entirely true. The Oro comes with a piston filler, and there is no OS that's black/orange which is piston filled. If I'm right, there's only a black/orange OS with a cc/eyedropper filling system.


Nope - they all exist in every type, means:


- 4 different oversize, Eyedropper / cartridge / converter

- 4 different medium, piston

- 4 different medium, cartridge / converter (not sure if usable as eydropper (called also medium, but a little bit smaller than the medium piston)


4 different types:


- Oro golden

- Oro silver

- Black Orange golden

- Black Orange silver

There are no facts, there is no truth - just a data to be manipulated...

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Could you show me a link to an Oversized black/orange piston filler then? And possibly a product number? Like DV80190?

I've been trying to decipher al these variations, but thought that one didn't exist, I really want one of those if they exist!

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Awesome! Thanks a bunch, and my apologies for having doubts about the other posts! I wish they had made things a bit more clear...


Now to get one...

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No problem, glad to get a factual answer from research.


Make sure it is a pistoin filler before you give up the credit card #.

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Sorry, but I think Tombstone is right.

It seems a common misconception.


The piston filler ("Stantuffo") is an oversize pen, but it is not the Oversize Dolcevita (that is an huge c/c-cart-ED filler).

It is more in the Medium size range and the nib is much smaller than OS's.


Have a look here or here.


I have the Oversize in two versions:
* Oro with vermeil finish

* traditional black/orange with silver finish


and I know the reverse trim versions exist.


They are all great looking pens (but the Oro is definitely not an understated pen).







Ciao - Enrico

Diplomat #1961


Daddy, please no more pens - we need food, clothes, books, DENTISTRY...

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enricof, That's also how I thought it was, however penboutique shows the oversized one, with a two tone nib on the silver trimmed one, and it says piston filler. I'm starting to think this might be a mistake on their side, however the no. doesn't match with the 'normal' piston fillers, which are oversized, but not the oversized one, and not the medium one.

That's the first time I've seen that combo; black/orange and a two toned oversized nib. However, I do believe I was right after all now, seeing the Delta brochure, the only one with the no.8 oversized nib is the cc/ed one... the oversized one.


Perhaps my hopes of the existence of a truly oversized no.8 nib bearing piston filler is lost again as quick as it appeared :(



A quick breakdown here:


The truly oversized one, with a no.8 (largest) nib - exists in cc/ed in Oro and Black/Orange version with both in silver and vermeil trims, no piston version of this exists

The Stantuffo (oversized, about as long as the truly oversized one, but smaller in girth) with a no.6 (large) nib - comes in piston filler in Oro and Black/Orange version with both in silver and vermeil trims, no cc/ed version of this exists

The Medium (large, but again smaller as the Stantuffo) - comes in piston filler in Oro and Black/Orange version with both in silver and vermeil trims, no cc/ed version of this exists


The others, I don't know, and am not really interested in...

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Chopper, now you got it.


You listed it perfectly.

There are no facts, there is no truth - just a data to be manipulated...

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Re. Penboutique, you can simply compare prices.


No way a Piston OS can cost less than the plain OS (I think many would jump on it...).

Ciao - Enrico

Diplomat #1961


Daddy, please no more pens - we need food, clothes, books, DENTISTRY...

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A true OS + Piston exists... but it's an LE by Brian / Chatterly.. browse his site, I think the 01/xx of the line is currently listed..


Seems like everyone is correct so far.. there is an OS (true OS) + Piston but just part of their regular series..

Also if you're looking just for an OS + Piston using other materials, you can check Brian's other models (ex. Delta/Chatterly Demo Rings which comes in Silver, Yellow, and Rose Gold variants)





Another Edit: (Please let me know if I got this right)

0. Oversize LE / Special (Piston)

1. Oversize (Eyedropper or CC)

2. Piston "Stantuffo" (Piston)

3. Medium (Eyedropper or CC) - Shorter than Piston (model 2) but almost the same size

4. Other sizes...

5. ....


Model 0 doesn't really belong to the group because it is not a regular production but they exist..

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Yeah that's right, I've excluded all the Chatterley specials on my little list.


But you say, a true OS, piston filled with a no.8 nib exists in orange and black? I've still never seen that one anywhere, have you got some proof of it's existence?

I also wouldn't understand why that's not just regular production, why wouldn't you offer something as this as your true flagship pen as a company??



Edit: Btw, the nib plating looks really horrible for such an expensive pen :huh:



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That's a shame :(


I've also emailed Bryant some time ago showing my interests in a Dolce Vita, but I guess he's busy with something else. I'm sure he knows the definitive answer if one exists, but so far, I haven't got really high hopes anymore...

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