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Dogs And Cats And Pens... Oh My!


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~ farmdogfan:


What a portrait of Freja!

Her paws in the air...her gaze to her left...her ears up...her delicate shadow...superb.

Thank you for posting such a lovely image of a lovely dog.

Zuji would love to join her as he likes romping in snow.

Tom K.

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(Sorry. I don't seem to be able to copy this link so that the image will be seen on the page.)


This is Envós. My two-and-a-half-year old cat, who hasn't been diagnosed with ADHD, but who should be. He loves any pen that's left lying on the table. He doesn't only play with them. He also uses them as they are intended to be used: there are ink stains in the wallpaper and the wooden skirting board behind my desk, and I think those are Envós's attempts at writing.



It isn't true that you live only once. You only die once. You live lots of times, if you know how. (Bobby Darin)


Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go. (Oscar Wilde)

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  On 4/2/2018 at 7:26 AM, farmdogfan said:

Freja in relaxed mode.


~ farmdogfan:


The floor perspective intensifies the beauty of Freja's pose.

If Zuji was in the same position, he'd be pulling down the Canon super-telephoto lens to investigate it.

Freja is more socially advanced than 10 month-old Zuji.

Thank you for such a saturated, sharply focussed image. It's lovely.

Tom K.

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Thanks Tom.


Freja would probably have done the same when she was at Zujis age, but now where she is getting close to 11 years, she is taking things easier and more relaxed.

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  On 4/2/2018 at 5:07 PM, farmdogfan said:

Thanks Tom.


Freja would probably have done the same when she was at Zujis age, but now where she is getting close to 11 years, she is taking things easier and more relaxed.


~ farmdogfan:


You inspired me to attempt a few images of Zuji with the EF 400mm f/2.8L IS II super-telephoto lens, with lens hood on.

He was sleeping, as it's the middle of the night here, so both startled and relatively tranquil.

Had I attempted such shots in the daytime, there might have been a different result.

I don't use flash attachments on the Canon 1D cameras, but the Sony RX1 R camera has a built-in flash. which I used.

Freja remains youthful looking at age 11. She's such a beauty.

Tom K.


Awakened Puppy


Pug and Lens

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Very nice shots Tom.


Yes, he looks very relaxed (and very cute), allmost concerned, no wonder with that big lens so close, on the second pic he seems to have accepted fate, and appears more at ease with the situation.


Regards Per.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Yubi and Tom

~ Tonight a special package arrived from Beijing. It's a 4-month old male Pekingese, silver-grey with sable markings on all four feet, the tail tip and the ear tips.

He's from the most respected and successful Pekingese breeder in Asia, who graciously made him available, although he very seldom sells puppies.

His name is Yubi. In Chinese it's 御笔, which literally means “the imperial brush pen”, but in practice means the sketches or writing of the emperor.

His fine fur is like a sable-tipped brush. The striking dark markings on his feet, tail tip and ear tips look as though he was a brush dipped in ink.

With such a name, he's destined to be another ‘fountain pen writer and sketcher's dog’. He'll need to work to match Zuji's excellence.

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  On 4/23/2018 at 2:23 PM, Tom Kellie said:




Yubi and Tom

~ Tonight a special package arrived from Beijing. It's a 4-month old male Pekingese, silver-grey with sable markings on all four feet, the tail tip and the ear tips.

He's from the most respected and successful Pekingese breeder in Asia, who graciously made him available, although he very seldom sells puppies.

His name is Yubi. In Chinese it's 御笔, which literally means the imperial brush pen, but in practice means the sketches or writing of the emperor.

His fine fur is like a sable-tipped brush. The striking dark markings on his feet, tail tip and ear tips look as though he was a brush dipped in ink.

With such a name, he's destined to be another fountain pen writer and sketcher's dog. He'll need to work to match Zuji's excellence.

Little Yubi has substantial shoes to fill :)

Given his age at the moment, it would be a good idea to keep all the pens secured at all times :D

Wish the two of you wonderful times ahead.

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Congratulations, Tom!

It isn't true that you live only once. You only die once. You live lots of times, if you know how. (Bobby Darin)


Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go. (Oscar Wilde)

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~ KshitijShetty and Cassotto:


Thank you very much!

Yubi is unlike any dog I've ever known.

He's baby-like, gentle, easygoing, sweet-tempered, appreciative, and winsome.

He hasn't yet chewed anything, nor does he lunge.

Therefore with ample precautions I made a few test shots of a writer's puppy-in-training.

Tom K.

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  On 4/24/2018 at 4:13 AM, Tom Kellie said:



Training a Pen Dog



Oh! :thumbup: :thumbup: I love this one! I hope Yubi can be trained to appreciate and take care of pens as they deserve. From what you say, he's on the right track!


(If I trained my cats not to attack my birds even when these were let loose in the room, Yubi can be trained to use any sort of nibs you want him to use, I'm sure.)

It isn't true that you live only once. You only die once. You live lots of times, if you know how. (Bobby Darin)


Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go. (Oscar Wilde)

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  On 4/23/2018 at 2:23 PM, Tom Kellie said:



Yubi and Tom

~ Tonight a special package arrived from Beijing. It's a 4-month old male Pekingese, silver-grey with sable markings on all four feet, the tail tip and the ear tips.

He's from the most respected and successful Pekingese breeder in Asia, who graciously made him available, although he very seldom sells puppies.

His name is Yubi. In Chinese it's 御笔, which literally means “the imperial brush pen”, but in practice means the sketches or writing of the emperor.

His fine fur is like a sable-tipped brush. The striking dark markings on his feet, tail tip and ear tips look as though he was a brush dipped in ink.

With such a name, he's destined to be another ‘fountain pen writer and sketcher's dog’. He'll need to work to match Zuji's excellence.


Congratulatione again Tom, looks like a wonderful pup..

Edited by farmdogfan
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  On 4/24/2018 at 4:13 AM, Tom Kellie said:



Yubi's First Day


Training a Pen Dog


Well-mannered Puppy


He looks VERY interested in the pens.

Edited by farmdogfan
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  On 4/23/2018 at 2:23 PM, Tom Kellie said:



Yubi and Tom

~ Tonight a special package arrived from Beijing. It's a 4-month old male Pekingese, silver-grey with sable markings on all four feet, the tail tip and the ear tips.

He's from the most respected and successful Pekingese breeder in Asia, who graciously made him available, although he very seldom sells puppies.

His name is Yubi. In Chinese it's 御笔, which literally means “the imperial brush pen”, but in practice means the sketches or writing of the emperor.

His fine fur is like a sable-tipped brush. The striking dark markings on his feet, tail tip and ear tips look as though he was a brush dipped in ink.

With such a name, he's destined to be another ‘fountain pen writer and sketcher's dog’. He'll need to work to match Zuji's excellence.




OMD! He is the most gorgeous Pekingese I've ever seen! What a sweet looking puppy <3. Just out of curiosity, how did you manage to entice the breeder to sell you one of his/her puppies, since they're rarely sold? I can see why the breeder is very well respected. Yubi takes my breath away. Will you be showing him? He looks perfect, to me, at least :-).

"In the end, only kindness matters."



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  On 3/1/2018 at 9:59 PM, FOUR X FOUR said:

This is not cleatuss favorite pen.attachicon.gif image.jpg this is Cleatuss favorite penattachicon.gif image.jpg


Cletus, you are so adorable, and Pippin (my youngest MaltiPom) would like to invite you to come live with us any time :-p.




This photo was taken just after his first ever trip to a groomer.


He says to let him know any time you're ready to move in! :D

"In the end, only kindness matters."



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Pippin's Before and After....


Pip before his visit to the groomer--he was in great need of a "trim" :-):




And after:




Either way, he's adorable! Much easier to keep brushed out with a hair cut, though :wub: .





"In the end, only kindness matters."



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  On 4/24/2018 at 5:10 PM, Cassotto said:

Oh! :thumbup: :thumbup: I love this one! I hope Yubi can be trained to appreciate and take care of pens as they deserve. From what you say, he's on the right track!


(If I trained my cats not to attack my birds even when these were let loose in the room, Yubi can be trained to use any sort of nibs you want him to use, I'm sure.)


~ Cassotto:


Yubi shows far more restraint than one might expect from a 4-month old puppy.

He sniffs unfamiliar objects from a distance, but hasn't yet attempted to chew anything.

His new toys sit untouched, as Yubi admires them but makes no attempt to mouth-handle them.

I never expected to share my life with such a fountain pen-friendly puppy.

Nevertheless, based on past experience, I'll remain vigilant with continuous supervision.

As a puppy grows up, babyish innocence may shift into playful attack mode. Were that to occur, I'll be ready.

Tom K.

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