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How To Remove A Friction Fit Nib/ Feed?


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Hey guys,

So I recently got a Chinese pen delivered to me. (a jinhao x450)

The section got three grooves for the fingers to go. (like the lamy safari) However, the nib and feed seems to be at a slight angle to the grooves and the nib and feed themselves are misaligned.


I've done a bit of research and realized that the feed nib and section are a friction fit.

But no matter how hard I Pull. The Feed/ nib won't budge.


Is there anyway to seperate the feed nib and the section?




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Is there a reason you need to remove the feed and nib, other than curiosity..... most restorers do not remove a feed and nib unless absolutely necessary.

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Good advice, I had it from the same source years ago.


Of all I have learned on this forum this has helped me the most, and saved many of my pens.

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If it works, don't fix it.

If you receive a nice pen, vintage or modern, your first imperative is to try it out and see if it writes satisfactorily before disassembling it and cleaning it, unlike the advice in some permanent threads.


When you get something apart there is always a risk of damaging it in the process of reassembly.

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Agreed, if you don't have to take it apart-don't. I'm assuming you have tried inking it up and writing. If not, try that first. Should it not write properly, check other things first. Do a good overnight soak of the assembled section in water with a drop of dish soap, rinse well, let it the dry and try ink again. Still not working? Check the tine alignment and tine gap under a loupe before taking anything apart. If they are not aligned correctly, search FPN for tine alignment or flow problems.


If all this fails, the nib and feed may be misaligned. When you say the nib and feed are at a slight angle to the grooves, I'm assuming you mean the nib is angled relative to the grooves on the back of the feed. To remove a friction fit nib/feed assembly from the section takes patience and care. Since they are not coming apart easily, try soaking in warm (not hot) water for a few minutes. You can hold it under running water as well, may be better in fact. This should help the section to expand allowing the assembly to be removed. Sometimes a knockout box is necessary. In that case, return the pen (you might consider that anyway) or seek the help of a nibmeister.


Fair warning reassembly can be even more frustrating when trying to align the nib slit with the feed channel.


That's it, that's all I know.

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Building on my experience with my Parker 75, which has a rotatable nib, I prefer to have my nibs rotated a few degrees to the right of centre in pens with a finger grip, like the P75 or the Jinhao X450.


If the current rotation of the nib in the grip matches your hand, then leave it like that.

Hold the pen so it feels comfortable with your eyes closed.

Open your eyes and see if the nib tip is parallel with the paper. If it is, then it is right for your hand.


I've not had any problems with any of my Jinhaos writing out of the box, they have excellent feeds and very smooth nibs.


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Well I have 3 Jinhaos 450 and I removed the feeds and nibs by using a small pliers after wrapping the nib feed unit with a cotton cloth. Sure there is a risk involved, but fortunately for me supply of Jinhaos are very generous. Just go to my near by shop! and very cheap too. And after widening the channels writing gretly improved.

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Hi, I think I know this problem, in that the nib centre line is not aligned with the finger grip 'areas'.

Over the years I have had several feeders that just would not come out, and in one case I did do some damage to the feeder, I should have left it complete.

I have an idea that some pens are probably heated up to assemble the section, and that's the only way it will come apart. But we don't know how or where it was heated, or how much, so it's guess work at best.

The real problem is that by taking a feed out, it will then be looser and could be more likely to leak.

Every time the nib or feeder is separated the fit is worse than before, the parts wear, and the life of the pen is shorter. It may not matter for a cheap pen.

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I removed the feeds and nibs by using a small pliers after wrapping the nib feed unit with a cotton cloth

You were lucky. This isn`t enough protection. At mininimum you should use an inner tube or a thicker piece of rubber completely covering the jaws to protect the nib. The rubber also gives you a better grip.

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It's a cheap Chinese pen in current mass production, so ideal for learning this sort of thing. The weakest point will be the exposed feed fins. It's probably a cartridge pen, so (depending on its construction, I know of one Chinese exception) that rules out knocking the nib and feed out from the back. Heat the section before each attempt, and be prepared for several attempts.


This is not a method with a great deal of cross-applicability, but in lieu of the proper tools:


1. Place a blob of blutack on the edge of a desk. Don't be stingy with the blutack, as it will cushion the feed fins as well as provide grip.

2. Remove the pen's cap and cartridge, but screw the barrel back on.

3. Heat the Jinhao's section with a hairdryer or heat gun.

4. Press the nib and feed into the blutack, then fold some of it over the top of the nib so that it is completely enveloped.

4. Stand over the desk, and press down on the nib with the palm of one hand.

5. With the other hand, pull the barrel straight back.




edit - if the jinhao barrel & section threads are metal ito plastic instead of metal on metal, pulling from the section itself will stress them less.

Edited by Flounder

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You were lucky. This isn`t enough protection. At mininimum you should use an inner tube or a thicker piece of rubber completely covering the jaws to protect the nib. The rubber also gives you a better grip.

With expensive pens I never even think of it. Still I broke my Hemisheres feed:( . Luckly my repair person is able to cover all foolish thigs of me.

Edited by mohan
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  • 3 years later...

and when all else fails...

it's time for drastic measures


oh my goodness this is perfect! It's a cheap Tesco pen from 10 years ago, but I like it. I thought I had cleaned it thoroughly before switching inks, but apparently not because there was some black sludge blocking the feed.


Thank you!

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