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Parkercollector.com Updated!


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Another update, this time the Vector chapter:




My scanner acted up, so the images are kind of poor but I'm working on that.


As always, feel free to comment, correct and criticise!





Edited by algabatz
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Thanks for posting the link -- the blue Vector I lost at Christmastime was always my sentimental favorite, and I've been on a bit of a buying spree recently in an attempt to find another one that behaves as well (it was an F nib, but a very wet writer, and simply thrived on dry iron gall inks).

I do have one question though -- I've started noticing US-made ones coming up on Ebay recently, but they all seem to have the black clips and barrel ends, rather than silver-tone (steel? chrome?) ones. Is this usual for the US Vectors? All of mine have been UK-made ones, as is the FP/BP set I bought for my husband's niece as a graduation present.

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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In 1996 I went to Australia & nearly bought one I've never seen since. It was a sparkly blue (maybe the 'Blue Irridescent' fits the bill) and very nice. I didn't get it as I was close to my baggage weight limit & Cairns airport was very pricy.. Anyway I have regretted not getting it since.



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