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Veneering I am looking at book matching at the moment.

Veneer is where a piece of wood is sliced very thinly in order to get a book match they need to be sequential (one after another) sheets of veneer.

In order to get a book match you take the first piece and lay it down the second piece is turned over and laid down so what were the two right hand edges are now touching. Like this


These two pieces as you can see do match but don't actually fit together I will attempt to show how to make them fit.


IMG_4547 by my0771, on Flickr


I have a flat board with sand paper stuck to it and another board large enough to take all of the veneer together with a vertical line down the centre I replicated this line on a piece of white card to show up better in the pictures.


I discovered this morning if I turned to face the door and held the veneer onto the sanding board the light shinning through would highlight the gaps


IMG_4553 by my0771, on Flickr


I sanded the edge slowly trying not to chip or split the veneer needless to say it did split


IMG_4554 by my0771, on Flickr


Like this


IMG_4555 by my0771, on Flickr


If you want to make it more difficult just add more veneer I wanted a four way book match the edges started off like this


IMG_4503_1 by my0771, on Flickr


After three hours of trimming and sanding


IMG_4561_1 by my0771, on Flickr


The next step was to glue the veneer to the box those who have read my first attempt at a four way match the jewellery box will know the veneer slipped during the gluing process.

To prevent this I should have bought the correct tape but it is £10 per roll so I tried another way.

I could not take pictures as I glued each piece one at a time starting lower left and moving round counter clockwise as quickly as possible.


IMG_4566 by my0771, on Flickr


I will allow the glue which gets so hot with the iron that it bubbles to cool and harden off for a few hours before I start sanding


IMG_4570 by my0771, on Flickr


I will be putting an edge strip around this top as it is chipping already it will be better when it has some wax on it.


Sorry for the long post but I hope it is useful for someone.

Thanks for looking


For more details on my current projects please visit my blog.




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I am learning a tremendous amount from this thread and your others, so do please keep the pics and descriptions coming!!!


For example, I have a box with gouges on the lid that has been hiding in the back of my car, as if it is seen by spouse in this condition questions about my sanity which I do not care to answer will ensue. It just this moment occurred to me that I could fill the gouges and then veneer that top.


Thank you for all this information.



Edited by scrivelry
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The box is looking great, I do love the walnut vaneer. I would love to know the lid supprise. I will be good and not pester to know, but it is very exciting.


Thank you for letting me see it in progress also,



Writing and typing with the help of cats

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Hi Fiona

If you don't want to wait I will pm you a picture and you can share it if you wish.

I have a bubble on the veneer which I will have to address it was in clamps over night after being reheated.

To fix it I need to get more glue under the veneer if I can make the veneer split I can force glue through the gap, I don't want to cut into the veneer as it is difficult to mask the sharp edges.

The next option sounds strange I could drill a hole through from the inside of the lid below the bubble and inject glue under the bubble leaving the upper surface intact.

I am thinking the second option will be the best plan as long as I don't drill all the way through :)

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Hey Michael,


All sounds good to me, I hope the drilling and glue works well. I will try to be very good and not ask to see the supprise (not a strong point of mine going by Christmas!)



Writing and typing with the help of cats

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I thought I would try to show you what I am trying to overcome.

I am not sure how the bubbles form but there are in the same spot on each piece of veneer.

Maybe the type of veneer is not helping it was quite wavy.

Once I started to look there were a number of spots where bubbles were visible.


IMG_4576 by my0771, on Flickr


I needed a new plan from what I have read veneer can often cause problems like this I might need to look for an alternative glue I am seriously considering moving to hot hide glue.


The new plan was to make an incision in the side of the bubble and insert glue using a palate knife I have done this before when repairing veneer that was lifting on a restoration project. Youtube was my friend here and I was able to find a video to help me.


In this picture just to the right of centre you can see where I have carefully cut around the edge of the bubble inserted the glue and then reheated the area with the iron. I have left the scraps of glue in place so it is easier to see.


The next picture shows the worst area where a section actually split out completely


IMG_4586 by my0771, on Flickr


IMG_4584 by my0771, on Flickr


IMG_4583 by my0771, on Flickr


Once I have finished sanding and a little careful filling they should be difficult to see (I hope).

I had a very productive day yesterday as I also fixed the edging strip around the top of the box.


My jewellery box project is now in its final stages I will share pictures later.


Thanks for looking



For more details on my current projects please visit my blog.




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My wife s jewellery box is now in its final stages I took these pictures out in the garden in bright sunlight this morning (unusual I know) the camera does not capture the true colour of this lovely suede.

We bought a large hide 18 sq ft thinking I would have loads left over there is not enough left to line a small box.


IMG_4603 by my0771, on Flickr


It has an upper shelf and a drawer both have been divided


IMG_4605 by my0771, on Flickr


The wenge veneer has had two coats of rugger brown wax and will have more coats of neutral wax on top


IMG_4607 by my0771, on Flickr


I will be fitting the lid this afternoon my wife likes the colour as it stands so I wont be French polishing this box I have some polyurethane varnish although at the moment it is looking like the wax finish will be the final finish.

As for the inside I am planning to make inserts for some of the divisions for ear rings, rings and other items so there is still more to do.


Thanks for looking



Edited by my63

For more details on my current projects please visit my blog.




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We decided to add a little colour for the box inserts I have started with ring holders or ear ring holders


IMG_4623_1 by my0771, on Flickr



IMG_4619_1 by my0771, on Flickr


I still need to find away to stop the rolls from moving when items are removed but still allow them to be removed if something is dropped below them.


IMG_4618_1 by my0771, on Flickr


I am also thinking of making little trays that can be lifted out for ease of access.


I have been busy today thanks for looking




For more details on my current projects please visit my blog.




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Could you use Velcro? That would hold the tray in place during normal use, but still allow it to be lifted out if necessary.

a fountain pen is physics in action... Proud member of the SuperPinks


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Thanks Mhguda

Did you little box arrive yet? hope you enjoyed your holiday it is nice to see you back on fpn.

I need to stop these little cylinders from moving not the trays but Velcro may be an option thanks.

For more details on my current projects please visit my blog.




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Fiona's ink box.

Final stages of this project today the veneer has been a bit of a pain but that happens,


First job today was to sand the edging strip to the correct angle and height it started at 2mm x 2mm


IMG_4627_1 by my0771, on Flickr


The next step was to sand the veneer itself


IMG_4629_1 by my0771, on Flickr


Waxed with a little French polish


IMG_4644 by my0771, on Flickr


I don't think the pictures quite do it justice


IMG_4646_1 by my0771, on Flickr


The interior looks like this well the half I am showing you does


IMG_4648_1a by my0771, on Flickr


Thanks for watching




For more details on my current projects please visit my blog.




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Hi Michael,

Yes the vacation was very good, we had a very good time!

But, even now your box has not yet arrived. Did it have a tracking number? If you PM that to me I can ask for it at the post office. It's now been long enough that I'm starting to worry a little.


That box sure looks nice...

a fountain pen is physics in action... Proud member of the SuperPinks


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I am sorry I don't think there was a tracking option I have the proof of postage receipt I will find it tomorrow.

If it does not turn up I will just make you another so don't worry.



For more details on my current projects please visit my blog.




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I'm reverting to PM on this.

a fountain pen is physics in action... Proud member of the SuperPinks


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My ink box project is now completed and the ink samples are on the way.


IMG_4673_1 by my0771, on Flickr


Inside and outside has been stained with ebony and will be waxed to finish it off


IMG_4675_1 by my0771, on Flickr


The top is birds eye maple which has been French polished


IMG_4671 by my0771, on Flickr


Thanks for looking



For more details on my current projects please visit my blog.




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Thank you so much for my box, it is stunning and I love the inside as well.


It is so special to have this box with your excellent craftmanship, I am delighted with it.


Thank you,



Writing and typing with the help of cats

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Fiona you are welcome


Here is the missing picture from Fiona's ink box update it is the inside of the lid with Fiona's name embossed into the suede


IMG_4650_1 by my0771, on Flickr


Thanks for arranging the ink sample purchase



For more details on my current projects please visit my blog.




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