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Losing Pens


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I keep them all stored when not in use.

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How do you keep your pens.? i have lost a lot and can never seem to find the ones i have


It's a good question, I'm interested to see how others answer.


I'm not sure how I keep up with mine, I suspect my subconscious mind does it. Because I enjoy using them I tend to put them in a place where I'll find them again. And, the other side of the coin, when I need to write something, I go looking for a specific pen. (Usually I only have one, or at most two, inked at a time). If it's not in my bag, next to my phone, it's in the place where I last used it.


I once thought I'd lost a pen ... really truly lost it. Found it a year later inside my writing box with my stationery.


I guess, what I'm saying is that I have pretty regular habits, and this makes it hard to lose things. Even if I'm not making much of a conscious effort to keep up with them.

Student of history, art, and life, writing the Encyclopedia of Retro-Modern Savoir-Faire


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All of my pens are kept in a display and storage box when not in use. I carry 1-5 pens at a time via a pen wrap and always put the pen back when I'm done. Doing it repetitively has kind of made it just an automatic thing for me. So far, (knocking on wood), I have not lost a pen this way.

PELIKAN - Too many birds in the flock to count. My pen chest has proven to be a most fertile breeding ground.


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A couple of suggestions...


..only take one pen out of the house with you at a time until you've stopped losing them

..keep the pens with another important item - for example, it's unlikely that you'll leave your cell phone behind - why not keep your pen on the desk next to your phone?

..do a quick "inventory" before leaving your office or meetings or any other place where you've had your pen out


For me, it's a matter of having a system in place. Pens always go in the same place in my handbag. Always in the same place on a desk.


You probably don't lose your wallet - evaluate why that is and then use the same tactics to avoid losing pens.


I have never lost a pen outside of the house. Pens have gone temporarily missing in the house because I tote them with me between various rooms.

pentulant [adjective]: immodest or wanton in search of all things related to pens<BR> [proper noun]: Christine Witt Visit Pentulant<br>

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..do a quick "inventory" before leaving your office or meetings or any other place where you've had your pen out




Yup, I do this too ...

Student of history, art, and life, writing the Encyclopedia of Retro-Modern Savoir-Faire


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When I think I have lost a pen I just ask a friend to call it and walk around until I hear his ring tone.




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Misplaced a couple of extended periods but found them in winter coats, under car seats etc. Only truly lost a Platinum Preppy I think it fell out of my pocket when working in the field and probably got plowed under. My pens stay at in desk at work or next to my chair at home.

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I've only lost a Lamy Vista, which was nicely worn, and a few Platinum Preppys.

Visconti Homo Sapiens; Lamy 2000; Unicomp Endurapro keyboard.


Free your mind -- go write

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Hi To pad out the presentation, you could spend a few minutes talking about the history of fountain pens, i.e. how the various filling systems evolved from the days of the dip pen. (That information is available on the web sites of the major manufacturers; Parker, Sheaffer, etc.)

I keep all the pens I am using in a pencil case in my knapsack which I take everywhere with me.

I try to always put my pens back in the pencil case and put it back into the knapsack. I keep my drawing supplies packed so i can just grab the bag and go.

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How do you keep your pens.? i have lost a lot and can never seem to find the ones i have


The cheaper the item regardless of what it is the less care I take of it. I only have MB pens which I can't really afford to replace should they be lost. I therefore believe in buying and using the best you can afford and this will create a routine of care.


I also don't see the point in taking more pens than are necessary outside of the house. If you have 5 pens on your desk it will be harder to keep track of than one or two. And people are more likely to "borrow" things you have an abundance of.

My Collection: Montblanc Writers Edition: Hemingway, Christie, Wilde, Voltaire, Dumas, Dostoevsky, Poe, Proust, Schiller, Dickens, Fitzgerald (set), Verne, Kafka, Cervantes, Woolf, Faulkner, Shaw, Mann, Twain, Collodi, Swift, Balzac, Defoe, Tolstoy, Shakespeare, Saint-Exupery, Homer & Kipling. Montblanc Einstein (3,000) FP. Montblanc Heritage 1912 Resin FP. Montblanc Starwalker Resin: FP/BP/MP. Montblanc Traveller FP.

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Pen display case for long term storage. In the bedroom along side my watches case.

12 pen leather case open on my desk for the frequently used pens at home. Use it and put it back in the case.

Two leather two pen cases in my messenger bag for work. Use the pen put it back in the case and back in the bag. When one runs out swap pens and when I get home refill it or clean it and put it away in the display case and choose another from there or possibly from my desk.


Dick D

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I carry three pens in a leather holder. At home, I have a little table next to the big chair in my home office that they live in.

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I made sure I had enough pen rolls, cases, etc. for all the fountain pens I own, and make a point of using them. It's harder to lose a case that holds 24 pens than it is to lose an individual pen lying around loose.


Pens that I carry around stay with me, in a shirt pocket or small case.


Actually, I used to be pretty good about not losing ballpoints, but even my cheap fountain pens cost enough to give an extra incentive to keep track of them.

"So convenient a thing it is to be a reasonable creature, since it enables one to find or make a reason for everything one has a mind to do."


- Benjamin Franklin

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  • 3 weeks later...

They are stored at home when not in use and two fps are always in my pencil box

Pens are like watches , once you start a collection, you can hardly go back. And pens like all fine luxury items do improve with time


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When I think I have lost a pen I just ask a friend to call it and walk around until I hear his ring tone.

I don't like to disturb others, so mine is always "muted". It only vibrates quietly. Any suggestions appreciated.

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