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Nakaya Pen Size Comparison


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I have a long 17mm Cigar it is really quite wonderful...maybe I can get some pictures of it with other big pens.

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Anyway, here are my pens...


l-r: portable cigar (custom, ruthenium F nib), decapod (heki tamenuri, CI soft M), Picollo (aka tamenuri, elastic B-stub), Nakai-ai (tame-sukashi seiryu, rhodium CI soft M)




Too many pens; too little writing.

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@ mongrel nomad The asending Dragon is stunning.... but knowing the story the portable cigar is my favorite.


One of these days I am going to order a Piccolo and hope it's not to small for my gorilla hands.


Beautiful pens !

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@ mongrel nomad The asending Dragon is stunning.... but knowing the story the portable cigar is my favorite.


One of these days I am going to order a Piccolo and hope it's not to small for my gorilla hands.


Beautiful pens !

Thanks... I was told by CFP that the Nakai-ai was a particularly dark example that would take quite a while to ascend. As this has been a pretty brutal year, I thought that was appropriate and couldn't say no :)


Beware with the Piccolo - it's not the width that's the problem, it's the length. It's not a coincidence that although it is aesthetically one of my favourite Nakayas, it is by far and away my least favourite writer...

Edited by mongrelnomad

Too many pens; too little writing.

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Just got my Nakai-ai, and like seems to be the case with all Nakayas, the size is completely not what I expected. It is so much daintier than I imagined... Anyway, I'll post photos later...


Funny - the Naka-ai is a kind of optical illusion. It looks smaller than it is, but it is the same length as my Long Piccolo.


You used the word "daintier"; the word I associated with it upon receiving mine is "elegant." (Mine is aka tamenuri.)


etherX in To Miasto

Fleekair <--French accent.

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Beware with the Piccolo - it's not the width that's the problem, it's the length. It's not a coincidence that although it is aesthetically one of my favourite Nakayas, it is by far and away my least favourite writer...


The Piccolo is my favorite, but my hand is probably smaller than yours (just going to guess at that).


I do remember a period of adjustment: the pen felt too short, but once I became accustomed to it, I didn't notice anymore. I did have to keep writing with the pen, through the mild discomfort, though. Persistence! (And I didn't want to buy longer Nakayas.)


etherX in To Miasto

Fleekair <--French accent.

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I like larger pens and wear "Large" size gloves, but find that my Piccolo is absolutely perfect for the tasks when I am writing without proper support for my elbows (say, when I am sitting in a chair). I hold the pen quite vertically, and because it is short it does not feel awkward, but just the opposite, in such situations. I tried my other Nakayas in those same circumstances, and they all felt a bit unwieldy.


On the other hand, when I am at a desk, I much prefer my longer writers.


Of course this may be totally psychosomatic; just a way to justify owning so many different Nakayas...



Edited by Pendel

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Sorry for the terrible cell phone pictures but the size reference should be usable! I hope this helps.

Pens are L to R

MB 149, Waterman Edson, Nakaya Dorsal Fin I, Nakaya 17mm Long Cigar, Delta Roma Imperial, Delta Dolce Vita Oversize




Edited by WOBentley

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Love my Roma so I suspect a Long Cigar might fit the bill. I was concerned the section appeared as narrow as the others, so that last picture helps.

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Love my Roma so I suspect a Long Cigar might fit the bill. I was concerned the section appeared as narrow as the others, so that last picture helps.

The section is thicker...and tapered so it is somewhat dependent on where you hold it. John Mottishaw's site has measurements here:


But of course the 17mm is not listed...I'll try to dig out my calipers and measure...

Edited by WOBentley

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I'd appreciate it. With me holding pens so far back on the body, section diameters, length & of course step down placement are all concerns.

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Finally got calipers (usually in a different building) and pen together!

I apologize to those of you outside the US as my Calipers are calibrated in inches, if you multiply by 25.4 you will come close to the mm sizes (if I remember my conversion actors correctly!).

Here is what I have measured:

Nakaya 17mm Long Cigar

Length of section from nib end to screw threads= .955"

Length of section nib end to step (past Screw threads)= 1.43"

Diameter at nib end of section (small "finger stop")= .51"

Diameter at the "waist of the pinch"= .46"

diameter just below the threads (part of section farthest from the nib)= .536"

Diameter of the "section" at the top of the threads (actually just above them)= .57"

Diameter of the pen body just beyond the threads ("the step")= .675"


I hope that helps clarify what the pen section is like when considered with the pictures above.


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Yes! (Smooch! Hug, kiss-kiss)


That is EXACTLY what I needed to know. Thank you.


(Wanders off considering finances & pen options)

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You are quite welcome!

I suspect since they are handmade there is likely some variation, but that should be close for the 17mm versions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is it an optical illusion or is the Aki slightly wider in section diameter?


So I got a digital caliper finally and measured the Neo and Naka-ai sections.


From just below the threads they measure 11.5mm and at the thinest point they measure 10.5mm


The difference being that the section on the Neo is longer so the step down from 11.5 - 10.5 seems much less but in the end they are the same. It just creates an illusion because the sections are different lengths.

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One of my favorite threads of late, especially because of your Three Musketeers pic (Aka, Kuro, and Heki). http://pics3.city-data.com/forum/images/smilies/biggrin.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...

How does the Piccolo compares to the Pro Gear?

130 mm caped and 116 mm uncapped from the Piccolo from a previous post, I measured my Pro Gear and it is exactly the same.

Does any one have the two?

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