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Eli5 - Omas's Stantuffo Tuffante Or Plunger Filler


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I think some of you may find this useful.

The mechanism is not as exotic as some may want you to believe. Please please please be extra careful if you decide on DIY restoration of these rare pens. Feel free to ask questions or add any suggestions.



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  • markiv


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  • colex


Thanks for explain it with image! :notworthy1:

pens: Aurora * Delta * Esterbrook * Goldfink * Kaweco * Leonardo * Montblanc * OMAS * Parker * Pelikan * Pilot * Sheaffer * Stilnova * Stipula * TWSBI * Visconti * Waterman


inks: Aurora * Delta * Diamine * J.Herbin * Leonardo * Pelikan * Pilot Iroshizuku * MB * Noodler's * Omas * Sailor * Visconti * Waterman

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  • 1 month later...

looks nice thanks for sharing :thumbup:

Pens are like watches , once you start a collection, you can hardly go back. And pens like all fine luxury items do improve with time


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  • 1 year later...

Markiv, I realize you posted this over a year ago, but I just wanted to let you know how useful your post is to me. I recently purchased a couple of 1930s/1940s Omas lucens in less than ideal condition. (I couldn't afford a "whole" one.) One of the two is in relatively good condition except that it leaks ink from the end (I assume through the shrunken cork seal). I searched all over the internet to find clues of how to disassemble the pen, but couldn't find anything useful until I ran across your post. Thanks for sharing.

Sent from my Cray; drafted with my vintage 1950s Omas Extra.

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I am happy that you got it working.

Please post some pictures of the beauty if possible.




Markiv, I realize you posted this over a year ago, but I just wanted to let you know how useful your post is to me. I recently purchased a couple of 1930s/1940s Omas lucens in less than ideal condition. (I couldn't afford a "whole" one.) One of the two is in relatively good condition except that it leaks ink from the end (I assume through the shrunken cork seal). I searched all over the internet to find clues of how to disassemble the pen, but couldn't find anything useful until I ran across your post. Thanks for sharing.

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